8 THE MIRROR Held Successful Tea J. Weber, while the general conven- : ; er. was Mrs. Fred Schdile. A great Last evening the Ladies' Aid of deal of credit is due to Mrs. Fred the Evangelical Church held a very Armstrong for the fine program ren- successful tea in the beautiful home dered. Those who took part were of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ash, Sebrnigville. Mrs. John Goetz, president of the ner, Margaret Erb, Hilda Strasser Aid and Mrs. Ash received the and Little Violet Arbogast, Mrs. E. ee ee ee eile Taylor, and Mrs. Geo Arbogast ally decorted with beautiful flowers; te: | , the color sch bei 1 The pastor, Rev. Mr. Sauer, sang eme being yellow and | two very fine solos. The proceeds mauve. The tables were very invit- Mrs. Armstrong, Misses Freda Doll- Be cers id chacea® of Wen WO oe $40. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. We have just two left: of a shipment of Westing- dams J.M. Taylor, Fred ~Cavo- Moore, and young daughter, Mar- house Batteryless Radios in the popular 5-tube cab- : garet, motered from Stratford to at- inet models. By arrangement with the manufac- J nough, M. Litt, W. Pletch, E. Taylor, and Mrs. P. L. Kastner. These |jad- tend the tea, ies were assisted by Mesdames S. |= = Litt, Mrs. Brunner, J. Litt, and Mrs. Subscribe for The Mirror AN ALLOW ANCE OF $50.00 turer we are again permitted to offer on any musical instrument traded in on these ma- chines. This means that with this allowance de- e | k F ducted your Batteryless Radio will cost you con- OO Ing Orwalr siderably less than $200.00 completely installed. ' Westinghouse Radios are conceded to be the best to a helping of our Pastry or Cakes is just about : . z d in their class--to hear them is to be assured of it. as pleasant a sensation as one can experience at meal time. We have only twoin stock--we cannot get any People say we make the best bread, and our more to offer on this basis--act quickly. pastry and cakes are equally as appetizing. Use tye phone. Good service always. WE WILL DEMONSTRATE. T.V.B. BREAD Co. || HYDRO SHOP Phone 2345 56 Huron St. "Just over the river" Phone 1278 The People's Store. CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES, LTD. Just Four Weeks Now Until Easter Not at all too soon for inspecting the Charming Spring Fashions already on display--Getting acquainted with and making plans for your Easter outfit. THE VOGUE IN NEW SPRING COATS Exemplified by fascinating early arrivals, which are now ready to be tried out. Ladies' Coats of Tricotine, Poiret Twill and Kasha Cloth, lined Ladies' and misses' Coats of Charmeen, Tricotine and Poiret Twill; lined throughout with Silk Crepe. The season's finest ; : models; colors of genuine mole or squirrel, trimmed with in- navy, sand, grey and black; made with tucks and trimmed sets of satin and tucks of self material. Colors navy, Copen, iit wiae Siew 1400 46. Ace $1 9.75 __ sxevand sand. Sizes 16 to 44. Price $29.50 a THE TIME HAS COME FOR A NEW FROCK! ' ' ; There is a restless urge for it--a decided lack of it in nearly fem-inine wardrobe now slightly jaded from winter's demands. We F have some brand new models to meet the occasion, Dressier, more Exclusive Models, afternoon types of things in the smart- est, newest feminine styles. Ladies' and misses' Dresses of Flatte Ladies' Dresses of Georgette and Ladies' Dresses of Georgette and throughout with Tusca Silk, imitation squirrel collars; colors Crepe, one and two-piece styles, made _--_ Flatte Crepe, made in two-piece and Flatte paces Hie haa pleated skirt, --&€ with pleated skirt, blouse embroidered one-piece styles, trimmed with tucks trimmed with gilt stitching in contrast- 4 } : j ; pee Co a ing color and finished with smart belt and trimmed with contrasting color, in anda pleats; colors green, Copen, pin +s ilk. alors even, tan, fave: navy, rose, green, black and _ sand. frost, rosewood, tan and navy. Sizes beige, blue, navy and black. Sizes 16 Sizes 14 to 44. Price $1 2.95 16 to 40. Price $1 6.50 te 44: Price $19.75 Canadian Department - Stores, Limited