| oo | THE MIRROR The Best Known of the public reasonable protection ey. call against impure milk, epidemics have Treatments For Milk An Authorized Interview With Doctor C. H. Mayo, of Rochester Dr. Charles H. Mayo, world-famous phyisician and surgeon of Rochester, Minnesota, has declared in an author- ized interview that, in his judgment, pasteurization is the best of all the known treatments for the nation's milk supply, and in the final analysis, for all of its dairy products. "The nation's milk constitutes - a problem that is the source of no little concern to our health authorities par- ticularly," said Dr. Mayo, "and to our medical practitioners generally." "Properly handled," he added, "the situation is not a particularly difficult one to control; neglected, 'it may quickly become a menace _ involving countless lives." ' Dr. Mayo has spoken, not alone as one of the ranking members of his profession, but as the chief health of- ficer of the city which the Mayo bro- thers have made renowned. Since be- ing induced to shoulder the responsi- bilities of that office, Dr. Mayo has inaugurated many regulations for milk producers and distributors that have given to consumers in and about Ro- chester a supply of dairy products as near 100 per cent in purity and food not been prevented," he said. "This fact indirectly supports what I have previously stated as my belief, that pasteurization, while not making un- clean milk clean, will make unsafe milk safe. "In case of epidemic it has been demonstrated that pasteurization pro- perly performed will destroy the germs responsible for the disease and its spread and consequently restore the community to normal, healthful conditions. Often we have found hun- dreds made ill by the impure supply from one unhealthy cow. It is com- paratively simple to trace trouble of that sort to a herd which is infected, but to trace it to a single animal is a much more difficult matter. "But whether the contamination originates from one or a dozen cows, pasteurization is an absolute insur- ance against a continuance of the out- break, and furthermore a complete and certain check." Dr. Mayo declares that the opposite of the pasteurization treatment, which aims to destroy germs by instant and continuous chilling, "signally fails of purpose for the reason that it does not destroy." 'Such treatment," said Dr. Mayo, "prevents germs from multiplying, and nothing else. Multiplication is re- sumed, however, immediately the chill It's Good! Stillman's Golden Butter Buy it in the family package--- economical and convenient. ---- Phone 770 -- S TILLMAN ~CREAMERIES LIMITED "WHERE CLEANLINESS IS PARAMOUNT" By "Doc" How many times have you written 7. * * a Rastus said he sure had pampered his wife. He bought her a washing machine for Christmas. * ES * First Doctor--'Were you lucky with your first patient?" Second Ditto--'"I'll say I was, he paid his bill before he died." * Eg %* Medical Man--Ask the accident vic- tim what his name is, so we can noti- fy his family. Nurse (afew minutes later) --He says his family knows his name. %* * ae The circumstances which compel a woman to decline a man's proposal of marriage are generally the man's, * * * She: My grandmother weighed on- ly two pounds when she was born. He: I say, how frightfully -- stun- ning--and did she live? * a * "I was brave and did not cry," said the boy who sat on a hornet's nest. "T felt it beneath me." C-8° Encourage the fellow who is down to- day, ' To relieve him of his sorrow, For this "old world" has funny ways, You may be down tomorrow. ES * * And that's that! ANEW SET OF DISHES enhances the appearance of the table and makes the meal more enjoyable. Just now we are offering some special values. Drop in any time you are uptown. J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Justa few days ago our mining superintendent re- ported that atthe 200 ft. level ore is to be found in solid masses, and stock selling at only $1.00 per share at present. Au opportune time to buy. We have also a limited amount of stock in the Kingston McRae Mines Ltd. Get in the ground floor at 18c. D. A. McCLOY, - Mining Broker Rooms 3 and 4 Gordon Block, Stratford Telephone 2367 | Who Wants To Be Chained ? Nobody but the motorist, and he may think he can't afford to buy them, but they don't cost so much if you buy them at Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. Phone 314 Mn Peemawe Tel. 311 Ei anc somneR RUER DON'T SUFFER EZO Pill iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti Bill Keil Phone 140 Sister-in-law (seeing baby for first Pig time)--"Oh, pack, the baby has her) HIE Ene 49 mother's complexion." Will positively relieve the worst case of SHOTUTATCRTEEOUUREDOUREUOOEEROGRSOCTOUOUEEESCESEUGOEONDORDOESCROCUESOUEOOS OG: properties as good cows, medical sci-| is sufficiently out of the milk." ence, care and common sense can! Dr. Mayo gave it as his opinion that } 201 Ontario St. . THE MIRROR a 4 Humor Hits in Little Bits | The Quinte Gold Mines, Ltd. | make them. There have been several pasteur- ibation plants installed in Rochester during the past few years and all the milk from Dr. Mayo's Holstein and Guernsey herds