Oe ee ee ae Ee ere ee ee IRROR 4 Res ek en Week-End Specials: ALARM CLOCKS $1.19 © Regular $2.00--Guaranteed. JAPANESE HAND-PAINTED CREAM AND SUGAR, $1.98 See Downie St. Window. PEQUEGNAT'S Established 1885. Phone 854 Police--"Why did you run away after breaking that window?" Boy--'"I was running home to get '| the money to pay for it." Henry Easun, A.R.C.0. Certificated Pianist, Trinity Col- lege, London, Eng. PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING Specialist in Voice Production, Correct Breathing and Artistic Interpretation. Intending competitors for the Perth County Musical Festival should start preparation at once. Trainer of many .winners of the highest awards in Scotland, Toronto, and Perth County Mus- ical Festivals. Studio : 21 Church Street a _ Skates Sharpened _ while you wait on double grinder, oil stone finish. Open Evenings. W. E. McCARTHY Phone 781J Wellington St. -*- ~-- --~ -- intientined Phone 820-w MM trrorettes (By Eromdiks) Earthly sains would be preferable to heavenly ones. No one should teach unless they are a disciple of truth. Eeonomic necessity dictates: to every individual and to every organi- zation. Historically imperialism signifies the rise of the trading class to pow- er, The divorce courts are as much to blame as the people who appeal to them. Many people are much different on week-days from what they are on Sundays. Education has no magic but lots of common sense. Some men are more religious than they know. All Inations fight for supremacy at any cost. Human knowledge has. dispensed with many gods, and adopted one god, "old. No intelligent thinker pretends to look for the seat of the intellect in the blood, as the ancients did. Mind is thought generated at dif- ferent times in different brains by different objects through the "instru- mentality of the senses. This Boy Has The Right Idea The following is an advertisement Sent us for insertion in The Mirror, written by a boy of eleven years, who is trying to earn some money. This boy has the right idea about the word- ing of an advertisement. He tells his story as though he means what teristics of all good advertisements. It has a ring of sincerity to it which is simply the expression of confidence in how well he does his work. We know this boy and he is the kind of a boy that is just as much interested in putting a keen edge on your razor blade as he is in getting paid for what he does, and do you know that if every one did their work in that spir- it work would become a great deal less irksome. We print this advt. as we received it, and feel sure it will prove effectual. : Men! I can sharpen your used razor blades (of the Gillette for 35c a dozen and can guarantee them to be as good as new, unless they are rusty, or nicked. If you wish to try me out, bring a dozen of your used blades to The Mirror Office and they will be re turned in four days, sharpened and ready for you. If they are not satisfactory, tell them at The Mirror Office and they will refund your money, Did you hear of the Scotchman who took the corners on two wheels to save his tires? Stock at a very low rate on the dollar. 10 Day January Clearance Sale Our first January Clearance Sale starts Tomorrow, the 14th, in our New Store, 47 Downie St., and offers © you bargains in Clothing, Hats and Caps and Furnishings unequalled, owing to us buying the E. W. Fisher: MEN'S SUITS--In medium and dark shades, including good size collar, heavy wool linings. 42. Regular $30.00. ore '$16.50 BIG BOYS' O'COATS--In dark shades of brown and grey mixtures, lined throughout. Sizes 29 to 32. $5 00 Regular $10.00:to $12.50. Clearing at .. % STUDENTS' SUITS--AIl wool Tweeds, medium and dark shades, single and double breasted. Clearing a, $7.95 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS--In dark shades, single and double | breasted, mostly English worsted, fine stripes and worst- ed. Regular $29.50. at 9 A EE: ane i a ik ea Oe ice y BS Furnishing UNLINED GLOVES--Reg. $2. Specials 50 and $3.00, clearing at Fine Shirts, reg. $2.50, clearing at'... .60.4.. 75c and $1.00 47 DOWNIE ST. : : .00. é « Pe er oes. Ft Unlined Gloves, reg. $2.50 and $3.00, clearing at ....$1.95 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS--English worsteds and tweeds, in all- Grey Suede Gloves, reg. $1.30, 'clearing ato). daw ; 59c wool cloths, single and double breasted, hand tailored. Boys' Wool Stocking, reg. 75c. cleari gohes Mostly dark shades. Regular $25.00. 