eee PPT Te By I HI 4 LS ae PE iE ae i Be am) a The Board of Trade has also taken fact the fair has outgrown its plant ee a ae Lae Ae eee a a 'one . THE MIRROR THE MIRROR PUBLISHED BVBRY FLETCHER JOHNSTON TARIO ST., STRATFORD. FRIDAY AT THE PRESS, 123 On- PHONE 115w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATB $1.00 A YBRAR Stratford, January 27, 1928 RECOGNITION BY ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY The other day there was a preser- tation. Now presentations are not particularly startling or even inter- esting in most cases, in fact they are very common. This one wasn't for it Was a presentation for bravery, for sheer courage and a disregard for personal safety in trying tuo save the life of another. Miss Doreen Bishop, a young girl of 15, was the one be- ing presented and her act in saving from drowning another girl about her own age, was fittingly recognized by the Royal Humane Society with a certificate of award. itis; 'only a piece of paper but it is something to be treasured and guarded in the years to come. It should be an inspiration not only to the holder of it but to others for the sterling example cf bravery for which it is the symbol. There is, however, a lesson in the fotegoing that should be taken to heart both by parents and children. And that is the lesson of prepared ness. Had both these girls been able to swim there would not have been any need in the ordinary way for one to risk her life for the other. That is the lesson and it is one that should be learned. There is really no rea- son in a place like Stratford with the river running through the heart of the city for anyone not knowing how to swim. - There have been spasmodic at: tempts from time to time to teach various groups of young people te swim and many have learned. It is time that it was taken up through the schools and an effort made to see that every boy and girl in Stratford learns to swim. It is an exceedingly easy art to carry and one that is nev- er entirely forgotten, though of course it takes constant practice to be an expert swimmer. As a safety first measure it should be welcomed by and needs extra accommodation and needs it badly. Until it gets it there is little to hope for in the way of im- provement to the show. The agri- cultural part of the show is ail that could be desired m most respects but the display part of it for the city man is far from being what it must be if it is going to attract a good- sized crowd every day. There must be more than just one building or so and a few tents. If the buildings were there they would be filled with exhibits for every year there are more applications by far than space for them. That means that every year the society is losing a large sum in fees from exhibitors plus a sum of money lost in having a smaller attend- ance than would be the case if there were more things to see. It is a mat- ter for the City Council and the Agri- cultural Society with perhaps. the Board of Trade to work out and see what can be done. YE EDITOR Ye editor who groans beneath A load of doubts and fears, Fill up your time with smiles and grins And look for brighter years. When dollars, that should come your way, Refuse to be lassoed, Don't think you've lost them for all time, They still may be persued. Go after them in right good will, And let the people know Without their "kale" 'tis hard indeed To make a paper go. Your little sterling paper, sir, Though small is filled with wit, And just as good as bigger ones Who think, by jinks, they're "it." "e editor be brave and strong, ° And let the people know -- That oak-trees all from acorns grew-- The Mirror's bound to grow! --John Rowland. the Board of Education and by par- ents. A COMMENDABLE MOVE The Agricultural Society the other day at its annual meeting heard a lot about the fair grounds and the need to improve them. That is a matter that has been discussed more or less indifferently for some time but now it seems that there is to be some action. the matter up and will have it dis- cussed at a forum meeting next month. It it a good move but it does not go far enough for the whole fair is in need of some revamping. Tz needs either a push forward or some monkey glands to make it grow. Ir fj iit : at } | ff : ---- R. S. Wiiliams Piano Beautiful walnut case. Small payment down, Balance $2 Week. Mason & Risch, Ltd. 97 Ontario St. Phone 171 3 More Days Our January Clearance Sales end Tuesday, 31st. Prices are cut for quick sellicg. We must clear out all our winter Coats, Suits, Caps, Underwear, etc. O'COATS SUITS pia Bede ea $15.00 Suits, clearing at ...$7.95 OD EE arg EE $20.00 Suits, clearing at ..$12.95 MO Fee are iw how's Sa $25.00 $25.00 Suits, clearing at ..$15.95 $29.50 O'coats, tweeds, clearin ee ee er he G $10.00 $30.00 Suits, clearing at ..$21.50 Underwear-- $2.50 ribbed all wool shirts and drawers, clearing at . , $1.85 $3.50 Stanfield's all wool combinations, clearing at . . $2.95 $4.50 Penman's 95 combinations, clearing at ...... $3.89 $2.25 Penman's 95, two-piece, clearing at .......... $1.89 $2.00 Admiral Shirts and drawers, clearing at ....... $1.69 $1.50 Boys' fleece lined combinations, clearing at ...... 95c 75¢ boys' two-piece fleece lined, Ca aa Ema 43c $2.50 Flannelette pyjamas, clearing at ............ $1.49 ' Pave ame ate Clete ata ok aes 75c DOD copaietenbide nti foi 75c 85c boys' wool stockings, COMTI BE hs Ste ae 59c All other lines in the store reduced for the last 3 days of our January Sale. Roy Reynolds Co. Phone 1423 47 Downie Street. Penslar i White & © Oy ee as 'i Pine and : wD ont ima < CA 25" 33] Spruce / 11 50 ane a= =| Balsam Get a bottle of this remedy as soon as possible and rid yourself of that cough. Sold in two sizes, 25c¢ and 50c. Barker's Drug Store 36 Ontario St: Pie 521 "Oh yes,' she said, "we can traee our ancestors back to--to--to--well, I don't know exactly who, but we have been decending for centuries. FOX'S "The Store With a Heart" ss A motor sleigh has been made im Germany which takes the sleigh up the hill by its own power. This elim- inates the great drawback to bob- sleighing. We never did object te bob-sleighing down hill it was the walking back that used to get us. 141} Downie St. PRE" «<i THE MIRROR ware, the amber tone of glass. Brass and gold may be counted as yellow, and may enrich many somber schemes, blending well with dull.reds and blues and greens and browns, where yellow as a color might look too pale. Many additional uses for yellow may offer themselves in all sorts of suitable schemes: Yellow may be used for curtains, for the up- holstery of chairs, for slips, for lamp shades, for bowls, for table linen, for bedspreads; in fact, there is more than a full choice offered for any need. Too much yellow results in a hot scheme; a moderate use of it, even in major ways, makes for a decorative restrain even while cheer is satisfied: while a minor use of yellow may en- hance any scheme at all, tke MMernesrnrekiet . What will we do with the word fliv- ver, when the new Ford comes on the market? YELLOW The Color of Ten-Dollar Gold Pieces-- and Its Uses in Home Decoration Everybody knows that yellow is the color of happiness, of sunlight, and ef numerous gay summer flowers; many of us know that yellow is to be valued for its richness--for it is not the color of gold? But how often do we know how to make the most of yellow in our homes when we start to plan some new scheme, or try to enliven some shabby room? At such a time it is a decided help to know that the color yellow may stand for sunlight in the room that is too dark; that it may stand for the enrichment of gold in schemes that are too READ THE ADS. Knocks Spots--Hits Them Hard! O-JOY Dry Cleaner Cleans garments, gloves, silk and satin laces, shoes, etc., safe te use; will not rust or explode. And there a lot of other things it willdo. For sale at-- JL. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL FUNERAL SERVICE R. WHITE & CO. 80 Ontario Phone,33 Night 376, Henry Easun, A.R.C.0. : Certificated Pianist, Trinity Col- lege, London, Eng. PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING Specialist in Voice Production, Correct Breathing and Artistic Interpretation. Intending competitors for the Perth County Musical Festival should start preparation at once. Trainer of many winners of the highest awards in Scotland, Toronto, and Perth County Mus- ical Festivals, Studio : 21 Church Street Phone 820-w weightily somber; that yellow may act as a leaven in any scheme which might be monotonous without. If yellow is your favorite color, it is a great help to learn what tones of it are most suitable for use in inter- ior effects, and what objects may be of yellow with the greatest chance of bringing smartness to the room. There is lemon yellow, which may vary from a pale and somewhat unob- trusive tone, suitable for some of the larger masses, to a very concentrated brilliant tone of lemon which is used principally for accent. There is an orange yellow, which when extremely creamy may serve beauty in some of the greater expanses, but which may of the Year Watch For The Big Economy Event In Home Furnishings serve beauty in some of the greater expanses, but which when brilliant is limited usually to the small-sized beauty spots of the room, their tini- ness allowing them to be intense of 'hue. Parchment yellow is that luminous pale yellow which is a cross between antique ivory and lemon _ yellow, sometimes seen in a plain parchment f lamp shade which shows great inten- sity as the light shines through it. Old gold is nearly tan, but much more richly yellow--the color of gold with- out the burnished sheen. Chinese yellow yaries in its guises, but it is always decorative 'even though it]; veers from 4 creamy to a lemony tone. The differences usually are account- ed for by the degree of antiquing or the changes of texture. The sorts of yellow to avoid are muddy ones, such as those verging on the browns; com- mercial yellows, such as unadulterat- ed chrome, so often used in sign ad- vyertising; and anaemic, watery-look- ing yellows whic,h when used for major purposes, are not strong enough to carry the rest of the scheme. The suitable uses for yellow are legion. As the color of certain fab- rics yellow reigns supreme: There is the antique yellow found in damask and brocade; there is the old gold of taffeta; the lemon yellow or orange yellow of silk, creamy yellow of Italian pettery, the stronger yellow of glazed RUGS - 80 Ontario Mt. White's Sale LINOLEUMS_~ - R. WHITE & Home Furniture and Funera! Service. February Furniture New Furniture Fresh from the Furniture Shows Clear Out Suites and Odd Pieces. CURTAINS Phone 33; Night 376