The Tesceds of a Pie a, Doll or a Fit of Blues Sy) 0. H. A. ry "Save Fuel- Prevent Fires Get More Heat - Sootfo Does It ae ye rp, Humor Hits in Little Bits Intermediate J | | By "Doe" SOOT AND SMOKE There are desolating moods com- mon +0 most of us when life's garden is turned into a barren wilderness, when the soul is shrivelled and parch- ed by some piercing east wind, and all the savour hag gone out of life. A little girl described the experience in modern slang by confiding that she felt "as if all the sawdust had run out of her dolly." Such a state of mind and soul is not uncommon. Child- ren and adults alike share its grim visitation. Gaiety departs out of life and beauty leaves the world and the jey and zest of living are no more. The "hoarse night-raven sings," and it is by no means'a joyful tune. Same man as I ever was neither low- spirited nor distrait." It is a good thing too to consider the hump that somebody else has. It 'is a sorry experience to lose al] the sawdust out of your best doll. But you can easily think of an experience more trying. When you long for the wings of a dove to fly away from your zero SDPirits, just stop and think of the number of people who can't even walk. Prompt yourself to go and help| somebody who really has something to whine about. You will find this a substantial step out of your despond- ency. Unselfish service is a great anodyne for a troubled and gloomy MEZIPD-4NES-OOde, ff ep q bs ot a BT Fo OO wie Neat, yet rich effects in the new designs that will appeal to the man of taste--at very close prices. Gillies & Emm Watch Svecialists 25 Downie St. HOCKEY Play-Off Tavistock A canoe is:like a small boy--both behave better if paddled from the rear. Winnie--Is it true that you havea sweetheart in every port? Tarry--Naw, I ain't been in every port. Greenbaum discovered his friend Einstein kissing his stenographer shortly after Mrs. Einstein's death, and reprimanded him quite sharply. "Oy, Oy," wailed Hinstein, "in my grief do I know vat I am doing?" hired men in from the fields," she said. "What time is it?" asked the far- mer with a shiver, as he beat the cold water. "About eleven o'clock," said the wife. "Well, wait till lunch time. I'll try to keep on top till then." os And that's that! 3 + = AA 23 ry Hac SEE US JAMES K. MYERS 1 Dewnie St. DISPENSING PRODUCTS FOR FACTORY, HOME AND PLANT Phone 162 Peter & Sylvester Will do your Repairs in What are we going to do when such a mood comes upon us? How shall we ever get over the sorry plight of Dolly losing her sawdust? Perhaps it. will help us if we ap- Question: All last summer I was LAM r S Down&Fleming Stratford troubled with poison due to biting Left over from Christmas. FOR ces & CALLOUSES ; | 4 Ppa iow would you suggest as All Prices on Boudoir Oddie: Mb Al q ae ea and Table Lamps Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. Rhone 314. eR Pome Zh 39? Plumbing Heating Electric CHGERERGERORGGGGERE ply the old maxim, "misery likes com- Dany." For moods and depressions are not as singular as we might think. Ours is not the only doll that has lost its sawdust. Nobody is singled out as a special victim for gloom. Desolating moods are not peculiar to certain people. There are other people in the dark, dealing with this same wretched enemy of the soul. If the rest of the world were gay and only one soul sad there would be a real reason for that one soul having a hump. But sometimes our mood belongs peculiarly to ourselves. Nobody else at least can share responsibility for it. It isn't the whole world that has gone wrong, but something has gone wrong with the man who regards it so dolefully. Our depressions are FUNERAL SERVICE R. WHITE & Co. 80 Ontario Phone 33 Night 376, When asked at the marriage license bureau where his "bride-elect'"" was, a negro replied sharply, "What yo' all mean, bride elect? Dey weren't no 'lection; de lady done appoint her- self to do office at mah own pussonel request." ALLOUS - OF » 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Of Company STRATFORD, ONT. A Sultan at odds with his harem, Thought of a way he could scare em; He caught him a mouse Which he freed in the house, ARENA Saturday, Feb. 4 8.30 sharp Admission - 35c Tax included Thus starting the first harem-scarem, Answer: Why not quit biting them and go on a vegetarian diet? Plans for international peace and more battleships continue to evolve. "I rise for information," said a member of the city council, "I am very glad to hear it,' said his wor- ship, the mayor, "for no man wants it more." Lady (buying a car): "Now there was some other question I wanted! to aSk. Ah, yes, what is the brute force of the car?" A local advertisement reads: "Wanted, young girl for store; must be respectable, until after Easter." And now a dancer complains that Reduced. Make nice birthday presents ---see them today. L. COOK 110 Downie St. Phone 175 Plumber and Electrician DON'T SUFFER Radio Supreme Higel Super Neutrodyne Either all electric or batteries. EZO Will positively relieve the worst case of ECZEMA STANDARD DRUG STORE DR. S. H. SUTTER L.D.S.,.D,0.S; Phone 210 12 Ontario MU = Phone 1580 Residence 2198 FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) COAL"* COKE 198 Nelson Street Phone 176 For clarity, tone, vol- | mepera hale oN aa nowadays dance floors are so crowd- nae DENTAL SURGEON ume and selectivity-- world is black because we are look- a ed that you can't tel! what your } Sreeglahiat i Pewatieatic Biatinns sclectthe HIGEI ing at it through colored glasses. It there's a differen ce aes 4 partner is. i wi. | Majestic Apartments98 Downie : @ may be the grip of some physical in- PHONES ! OFFICE 602 firmity that lends discoloration to am Chauffeur (applying to doctor for B Ii Keil | RESIDENCE 1051w the outlook. The stitch in time that The painting of one man is subtle and elusive, while 2 job)--"I was last with Dr. Banks, and | would have saved the sawdust and pig 5 3 : q I may say sir, that in the course of| : Ws acts Gas: ake Sabon." Apa so the painting of another is dull andstupid.. Thereis wiv dation si' Wan: the mbaua ob tpro-||b- ee. Ontario St. Phone -140 just as much difference in printing as there is in the nerves are upset, the bodily func- vidin' 'im with quite a lot of pa- tions unnatural, and the whole condi- Bie : tae : q j tients." tion of life subnormal. Some of na- painting. For quality printing let our printers : ate ture's restoratives will provide new SERVE YOU. Storekeeper--No, Sir, we don't sell red corpuscles, and restored energies |} Po revolvers. What about a few yards will help to drive the mists of gloom ENVELOPES ef clothesline? away. ; ae BILL HEADS Another step out of the bog is to LETTER HEADS TELEPHONE 115w 4 "T say, old ees what's goot for _M a McCARTHY Bring your old shoes to us to find something to do. Dr. Samuel FACTORY FORMS : " O ms J @) Y . Wellington St. . biting fingernails?" be repaired. We guarantee Johnston exhorted Boswell,--'When FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS oe "Sharp teeth,. silly." scnaeet elec : -| our work. any fit of anxiety or gloominess or WEDDING STATIONERY ; : --_ And old lady had been shown over C O A L Superior Shoe Repait : 3 Dry Cleaner a a battleship and in thanking the sail- q ho had escorted her aroond she|] Cleans g: ts, gloves, silk The Fletcher Johnston Press BR Lame inamat| aerthe cae ae 113 Gatto: hoch oak : ANTHRACITE COAL pois : * = tips are forbidden." 'Lor' bless yer, ) safe to use: will not rust or Printers and Publishers of The Mirror ma'am," said the sailer, "and so were explode. And there a lot of POCAHONTAS, Egg Size EL LE PT LL OI hermit crab, get busy mending some- happles in the Garden of Eden." Other things it willdo. For Red Jacket, Egg Size 733 : : i i sail le at : body's broken doll. Anything is bet- | S, re Solvay Coke ter than moping. Sir Walter Scott = &§ The stingiest Scotchman an "a y J. S. RUSSELL world fell into his well. His wite|| J | _ Cornish Coal Co. Registered Architect | said,--"It is strange when I set my- heard his yells and ran to the res- Phone 1533F Gordon Block Skates Sharpened while you wait on double grinder, oil stone finish. Open Evenings. Knocks Spots-- Hits Them Hard! perversion of mind lays hold upon you, make a rule not to publish it by complaints, but exert your whole eare, to hide it. Be always busy?" Don't indulge in an orgie of self-pity. When you feel like a dispossessed self to work doggedly, I am much the : saps CHINA HALL Phone 44 "I'll ring the big bell and bring the