THE MIRROR THE ROYAL acuum Cleaner We have still a few Royal Cleaners left at the very Special price of $55.00. At this figure they are without question, the outstanding vacuum cleaner value on the market. This price includes a com- plete set of attachments, including the newest de- velopment--the polisher for hardwood floors. The utility of the attachments have to be seen to be appreciated and we strongly urge you to let us demonstrate the machine to you. The ease with which you can clean upholstered furniiure, wicker chairs, mattresses, etc., will be a revelation to you. The regular price of this machine with these at- tachments is $77.50 and at our figure represents a saving to you of $22.50. Terms of $5.00 down and $4.00 monthly can be arranged. HYDRO SHOP © Phone 1278 The People's Store. | son for this is because the atmos- C.C.M. Bicycles . Joycycles and Accessories Baby Carriage Tires Bicycle Repairing Gordon E. McCarthy The Bicycle Man Phone 1497w 37 Ontario St. OPEN EVENINGS '*The store that service built" COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Cornish Coal Co. Phone 44 PIANO BARGAIN Used Heintzman Piano, beautiful ebony case; over- hauled and in first-class condition--a real buy at $195 Heintzman & Co., Limited J. ANTHONY, Manager 131 Ontario Street. _ Phone 769 Communication Editor, The Mirror: Sir,--When I read that article in last week's Mirror about "Relativity," I was interested, because there is no- thing in it but imagination. It is immaterial to a train whether it is travelling eastward or westward. The actual rate of speed is the same both ways, because gravitation holds it to the earth. Dr. Dick said, "The motion of all projection connected with the earth is destroyed by the force of gravity and the resistence of the air." Quite a few years ago, when I re- sided in Winnipeg, an argument was started something like the following: "If a train traveling at.the speed of a bullet shot from a revolver were shot by a man at the rear end of a passen- ger coach, at a man in the front end, would the bullet reach him?" any very intelligent men maintain- ed it would be impossible for the bul- jet to reach the man. I, with a few others, claimed the bullet would reach him because the two men were travel- ing at the same rate of speed, which made it equal to the two men standing still. The motion of the train would have nothing to do with it. The rea- phere travels with the earth. One would have to be outside of the at- mosphere before the earth would ac- tually move from under him. JOHN ROWLAND, Precise, accurate movements in the handsomest cases pro- duced in gold, white or green gold or platinum--perfect watches of surpassing beauty. Gillies & Emm Watch Specialists 25 Downie St. FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES JOHNSTON'S CALLOUS OF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or calleus without leay- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent | direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-8ff Company Communication Stratford, Feb, 22, 1928. Editor, "The Mirror." Dear Sir, Won't you kindly donate to the City Council a few writing pads as Com- panions to the Pens and Pencils so senerously purchased out of the Rate- payers' funds for the poor Alderman, so they may give the Public in gen- eral some information regarding Muni- cipal affairs, and, in case they may what the Great Public wish to know, would suggest the following subjects: "A few lines from the City Treasur- er when he receives the surplus from the "Water Works." "A letter on "How to manage our Public Schools," from the two Alder- men who do not pay Public School Rates." "A discussion as to what appliances are most suitable to heal ruptures in the City Council," ' "An announcement of the arrival of the factories promised by Ald. Hig- gins in 1927," "Whether Gallagher Remedies had anything to do with the loosening up of the City Council on the Salary Question, and: when these have been received." Yours truly, A CITIZEN. io THE Rose Marie BEAUTY SHOPPE All the latest equip- ment, and the most modern method of treatment. Elizabeth Arden Method of Massage. 133 ONTARIO STREET Phone 1717 Shop formerly known as the Hollis Beauty Parlor. not be well enough informed as to No doubt others will be. forthcoming, DINING ROOM SUITES We are offering one only solid Walnut Suite, nine pieces, reg. price $300. 29 One only solid Walnut suite, nine pieces, reg. $190 $250, on sale ...... Payments if desired. Greenwood & Vivian HousefurnishingsLtd. 26 Ontario Street - onions. league. world STRATFORD, ONT. 