THE MIRROR New Shirts with New Collars, This Store Is All Ready for your requirements in New Spring Overcoats, -- New Spring Suits New Spring Hats and Caps New Light Weight Underwear Separate or attached collars to match New Neckwear P. J. Kelly, Stratford Sole Agents for the celebrated 20th Century Clothes. Ready to Wear and Made to Order. FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES C DR. JOHNSTON'S F A 25¢ box of - ill di ee ee ing the slightest earance of rawness. On sale at drug shoe store or sent _ direct post paid for 28c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Catous-Bff Company STRATFORD, ONT. --==-- APPEAL DISMISSED An appeal of Alfred Heimpel, Ros- tock, against a sentence imposed by our local magistrate, J. A. Makins, has been dismissed by the Appellate Division, Toronto. Heimpel claimed that he had not been given a fair tria] and that his consent to a sum- mary trial had not been secured. He was sentenced to six months and an indeterminate period of two years less one day. Convention of S. S. Workers Best Ever Held As "The Mirror" tried to reflect on the very successful City Sunday School Convention held in Knox church last Tuesday it must give cred- it to three prominent figures--Thom- as S. Brandy, the president, who pre- sided during the day in a very fine and acceptable manner, Miss Jessie C. Gaudy, who was the speaker and delight of the banquet hour, and Rev. Dr. W. M. Kannawin, of Toronto, the specialist on Sunday School work who delivered the main evening address. others were: Rev. F. Matheson, Rey. Geo. Mac: Kenzie, Rey. Albert Clemens and Rev. H. W. Snell who co-operated in the two devotional periods and Rev. Geo. Rowland, Rev. Geo. P. Duncan, Rev. H. W. Stewart, who took varied parts in the program. There were five out- standing groups--the St. John's Sun- day School Choir, led by Mr. W. T. Baird; the St. James' Sunday School Orchestra led by Mr. W. H. Bishop, the Ontario St. Baptist Choir led by Mr. H. A. Clark and the C.G.LT. of Knox church led by Miss Amy Mc- Pherson, who provided the banquet. The fifth being a group of officers, H. M. Mandigo of the Boys' Work, Miss W. Rankin, iGris' Work, Mr. A. R. Latter, Temperance Work. Twelve churches of the city had delegates in attendance and the Offic- ers claim that is the largest number co-operating within the last eight years. "The Mirror' hopes that with the close of the convention this co-op- eration will not fail but rather be con- tinued for the promotion of all the varied activities relating to the re- ligious life of the young people of our city. there's a ENVELOPES BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS FACTORY FORMS painting. SERVE YOU. : WEDDING STATIONERY The Fletcher Johnston Press Printers and Publishers of The Mirror difference ==: The painting of one man is subtle and elusive, while the painting of another is dull andstupid. Thereis just as much difference in printing as there is in For quality printing let our printers TELEPHONE 115w FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS It Is Said <= you areas old as your arteries, but you can be as young as your spinal column. A course of Chiro- practic adjustments through the latest and most scientific meth- od will keep you in health and vigor. Adjustments cost less than illness and they do not in- jure your stomach. Con- sult us. K. Hf. Bruce 32 Downie Street Phone 2245, res. 728-J CHUCKLES Teacher--Why didn't you me? Boy--I did shake my head. Teacher--Well I can't hear it rattle up here. answer She--I beg your pardon, but haven't we met before? He--yYes, darling; we were married a little over three months ago. Farmer--You've got a cold. Tramp--yYeh. Farmer--How did you get it? Tramp--I slept in a field last night and someone left the gate open. Mother--I want my little boy to grow up and be a gentleman. Boy--I don't want to be a_ gentle- man, I want to be like pop. June--Helen is two-thirds married to Bob. Jean--Realy? June--Yes, she's willing and the preacher is willing. Juanita--What shape is a kiss? Archibald--Give me one and we'll call it square. I knew your first husband well. What a fine man--he died too soon. That's just what my present hus- band says. Bob--My wife is very thrifty. She made me a tie out of her old dress. Jim--That's nothing--my wife made herself a dress out of one of my ties. They Get Paid For it. your troubles are lawyers. paid for it. The only people who enjoy hearing ~ They get -- THE MIRROR Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontarie St. Phone 314 x Tel. 308 Tal. 311 = ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Size Red Jacket, Egg Siae Solvay Coke Cernish Coal Co. Phone 44 DR. S. H. SUTTER L.D.S.,B,.