12 9 : Ee ec ce 53% Clee eee ce ce ee * 5 Men's Wool Sox, reg. 75c, Cderiig ats. YP hOs Apes. 49c Men's Wool Sweaters, reg. $4.50, clearing at ........ $2.75 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS--In dark and medium shades of Boys' V-Neck S : brown and grey mixtures, hair line stripes, A | 5 0 ¥8 V-Neck, Sweaters, clearitip at >. O° OS) Pee $2.59 hand tailored. Reg. $30.00. Clearing at e Boys' Suits, reg. $8.00, clearitie ats. 2./.% «iad. to. weihe $3.95 MANY MORE BARGAINS TO@ NUMEROUS TOO MENTION PHONE 1423 he says, which is one of the charac- -- type)), THE MIRROR | 5 Pertinent Patter The Board of Education closed the year with a fair surplus which is very gratifying news to the tax payers. In fact all the civic bodies are to be commended this year on the excellent record made in point of administra- tion for nearly all of them had a bal- anee at the end of the year. At the annual-banquet of the Board of Edu- cation held on Monday night the opin- ion was voiced by some of the speak- ers 'that public service was not ap- preciated by the people. On Wednes- day night Grattan O'Leary, of the Ot- tawa Journal, well known political writer, addressed a gathering in the Y. W. C. A. and expressed pretty much the same thought. He attacked the problem from another angle and spoke of the bad effect it was having on the younger generation in breeding a contempt for government and also from the standpoint of discouraging able men from. standing for office. There is no refutation of this line of argument and its results can be seen not only in federal and provincial politics, but also in municipal affairs, for it is getting increasingly difficult to get men of ability to stand for pub- lic office largely because . of the amount of abuse they are called upon to take as a matter of course, abuse that. they would not get in any other line of endeavor. It matters little apparently whether a man is doing his best or not he seems to be eriticized anyway and that is just the trouble with public life in this country today. There is too much destructive criti- cism and not enough constructive criticism or help for those in respons- ible positions from the rank and file. She--"Someone_ has said that kisses are love's language." He--"If that's so let's talk." SURE Working faithfully eight hours a day - @nd Don't worry. Then, in time, you may Become the boss, and Work twelve hours"a day And have all the worry! GREENWOOD AND _ VIVIAN HOUSE FURNISHING LTD. We are prepared to give time on purchases made here by pay- ing one-third cash on your pur- chase. We will arrange the balance to be paid monthly or weekly. A large stock of furniture, rugs and floor coverings always in stock. Greenwood & Vivian Housefurnishings Ltd. 26 Ontario Street He--I sleep with my gloves on to keep my hands soft. She--Do you sleep in your hat, too? Attendant--"There's a man outside wants to know if anybody has. es- caped from here lately." Official of Asylum--'"Why does he ask?" Attendant--'He says someone has run away with his wife." SHIRTS White Broadcicth Shirts, Col- lar attached, $2.00 2.2 $2.50 Fancy and Stripe Broadcloth Shirts--collar attached. $1.50 .. $3.00 Blue, White and Tan Broad- cloth Shirts; collar to match. $2.00 .. $3.50 Fancy Checks and Stripe Pat- terns in Broadcloth Shirts. Collars to match. $2.00 .. $4.56 P. J. KELLY 87 Ontario Phone 211. Fraser's Advance Styles McCall's Patterns SPRING QUARTERLY NOW IN STOCK 25c Donald D. Fraser 18-20 Ontario Street It's Good! Stillman's Golden Butter Buy it in the family package-- economical and convenient. ---- Phone 770 -- STILLMAN « CREAMERIES - "WHERE CLEANLINESS IS PARAMOUNT" SPECIAL SALE OF CHESTERFIELD SUITES | ee Upholstered in high-grade Mohair, reversible cushions in silk. Regularly priced from $150.00 to $215.00. Spécial Price-- $130.00 to $170.00 Many Suites on floor to choose from. DOWN & FLEMING FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE 94 Ontario Street. Phone 314 Saturday Special NEW KARN PIANO (Satin Walnut) Reg. $450. On sale $298 Including Bench iSite REET : -- pagiaaciatbiadesti TneineeeTees February Records now onsale Pequesnat's Music Store 97 Downie St. Phone 1598 The Fletcher Johnston Press For Fine Job Printing BP ee as t wii vy - Py «. ie ON ei it