amare egeserr aa TET ae i De as ro Me as No. 1 STRATFORD, ONT., Vol. 6 G. M. Wilson Again Board of Trade Head Re-organization Meeting Held; A. R. Kennedy Vice-President G. M. Wilson was re-elected presi- dent of the Board of Trade for the present year at a well attended or- ganization meeting of directors held this week. In his presidential ad- dress, Mr. Wilson urged loyalty and co-operation on the part of the direc- tors to make the work of the Board a success this year. Other officers elected were as fol- lows: Vice-president, A. R. Kennedy; treasurer, R. J. Moffatt; . secretary, J. B. Waugh; committee chairmen, Tourist, A. W. Fisher; Highways, R. T. Orr; Industrial, G. E. Cooke; Finance, A. J. Sloane; Program, G. Larkworthy, Jr.; Membership, C. W. Stillman. Hach committee --chair- man will select the members of his committee. It was decided to meet the second Monday of each month at 7.30 p.m., and that seven members will be con- sidered @ quorum. A. W. Fisher, C. N. Greenwood and I]. W. Strudley were named a com-! mittee to re-arrange the secretary's | office in the Board rooms. Race Was Very Fast J3392 1 eavy Wind Under the auspices of the Strat- ford Flying Club a race was held on the 9th of June from Sarnia, 81 miles, which proved a very fast race despite the very heavy side wind. The first bird to clock in was Sir Lail, No. 5219 who also won the. pool with a vel. of 1621-20 yards per minute, owned by Mr. E. Banks. The 2nd bird "Stop Over Dick,' No. 6282 with a vel. of 1610 yards owned by Mr. W. C. Silli- fant. Third, "Black Boy," No. 1313, owned by Mr. G. Humphrey. Fourth, "The Lagger," No. 1541, owned by Mr. H. Marshall. The next race will be from Attica, Mich., 110 miles, on June 16th. The reason there are so many Scotchmen coming out here now, is because they heard so much about free love. Auction Sale of Household Goods on Saturday, June 16that2p.m. | sharp, at 35 Argyle Street. Mrs. E. Sillifant, owner. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1928 Sunday, Father's Day "T hold the world as the world, a stage where every man plays his part." Everyday is Father's Day, but next Sunday he occupies the centre of the stage and Shakespeare wrote, "Every man plays his part." Enter "Dad" and whether you get the applause you deserve or not you are playing well your part, and your part is not an easy one to play. The part that Dad plays is seldom spectacular. Steadily, and quietly he goes about his work, and little he cares how shabby his clothes are so long as the "wee bairnes" and wife have all they need. A very young boy was asked if, when he grew up, he wanted to be a great man. "Nope!" he replied, "I want to be like me dad." Chances are his wish came true. Dad to the boy, whether he knows it or not is the One man that he is going to act like when he grows up. He knows when dad is genuine and when he is insincere. Yes, intelligent boys instinctively know the real from the unreal. It's just as hard for the boy to fool dad as it is for the dad to fool the boy. Playing the part of dad is a wonderful part to play, and the most important character on the stage that Shakespeare calls the world is this same old or young dad. He is the greatest big boy in all the world. Make a good chum of him. Tell him your joys and your trouble. Talk to him about your games and your lessons, and remember, what interests you interests him. You and he must work together. Dad can't play his part nearly so well without your sup- port. 'sport. AUTO DRY CLEANER Dollar Bottle Washes and Polishes Ten ordinary Dirty Cars. Will not injure the finest finish. Tamblyns, McKellar & Mitchell, Wood's Service Station. The Holy Name Rally To Be Held Sunday The Holy Name Rally of this dis- trict will be held next Sunday. The -- parade will assemble at St. Joseph's school and proceed to St.. Joseph's church, where an address will he dct'. ered. This society has truly a worthy motive and inspires in those who are. not members of the organization, or ~~ even members of the Catholic Churche the respect it deserves. The man who does not use his Creator's name -- in vain will find this practice a step- ping stone to higher things, and more © of reverence in him dwelling. We remarked the other day to one of our prominent citizens, with whom we often converse, that we never heard him swear. This he replied was the result of the influence of the Holy Name Society. A great deal is heard about clean a To this will one day be added, clean sportsmen, and the character and life of the great aviator, Lind- bergh is undoubtedly having its influ- ence. De Mar, who is the hope of the Marathon race is a Sunday school and Boy Scout worker, and his inti- -- mates have never heard an improper word fall from his lips. The members and officers should' -- find much satisfaction in watching the Holy Name Society develop. Johnny (woefully) I always thought a yard was three feet until I started mowing the lawn. CITIZENS OF STRATFORD: A Proven Industrial Investment No Guaranteed Dividend This is unusual, but nevertheless has proven to be one of the outstanding investment offerings in recent years because of its real security and because one-fifth of all revenue is placed on deposit with a Bank in To- ronto and distributed by Royalty or Rental cheques every three months--March 15th, June 15th, September This, during the first 18 months of operation under Government Charter in the Do- minion of Canada, has meant an average interest rate of 13 per cent. per annum on moneys invested. 15th and December 15. Then realize that the product sold to the public is a "Public, Utility" used by practically every ype and every tourist and traveller visiting Canada, and that a total of Sixty-Seven Million Dollars was spen on this commodity in Canada in 1927 alone. Banking reports on the Company are favourable, and financial papers, keeping in close touch, have pub- | The best advertisement that the Investment has, outside of its high dividends, is the fact that a great number-of the business and professional men and others, who pur- chased in the early part of 1926 and 1927, have come back for a second, third, fourth and even fifth pur- chase. There are a great many unit holders right here in this section, and every one is a booster, of lished good reports during the past year. course. The Securities Are Industrials and Not Mining or Oil Share j ile i i i Mirror No. 115W If you are open to consider a worth-while investment in Units of $85.00, phone The for literature--it costs you nothing--but within a few months you will have decided it was more than -- worth-while,--or write Canadian Royalties Limited, 214 John Street, Toronto. '*