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Presthetic Dentistry Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie OrFrice 602 PHONES { RESIDENCE 1051w a. Peter & Sylvester Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 210 12 Qntario TTT AUREODEDSGUAUAQOUUQGEGEGUGEOSEAUOROROEOUERODEDEESS 3 Will de your Repairs in : z 3 3 La HOW ABOUT THAT Eavetrough Time for some new trough isn't it? We handle all kinds of Treugh, Conductor Pipes and Fittings. We are at your service any time. Just call L. COOK 110 Downie St. Phone 175 Piumber and Electrician eel ORUUGATOTNNRAAOAAEARAATNCANEE Title Hits inal Humior Bits By "Dec" Ae eS Up to the time of writing, this has been a summerless summer. Three cheers for Stratford Inter- mediate Baseball Team. Long may they continue to win. A lady was remarking about the irregular grain in a mahogany table. "Oh, yes," said the clerk. "It's knotty, but nice." We expect that in another year or two a fellow will have to take out a fish liar's license. A little boy when askea whether the new baby was dark or fair said it was a little "eller." 'Well, I'll be darned," said the bab- bling brook as the fat lady fell off the bridge into the water. "Yes, sir," said the old gardener to a visitor. "I've been 'ere for five- and-sixty year, and still does my eight hours a day. Not so bad, eh, for an octogenarian! The end of the world as promised for May 29th, again failed to appear, and the "Mirror' was. printed as usual, Canadian tourists to the United States have been given an extension of time to ninety days, and if we could take a goodly supply of Can- adian beverages along we bet we would be welcome for even longer than that. Just think what a lot of American thirsts might have been quenched by that $28,250 worth of ale that was dumped into Niagara river by Amert- can custom officials on Tuesday. Man wants but little here below, Swift cars and gas, And at each corner, *@o!" When asked how his car went, he replied: in and out. Into everything and out of gas. A youth's moustache was the orig- in of the instalment plan. A little down and then a little more each week. We read recently where a record was set by four sisters marrying four brothers. That's nothing. Three bro- thers were fined at Galt police court on Tuesday for speeding. They were each driving separate cars, on the same street at the same time. The fatal accident which befelf Mrs. Ivan Epps, of Guelph, when she fell over the Elora rocks will no doubt be the means of protection at this place of interest. Having visited there on many occasions, we are fully aware how easily an accident of the above nature might occur as there is practically no protection around the high cliff, and a person cannot tell at many spots when they are near the edge of the cliff owing to growth of trees and shrubbery. Auto stealing is quite common, but it remained for a 13-year-old boy of Levis, Que., to provide a real thrill when he stole a giant C.N.R. loco- motive to take a joy ride, which for- tunately, did not last long. David A. Hogg, of Canandaigua, N.Y., is suing several publications for $1,000,000, claiming that Sidney Smith's cartoons of Andy Gump were created from Hoag's face after he had suffered the loss of a good part of his lower jaw through an operation. If Hoag is successful, we may expect to see some one claiming to have had a horse resembling Spark Plug. And that's 'that. --_-- Nervous Suitor--Is it true you are going to be married? Madge--Well, I expect to be. Nervous Suitor--When, may I ask? Madge--Well, you may ask me now if you're quite sure you love me. READ THE ADS. | Phone 1580 Chartered Accountant 192 Ontario St. (Beacon Building) FRANK P. GIBBS Stratfoed, Ont. The Largest Stock of BICYCLES we have ever shown is now in stock. Come in and pick yours now --a small deposit will hold it until you are ready. W. E. McCARTHY Phone 781J Wellington St. oe { Phone 2345 The Most Delicious Bread Biscuits, Cakes and Pies--- Come from the ovens of the T. V. Bakery. "Where spotless cleanliness is supreme." T.V.B. BREAD CO. 56 Huren St. "Just over the river" NONSUCH SILVER CREAM The best polish for silver you treasure 25c PER JAR J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL aE The Are Many Ways of repairing shoes but you must try the "Superior Way" to get the most for your money. Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 ----_ J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533F Gordon Block wae ---~--~ This Week Only 30x3% Second-hand Cord Tires From $2.50 Up 6-8 Volt Batteries From $8.50 Up Repairing tires our specialty, --we know how. Bill Keil 201 Ontario St. Phone 140 She --Why can't flies see? He--Because they leave specks on the wall. their ial ' ay nee A Se eT bine a