'path? THE MIRROR Humor Hits in Little Bits By "Doc" Any man will object to being called a pup, but call him a gay old dog and he will perk up right away. * * * We wonder what some of the song writers would think if they heard their old time songs and dances being murdered by certain stations. ao * * It's no use, if we tune out "Among my souvenirs" we are sure to. get "Turkey in the Straw" or "Casey Jones." ee Te A young lady told us if she could have two wishes she would wish for a husband and save the other wish until she saw how he turned out. * * * What has become of the old fashion- ed girl who was so proper she would- n't accompany a man on the piano unless they were chaperoned? at * A man went intoa barbershop a few da¥s ago, got into a chair and said, "Please be careful not to cut my hair too short or folks might think I'm my wife." = * A Lady: "I should think you would be ashamed to beg in this neighborhood." Tramp: "Don't apologize lady, I've seen worse." * * cad We ordered a bowl of soup, plate ef beans, roast beef and apple pie im a Greek restaurant the other day and the waiter repeated to the cook like this: Bawl zoop, plett bins, rusta @ tt, upla pie. * * * Professor--Can you give me an ex- ample of wasted energy? Freshman--Yes, sir, telling a hair- faising story to bald-headed men. * * x A woman who wanted to get rid of moths in her clothes closet, put ene of her new dresses in the closet, locked the door and the moths starv- ea to death. i 2 * Ld Bandit (to teller in bank), "Put some Snap into it boy, you know I can only park my car out there for fifteen min- utes." * " * / A darkey was trying to load a mule into a box car, "Want any help?" ask- ed a bystander. "Guess not," said she darkey, "but I would like to know how Noah evah got two of dese rutes into the ark." - " * The Turkish government has forbid- dent subjects to ride in the street ears soon after they have been eating Now for another moderation A leading bishop said, A man should never do anything which he would be ashamed for the whole to see. How about taking a We have a friend who has a car. It never breaks down, it never skids, it never gets a puncture, it never gives him bother up steep grades, never gets overheated, it has never been in a col- lision or accident since he got it. The only trouble is it won't start and never has done since he bought it. * * * A Scotchman who was asked what kind of tobacco he smoked, said that his friend had never told him. Tropical Electric Heaters sets your room aglow with warmth. As well assaving coal there is an added pleasantness to every room having a Tropical Heater. Phone 162 | t -------- SALE OF ALL Lamps Shades a MR. DOWN MR. FEEMING Tel. 31 Tel. 30 Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. 8. . PIM tee a and Fixtures Reduced Prices. Big Reductions. L. COOK 110 Downie St. Phone 175 Plumber and Electrician B.S; Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie { Orrice 602 PHONES | RESIDENCE 1051w DR. S. H. SUTTER Le S557 DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry RadioSupreme Higel Super Neutrodyne finish. Either all electric or batteries. For clarity, tone, vol- ume and selectivity-- select the HIGEL. Phone 781J Skates Sharpened while you wait on double grinder, oil stone Open Evenings. W. E. McCARTHY Wellington St. Bill Keil 201 Ontario St. Phone 140 Knocks Spots--Hits Them Hard! O-JOY 'Dry Cleaner Cleans garments, gloves, silk and satin laces, shoes, etc., safe te use ; will not rust or explode. And there a lot of other things it willdo. For sale at-- J. L. BRADSHAW be repaired. our work. 119 Ontario St. Bring your old shoes to us to We guarantee Superior Shoe Repair Phone 941 CHINA HALL SUULAULEUE LUE EEA TACUUEASUDREDEELELEEERCEEREEEADEG a e = Peter & Sylvester Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Electric Phone 210 12 Qntario ELEAUUAUANNGGGESMENEONOSEOEASEOENOOSUEERIEEMIUME Heating DRERELERGREGLRERSERESaCRE We ssneseseestaragysceesevaees Phone 1580 Residence 2198 FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) COALS": COKE G. W. HEAGY 198 Nelson Street * Phone 176 J. S. RUSSELL j Registered Architect | Phone 1533F Gordon Block | Jean--Tom looks a bit fed up; some- thing must be praying on his mind. Mae--Don't worry, it'll die of star- vation. She--Do you think there are germs in kisses. -He--Don't know, give me a couple and I'll tell you. Marilyn--Cupid is a g00d shot I be- lieve. Martin--Huh, maybe he is but he makes some awful Mrs. She--Why don't you say something. He--I can't think of anything to say. She--My gosh--You don't have to think to say anything; do you? Workman (to preacher whose hat has blown off)--Say, governor why don't you naij it on? Preacher--If my head were made of the same material as your's I would. Tom--I lost a lot of money once. Jim--How come? ae Tom--I proposed to a wealthy girl and she refused. i aie! as ee te