P! J. KELLY'S Disposal Sale Te Ee ce $60,000 stock of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Sweater Coats, Hats and Caps and Furnishings to be dis- posed of in one month for reorganization purposes. Time for a change. New methods will be put into practice. Just keeping abreast of the times. That's what it means. STEP LIVELY--Fly, motor or run, but get here and participate in the wonderful bargains during this huge Disposal Sale of $60,000.00 worth of high grade merchandise for men and boys. Cloth- ing racks and clothing cabinets to be cleared out, shelves to be bared to the walls. Hundreds and hundreds of Men's and Boys' Overcoats at 25% to 50% off regular prices. One lot of Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, odd sizes and models. Sizes up to 39 only. $32.50. Disposal Sale Price Hundreds and hundreds of Men's and Young Men's Suits to pick from, sizes 34 to 48. Prices $12.00 to $45.00. All heavily reduced. One lot of Men's and Young Men's Odd Suits, up to $29.50. Sizes 33 to 40 only. Disposal Sale price for your choice Hundreds of Boys' Suits, ages 6 to 16 years, sizes 24 to 38, long or short trousers or both, with vest. Some suits cut in two in price. One lot of $7.75 Boys' Bloomer Suits $3 95 on sale at ws a All other Boys' and Young Men's Suits with long or short trousers heavily reduced for quick selling. 2900 Men's fine Scotch Print and Madras Shirts, with and without collars--$1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 Shirts, at half price, 75c $1.00 $1.50 Hundreds of other fine Shirts in Silk, Broadcloth and Madras, all heavily reduced. Hundreds of dozens of men's heavy Underwear, two-piece and combination, all heavily reduced. All sizes, 34 to 50. Big reductions all over the store. The stock HAS to go. Store to be cleared to the bare walls. Your opportunity. Don't miss it. EP P.J.Kelly grand $60,000 Disposal Sale Splendid Artists Coming Aecital to be Held Under Music teachers' Federation Officers Arrangements have been complet- ed by the Perih County Music ieachers' Federation ior the second iec.tal of this seasons series. The exccuiive has been very tortunate .n securing Viggo Kihl, eminent Danish pianist, who will be assisted at the recital by Bettina Vegarva, yrliiant 12-year-old violinist of To- santo and Miss Grace Needham, well known London contralto solo- Sis Viggo Kihl, who is considered one of the most outstanding pianists of this continent, is well known locai- Ly and last year acted as adjudicator « the Perth County Musical Festi- val. Bettina Vegara is the daugir- ter of the late Signor Leonardo Ve- zara of the Royal Italian opera, London, England. Her first public appearance was at the age of four years and since then eminent art _sts have predicted a brilliant careez for her. She plays an Amati violin and her coming here is awaited »ith much interest. In bringing these artists to Strat- ford the Federation is carrying out one of its main objects, set when he organization first came into be- ing, namély to raise the standard of music in this city and county. Pro- 'ding sufficient support is given it is planned to hold simlar rectals dur- ing the year. The recital is being held in St. John's United church on January 30. THE OTHER FELLOW'S SIDE When you're forming your opinions Do it carefully--then go slow; Hasty judgments oft are followed By regretting--that I know. And in argument be careful Not too quickly to deride-- fry to look upon the subject From the other fellow's side. Ah, if we use but caution, And a little less of self; Think a little more of kindness, And a little less of pelf; Try to help the other fellow, Not to hurt him, don't you see How much fairer, brighter, better, This old world of ours would be? HERE AND THERE By "Doc." Millions now living should never drive. * * * A man was always considered small te hide behind a woman's skirts but he's got to be a darn sight smaller teday. we The average college boy has three nits of clothes, athletic, studious, and humorous. * * * Hearing so much about permanent waves makes us wonder if some bar ars could not provide permanen! shaves. * Ed = Many a landlord who thinks of th -ent in his pocket forgets about th« role in the roof. A person who repeats even half 'hat he hears is ielking far too much. a ae hen 2 woman says she can read 1er husbard like a bock it is som mez 2dvisable to skip a few chap- Young Wife--Weren't you nervous he first time you asked your husband for money? ond Y. W.--No:; I was calm and ollected. , O'er and often I've discovered That the other fellow knew | Lots of things about some subjects Which I didn't think were true, ; ind I'd still be groping vainly In my flickering light and dim, {f I hadn't hesitated And hearkened unto him. Keep the path your mind would travel Broad and open all the way, Walk with Wisdom's comrade, Caw tion, Heeding all he has to say, And no matter what arises, Ere against it you have cried, Try to look upon the subjeet From the other fellow's side. --SELECTED. THE MIRROR Poems You Ought to Know | The Paradox of Time--By Mastin. Debden: Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go; Or else, were this not so, What need to chain the hours, For Youth were always ours? Time goes, you say?--ah no! Ours is the eyes' deceit Of men whose flying feet Lead through some landscape low; We pass, and think we see The earth's fixed surface flee; Alas, Time stays--we go! Once, in the days of old, Your locks were curling gold, And mine had shamed the crow. Now, in the selfsame stage, 'We've reached the silver age; Time goes, you say?--ah no- Once, when my voice was strong, I filled the woods with song To praise your "rose" and "snow"; My bird, that sang, is dead; Where are your roses fled? Alas, Time stays--we go! See, in what traversed ways, What backward Fate delays The hopes we used to know; Where are our old desires?-- Ah. where those vanished fires? Time goes, you say?--ah no! How far, how far, O Sweet, The past behind our feet Lies in the even-glow! Now, on the forward way, Let us fold hands, and pray; Alas, Time stays--we go! Mirrore ies (By Eromdiks) Man is the measure of all things. A bare denial of God always cre- ates some other idol worship. Youth must be served, but discre- tion should be the serving maid. The nations of the world need a stern but loving parent. The product of history passes away in order to live eternally in another form. Science has ever endeavoured to do away with miracles and prodigies. Mental penetration and material in- terests differ no more than the circle differs from the square. Some historians say that history re- peats itself, other say history cannot repeat itself. Which is true? The formula of modern society is utility. Heaven is pictured as having a --XEETy- = 1" we Bip aa SiN, i o nn atl Gillies & Emm Watch Specialists 25 Downie St. You can't smoke bag-pipes or drive income tax with a hammer. book, and a book keeper. January Used Piano Sale Every January people take advantage of the special values we offer in USED PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS. Here are only a few of the many unusual values now in stoek : One used Wormwith Piano, fancy walnut case Special : Rogers Batteryless Two-Sixty Radio, new §- tube console type, mahog. sa- tin finish cabinet., Clarion Phonograph, just about as good as new. Reg. $175, Special includ- 72 _ing 12 selections ..... Good used Upright Piano, newly finished and overhauled sold when new for 195 $400, now 131 Ontario Street. HEINTZMAN & CO. Ltd. J. ANTHONY, Manager At the Hydro Shop You will find Washing Machines celling from $175 These can be beught on the popular Hydro payment plan. Before you decide on your machine have our re- presentative call and explain this plan to you Phone 1278 The People's Store. Specially Priced Chesterfield Suites Upholstered in Mohair and Jacquard CASH PRICE ] 2 5 0 for 3 days..... e FOR THREE PIECES DOWN & FLEMING FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE 94 Ontario Street. Phone 314 Phone 769 The Fletcher Johnston Press For Fine Job Printing