| | 4 ) i a ae aa ae de A go AT SN a THE MIRROR Ly THIS MORNING BY EXPRESS MILLINERY RECEIVED Ladies' iajlor-made Coats of finest quality Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Charmeen and Broadcloth. Beautiful- ly tailored. Lined through- out with silk crepe. Navy blue. Sizes to to 44. Price $25.00 Ladies' Coats of extra qual- ity Trjcotine, Poiret Twill, novelty Tweeds and Kasha cloth. These coats have new throw ties at neck and fur cuffs. Colors navy, grey, rosewood and blue. Sizes 14 to-42. Price $21.50 100 beautiful. Easter Hats from the makers. We have just re- moved the tissue wrappings this morning and place them on sale jn time for Easter at $2.79 $3.79 $5.00 ani $7.50 © One table Trimmed Hats of braid with silk, straw with silk and felt; black and col- ors. On sale at each, $2.79 One table ladies' Trimmed Hats in lovely colors and combinations; also black; newest models, large and 6mall head sizes. On sale at, each, $3.79 One table elegant Trimmed Hats, styles for mjsses and matrons, wonderful assort- ment of new colors and oe ee RS aah Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, extra spliced heels and toes, silk to the welt; colors cascade, cham- pagne, tan, sand , blue fox, dove, French nude, chaire, cameo, peach, black and white. Sizes 814 to 10. Price, pair, $1.00 Ladies' pure Sjlk Hose, Just the Correct Coats for Easter Church Parade Ladies' and misses' Coats of Tweed and Kashana cloth. Some made in smart tajlored styles with velvet collar. Others have tailor- ed collar with bow at back. Sizes 14 to 20. Price, $10.95 Ladies' extra quality tailor- ed coats of charmeen, trico- tine,, Poiret twjll and Broadcloth; extra well tail- ored, lined throughout with silk crepe, handsome mole collar, colors sand, navy, grey and black. Sizes 14 to 44, Price, $29.50 Ladies' Coats of Poiret Twill, lined throughout with satin stripe mercerized sat- een, trimmed with bands of fur on collar and cuffs, also tucking and buttons; colors navy and sand. Sizes 16 to 46. Price $15.95 and harmonizing accessories to suit the springtime mode full fashioned, silk to the © hem, colors sand, blush, beige, rose taupe, grain, flesh, opal mauve, rose blonde, plaza grey and black. Sizes 814 to 10. Price, pair, $1.50 black. On sale at each, FLOWERS Bi FOR EASTER The most beautiful Flow- ers for coats and dresses. On sale at, each, 38c .. $1.90 Canadian Denartment-Store Limited BK y° LADIES' UMBRELLAS Fancy Silk Umbrellas, colors green, navy, brown and black; novelty | handles, durable covers. | { On sale at each, $1.50..$6.25 | $500 _CHARIVARI (Continued from page 1) operating smoothly. Much over-lap- ping can be avoided by such a sys- tem and it is desirable that the start made this year is followed up immed- iately. » at Seat he There seems to be considerable argument about the matter of a new school for Falstaff ward. The other night the Board of Education spent several hours in listening to delega- es tions on the matter, and some of the speakers did not mince words at all - in detailing what they thought ought to be done. The board is, of course, desirous of avoiding any extra deben- ture debt if possible, but there seems no way out of the present difficulty, for the present Falstaff school is not suitable for present needs, and the only solution is a new school, as it would not be possible to repair the old one satisfactorily. The proposal to enlarge Avon School instead of building a new school is not likely to receive very serious consideration as there are many objections to the plan, chief among which is the fact that an enlarged school there would help but little so far as Falstaff ward is concerned, as the distance would be too great from some parts of the ward. The ratepayers in Falstaff ward argue very reasonably that they have been assisting to pay for other schools for many years, but they have received little consideration and now it is time for a change. LITTLE BROTHER A shopkeeper was giving away toy balloons to children, and one little fellow asked if he might have two. "Sorry," said the assistant, "but we only give one balloon to each boy. Have you a brother at home?" The youngster was truthful, but he did want another balloon. "No," he replied, regretfully, then added, hopefully, "but my sis- ter has, and I want one for him." : POME When Noah sailed the waters blue ! He had his troubles, same as you For forty days he drove the Ark Before he found a place to park. SOME REASON The celebrated soprano was do- ing a solo when Bobbie said to his mother, referring to the conductor of the orchestra : "Why does that man hit at that woman with his stick?" "He's not hitting at her," replied the mother. "Keep quiet." "Well, then, what's she 'hollerin' for?" READ THE ADS.