undergoes the same rigid supervision and treatment that prevails elsewhere throughout the countryside. - "After having studied for. many years the problem of safe milk,' Dr. Mayo has officially declared, "I am of the opinion that pasteurization igs the only known treatment which adequate- ly serves the purpose for which it was intended, namely, that of destroying germ ecils without materially reducing the food properties. I do not con- tend that pasteurization will make un- clean milk clean. I do contend, how- ever, and can prove by the records, that pasteurization will and does make unsafe milk safe." Dr. Mayo asserts that pasteurization, which is accomplished at 145 degrees of heat over a period of not less than 30 minutes, destroys germs, "organ- isms so delicate," he stated, "that it is quite unnecessary to heat the milk at a higher temperature. "With proper care thenceforth," Dr. Mayo continued, "no more germs can make their entry into the milk, and the consumer will obtain an absolute- ly safe and nutritious product." The comment of Dr. Mayo relative to epidemics and the part which milk supply generally plays in them is in- teresting. 4 ' "Even though we are able through _yigid and constant supervision of our pasteurization delays the process of souring. 'Souring is a natural 'process' in milk that comes wth age, and to many is not objectionable," Dr. Mayo stated. "Souring prevents putrefaction. Pre- venting souring by desroying the lac- tic acid organisms which produce the souring makes the putrefactive pro- cess more rapid unless the milk is kept cold." Questioned as to the often-repeated statement that pasteurized milk is not the best for babies on the theory that its food value has been reduced, Dr. Mayo declared that "babies, fed raw and pasteurized milk, show a slight average difference in the net daily gain in weight during the feeding period when given orange or tomato juice. The slightd ifference might truthfully be said to be in favor of the milk that has undergone the pasteurization treatment." Dr. Mayo expressed the opinion that "it is within the province of the board of health of any community to insure good and safe milk. "The protection of the public can be insured by pasteurization," he Said. "Tt is the only safe way." e. FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES DR. JOHNSTON'S ALLOUS - OF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25¢ from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-6ff Cenrpany herds and their surroundings to offer STRATFORD, ONT. Furniture Specials ere A FEW ODD CHESTERFIELDS AND CHAIRS $70.00 and $35.00 DOWN & FLEMING FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE 94 Ontario Street. Phone 314 ae wk, ~~ - ~ a <5 Winter Term Classes Just Started « The first step on the ladder to success is a thorough business training such as your boy or'girl will be given at-- CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE We receive more calls$for trained heip than we have gradu- atestosupply. Our graduates succeed. R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal Day and Evening Classes. Phone 240 -- -- The Fletcher Johnston Press For Fine Job Printing ee amar ENROLL NOW | The Father--'For heaven's sake take it away from her before she swallows it." * * * "After taking a general look around," said a Stratford man, "I am of the opinion that my wife did pret- ty well when she secured her hus- band." * ue co Friend (visiting hospital patient)--|| "Thats a swell looking nurse you have || old man." Patient--"I hadn't noticed." Friend--"My! I didn't know you were so sick!" % * ue A spectator arrested for firing a re- volver during a hockey match has been acquitted. It seems that he was only trying to shoot the referee. * a we Gertie (at the rugby game)--'"Why flid they stop that man and knock him down as soon as he touched the ball?" Dick--"Because he was trying to get a goal." Gertie--"But isn't the object of the game to get goals?" Dick--"Yes, but he's on the' other side. He was going towards the wrong goal." Gertie--"Well, I don't see why they should knock him down to tell him that. Everybody makes mistakes." ak * * In days of old, when knights were bold, They had some goodly fights. But they were dumb; they never sold Their movie picture rights. _ 0.K. Repair Shop 16 Douro St. We will gladly call for your shoes. Skates Sharpened and Galosh- es Repaired. NORMAN HOHNSTEIN Phone 1154w yy COAL': COKE G. W. HEAGY 198 Nelson Street Phone 176 ECZEMA STANDARD DRUG STORE Let us figure on instal- New Furnace for you or replacing your old one, at prices thatis right with workmansbip and material the L. COOK 110 Downie St. Plumber and Electrician ling a COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Cornish Coal Co. Phone 44 Phone 175 £ Peter & Sylvester 3 Will do your Repairs in : E Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 210 12 Qntario PEPLUEEGUUUEUEEEREUUGSEOEEEOERTAETEE SEED Phone 1580 Residence 2198 FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) WHY NOT BUY THE BETTER KIND OF _ ASH SIFTERS You'll save time and money by getting one of ours. 51 Downie St. THAT WE SELL JAMES K. MYERS Phone 162 |}