ee ae PET eS out, Waal beds EN Nani IR Rd a re li Mi a aaa aS Pe Pe eC ee sd aia Se bina WS THE MIRROR Interesting Article Gn Electric Development (Continzed from page 6) mands and monthly consumption. As- sistance is given by the province to farmers and rural residents in the form of a grant towards the capital cost of supplying electric service. This assistance is in pursuance of a long established governmental policy of promoting the basic industry of ag- riculture in many ways. This policy had previously four.d expression in the establishment of agricultural schools, colleges and ex: perimental farms and in assistance for rural building, etc. The grants-in-aid thus given, make it possible to extend Hydro Electrical Powers service to those engaged in and connected with agricultural pur- suits in less densely populated dis tricts, where otherwise such service would not be financially feasible. Power is supplied to the Niagara System from three generating plants, known as the Ontario Power Com pany, the Hlectrical Development Plant, and the Queenston-Chippewa Development. The last named which is partly completed, is the largest single hydro electric power develop- ment in the world, and attention is here called to some of its more im- portant features. The genera] scheme of development comprises an intake structure in the Niagara River at! Chippewa, the deepening and widen- ing of the Welland River, a distance of 4% miles, the construction of a canal 8% miles long, to the forebay,: and screen house, at a point on the cliff about a mile south of the vil-} lage of Queenston and the construc- tion and equipment of a power house in the gorge, immediately below -the corebay. Within half a mile of the plant stands the wonderful monument erect ed to the memory of Genera] Brock, who so successfully defended the Do minion against the raids of the United States. Previous power developments on the Niagara River utilized only! that portion of the total fall of tre river which occurs in the vicinity of the falls, and for the most part even this amount of the Queenston- Chip- pewa development is the utilization of the greatest possibleamount of the total fall of the Niagara River be- tween Lake Erie and Lake Ontario at the highest possible efficiency of this total fall of 327 feet, about ten feet in the upper Niagara River from Lake Erie to Chippewa, and in the lower river from Queenston to Lake On- tario. Those ten feet it is impossible to reclaim for power purposes. Of the remaining head about twelve feet is required to convey the water through the canal. READ THE -ADS. COMPOSITION ON PEOPLE A little six-year-old girl wrote the following composition on '"People":-- People are composed of boys and girls also men and women. Boys are no good until they grow up and get married. Men who don't get married are no good either. Girls are young women who will be ladies when they graduate. Boys are an awful bother. They want everything they see ex- cept soap. If I had my way half the boys in the world would be girls and the other half dolls. My mais a woman and my pais a man. A wom- an is a grown up girl with children. My pa is such a nice man that I guess he must have been a girl when he was a little boy. GOOD MANNERS ACT AS BUFFERS Some wise man is quoted as Ssay- ing: "Good manners were devised to act as a buffer between individuals in collision, and every meeting of individuals is a collision. They soft- en the crudity of human inter-com- munication. They are the buttons on the foils. They are the veil which hides certain secret places of the mind. No mind, however loving, could bear to see plainly into the re- cesses of another mind." To which anyone of us must agree. The most angelic among us would suffer marked depreciation with the exposure of every thought. Confidence ° « in Diamond r rs Buying At least once in every man's life comes the time to buy a Dia- mond Ring. He wants to be con- fident he is getting a diamond of quality that is value for the money. Now he can be sure by select- ing a 'Key Quality" Perfect Standard Diamond Ring. 'These rings are beautiful, of the latest designs and doubly guaranteed perfect diamonds. The prices are the same everywhere -- specially priced. at the factory. You have our guarantee and the written certificate of the maker. fe Specially priced from $25.00 up, PEQUEGNAT'S } A local man said recently that he was going to make his son shift for himself, so he bought him a Car. MILLION CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES, LTD. LAST CALL! For the Great DOLLAR SALE Ladies' Fur Coats Cottons Saturday the Last Day--Greater Bargains Than Ever in Cloth Coats Silks Dresses Dress Goods Linens Sheetings Hosiery and Gloves. Pillow Come Early--- Watch for the Last Day Price Tickets Canadian Department Stores, Limited Successors to Duncan Ferguson Co., Limited