Bah Sh eae ae ant lh a Ca ee es eee taal ag Ss ie a dea THE MIRROR 7 TWO BARGAINS Rn Sate aia Down&Fleming}" H Hits in Little Bits 5 Funeral Service Rooms | umor cis in : itt e its | 94 Ontario St. <2 By "Doc | Aluminum 5-quart Piane 314, 4S Ooee es att Oe re eee Ce ee eee TEA KETTLES : The new bylaw is a dog-gone 'njus- What extlemes some young fellows : as according to many canine esl will go to in eel a5 a girl. $1.59 each * * * Fair Motorist---'Off'cer, I left my -- Shea . . g : C; O A The police department should be en-| car here f.fteen minutes ago and now 14-quart Granite i titled to a commission on old Fords| 'i's gone." DISH P S sold after last Saturday night. Policeman--"Well, it must have ANTHRACITE COAL * * & | have been stolen." 49c ec ch POCAHONTAS, Egg Size | We know a girl who refused to go| Fair Motorist--'Oh, no, «it couldn- € Red Jacket, Egg Size || with a certain young man because he | he have nt beni) I have it SEE WINDOW Solvay Coke was a salesman for crude oil. She| insured against theft. ; 4 said she was afraid he wasn't refined. alice ph ' C bd h C C * * There is some satisfaction in all : ® : AS, ornis oal Oo. The newlyweds quarre! in their new | these articles we read out the next Phone 44 "anartments" because the wife tried| War being wholly scientific. We al- CHINA HALL Pp . to make a "cottage" pudding and it| Ways did hate to peel potatoes by = =< went "flat." hand. -- | ¢ * * * oe * Ld ae are acandete ies -- ----_---- wali iraeetdiclNevii tet DR S H SUTTER If a man should appear to be more| Ver'ly life is one darn thing after 4 eer i pope or less of a grouch just now, remem-| another. We no sooner get over DENTAL evincse oe ber that Monday is the last day for wa Nae pum a ata: fe Sart ane <j is i > tax returns give each one for Christmas than w Fur Bands Form the Cuffs on This : ppsrinies itt rosenetie Dedtihry peat ag ak ae ee aes &t start figuring how we're go- f te ve A ; * " L c 7 ; 7] Smart Coat Majestic ppombidioa 93 Downie A Scotchman was found dead re-|ing to keep our income tax within ue , OFFiceE 602 ; Resi We gee wey te peo PHONES ) pesipeNce 1051w ' | cently in front of a punching-slot-ma-| the exemption allowance, i es & nee 4|chine A sign on the machine read: oe Te BRITISH ENG IN 7 tITWT. NON: eschew fur trimming altogether, and ge ; ' ; E WILL ATTEMPT NEW NON-S TOP RECORD those that do use it, show it usually -- |Your nickel back if you punch hard Lady: "I want to buy a revolver. ' ne wih Shenae ony Beige in such a way that qa relief driver and ridor. A good idea of the size of the| °? the sleeves alone. GBAVUUQUGADGUQUNDDURQCQUEEOUQUQ0EECUDEQRRSGE0000@ | enough." (t's for my husband." : se e non-' fireman can gain access to the foot- engine can | i Three bands of bleached mole form = * * * Clerk: "Did he tell you what kind stop record run from London to Scot-| 10+. trom the guards' van throug! ii V Pe ae the} the cuffs on the model in the picture. = Peter & Sylvester ns : et cauien i land. Mr. Herbert Nigel Gresley, | : g é9 shee rough a size of Mr. Gesley, who is: six feet| phe coat itself is of suede cloth, and = Ikey--'"Stand up straight, ain't you| to buy: shown on the left, standing by the a corridor. On the right is a photo- two inches in height, with the wheel| would be equally smart in either black = Willdo your Repairs in vot any poise?" Lady: "I should say not. He does- gine, designed this remarkable flier| graph of the engine show'ng the cor- against which he is standing. or beige. = g ' Abey--"No, but you should see my n't even know I'm going to shoot him ' oe ie with ie ost fem = Plumbing Heating 2) littic goils." wai" ures the "eyebrow silhouette," in ad- > = wit 5 PR EN Hae an dition to the band of contrasting felt = Electric : " ae rq Sis' Gniate Mid die the 'store shat which does not entirely circle the = Pay Yop--"Who are you and what are; Mrs, Fiats-- 1s s the store brim. 5 = Phone 210 12 Ontario = you doing?" sold us an eleetric washing machine?" Miles and miles of wear-- amen us uueuannnaeneanneuannes eects ink MPéa an aeetlent teyide tol. Other end. of tine="Y¥es, ma'am" Dass Gull deew Sk combo happen." Mrs. Flats--"Well, come and take after your shoes leave the oe the darn thing back. I went to wash fl ud It is said that the two German| myself in. it and never got such a Su erior Shoe Re aif FOX'S : fleirs brought an Irishman with them | beating in all my life." p p because it is so hard to make a Scotch- er ae ' man "come across." Another spell of winter 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 We oe to ican per as ef Another report has it that the Irish- Win ye eae ee as we are having our first sale ; ' _ Wer ighty ORAL EEE HA EEE, since we have been in business. man did not hesitate to fly the At Of the dog gone thing. ss : lantic because he came from Cork aNd yjine months of winter ae A SPECIAL Beet eee couldn't sink. And of summer only three, No Obligation ede Things ain't equally divided. 4 Cee " asked th Like they used to be. J OFFERING ; care 4 eas sripeotalia an icaey But if it doesn't please the iceman f S. RUSSELL VAISHLINE MMUATEE. ' 'The coalman he gets his, Regi ; SENSIBLE GIFTS AT SENSI- L CO O K "Truth," responded little Audrey as While for three months we may sizzle gistered Architect BLE PRICES « if reciting a lesson, "is what most For the ooo are ior Phone 1533F Gordon Block ; ; mie St. Phone 175 people prefer to believe anything Look in our window for 110; Downie (oF cee ee ae | RE | And that's that! Piumber an ectrician ALE WR ES 09 ae Rea) Prices tee ---- "The Store With A_ Heart" ' -- ep RR Le + erecct Hostess || TIRES Just call our Phone No. " a sce 3 parse kite always considerate for the health of her guests 140 and say "T would like s ntario . ' ad re . ' C. Ce M. Bicycles 3 (Beacon Building) serves THE VERY BEST BREAD morn- to have my tires looked over before the spring : ing, noon and evening. rush." Joycycles and Accessories Baby Carriage Tires ee The Largest Stock of USE THE PHONE. | = Doit now while you think Bicycle Repairing BICYCLES fH of it and avoid the rush. Rik " er Gordon e McCarth we rgha ever serge now in ° e : r g - ; stock. Come in and pick yours now Se ee ee oc imams i) TV .B, BREAD CO. |] Bill The Bicycle Man you are ready. e ® * < el Captain Wilkins, famous Australian| when they left Point Barrow, until, miles from their objective. The above explorer, and Carl B. Eielson, startled| they arrived at Spitzenbergen, a dis-| layout shows (bottom, left): Captain Phone 1497w 37 Ontario St. j the world by landing in Spitzenbergen tance of 2100 miles. It appears that) Wilkins fueling the plane at Point OPEN EVENINGS W. z McCARTHY Phone 2345 56 Huron St. "Just over the river" if 201 Ontario St. Phone 140 after flying from Point Barrow, over| they succeeded in flying over the | Barrow; (right) Carl B. Eielson, and ; : pes Phone 781d Wellington St. ! All ee Seeesteed- the North Pole. Nothing was heard| North Pole, but were forced to land| (top) the plane taking off for the "The store that service built"' ree e of these daring men from April 16th,'on a lonely island only twenty-five | starting point. 'cinnesinede