CROSBY--WEBB An event of interest took place yes- terday, Thursday, when Lily, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webb, Louise street, became the bride of George A. Crosby, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Crosby, of West New- ton, Mass. The pretty wedding was solemnized at the Central United church, the choir of which the bride was at one time a valued member. The pastor of the church, Rev. C. W. De Mille officiated, while Talman J. M. Gotby, organist of the church, presided at the organ. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was becomingly attired in white georgette and Chantilly lace and wore an embroidered silk veil with coronet of seed pearls and or- ange blossoms, and carried a bcu- quet of Sweetheart roses and maidenhair fern. Her sister, Miss Vera Webb, was. bridesmaid and wore a pink taffeta dress with silk net frills. She wore a picture hat of 'mohair and French flowers to match. Miss Margaret Greenfield made a pretty little flower girl, and wore a pale yellow dress. The groomsman was Eldred Brainerd of Philadelphia, a college friend of the bridegroom. During the signing of the register Miss Mary Campbell of Port Arthur sang "At Dawning." The ushers were H. Lawrence and Cyril Webb brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride': parents, after which the happy couple left by motor for a _ trip through the New England = states. They will reside in Buffalo. Out-of- town guests included Mr. and Mrs: T. Webb, Montreal; Mr. Brainerd, Phil- adelphia; Miss Campbell, Port Ar- thur; Mr. and Mrs. Riehl, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. H. Seignor, Buffalo, and Miss Bessie Crosby, West Newton, Mass. COMMUNICATION SOME THINGS I'D LIKE TO KNOW When is the City Council going to pass a By-Law prohibiting dancing in the Park? : What will campers say of Strat- ford's Queens Park facilities when they go home? When is the City Council going to accept the 123 acres offered by the Stratford Improvement Company for its use as an air port? "HACE" | | | Now it Our New Location } 2. | We are now ready to serve you in our i new location at No. 21 Downie St., direct ly over Tamblyn Drug Store. For a limited time only we are making a special intro- ductory offer, to familiarize the public with f the location of our new offices. A thorough ¥ eye examination will be given and where ' glasses are found necessary they will be supplied at a substantial reduction from the original price. In many instances you will SAVE FIVE DOLLARS R. A. REID STRATFORD'S OLDEST EXCLUSIVE OPTOMETRIST 21 Downle Street. Phone 5F Dresses of printed chiffon, flatte crepe, Scarfs--New and Smart 2.50 Scarfs of georgette -- exquisitely sheer and dainty--floral and conven- tional designs, also one with polka dot design that is exceedingly smart --colors that will ga 2 50 TT eal of printed broadcloth, Canton crepe, georgette, crepe ro- maine, crepe faille, kasha and wool jersey. Smart styles with pleats, tucks and drapes. The reason these dresses have been reduced is that they are slightly soiled. Col- ors sand, blue, grey, red, green, rust, cocoa, rosewood and navy. Sizes 16 to 20--34 to 44. Regular 15.75 to 55.00. Saturday-- 10.95 ,, 25.00 Girls' Dresses checked rayon, fuji and khaki--trimmed with pleats, braid, belts, buttons and binding. Colors red, blue, mauve, green -- four dozen to : 1 2 Wf, em choose from in s:z2s ° with any costume. --Main Floor-- Service Weight Hose, 2.00 Full fashioned, silk to the top--they are beautiful and serviceable, in all the wanted shades--With the advent of cooler days you will want hose of this weight in your ward- robe. Saturday 2.00 --Main Floor-- French Kid Gloves, 1.8° French kid gloves, fancy em- oe broidered points, turn-back and A flare cuffs with embroidered and appliqued designs. Colors black, tan, brown and several Y, lovely shades of grey. Sizes | y, ie ae NS 6 8 04,0: 4° €°0. 6 Saturday. pair --Main Floor--