ROR_ No. 21 STRATFORD, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1928 Vol. Rotary Frolic Draws Biggest Crowd of Any Yet Held The annual Hallowe'en frolic, held} were formed which followed behind on Wednesday night under the aus-| the bands, ' pices of the Stratford Rotary Club, The judging of costumes at the rs s oe net GORA ag the tee Arnipariod was one of the Oiigtent ing spectacles of the evening and successful in the history of the| grew an immense crowd. So varied club. were the costumes and so large the characters to be inspected, that the judges, Mrs. P. J. Kelly, Mrs. R. L. Whitman and Charles Farquhar- son, had a difficult time. One little girl, Bernice Grieve, aged 14 months was making her first appearance at a masquerade. No provision had Under ideal weather conditions the whole evening's entertainment swung along in fine style; the city was given over to merry-making, true there was some damage caused \; | by children mostly in the outlying [VICE REGAL VISITOR | | districts, but on the whole every- WARMLY WELCOMED | thing was orderly and both young been Hee Tere a prize for one 80 Ne and old had a big time. young, but it did not take the com- , =: : = rent ce Viscount Willingdon, governor- : mittee in charge very long t ro- : Costumes are being worn more a y & Ose genera] of the Dominion of Canada. : Wed cure a special prize for Bernice. "who paid his rirsi official visit to and more each year, and Wednes-| im, otn ' ' ; F Off. a Z er prize win ; : Stratford yesterday and received a day night' saw an unusually large : ee ee Resigns rom CE stirring reception from hundreds crowd in costumes of almost every Ladies' fancy--James Long, 34 Held For 22 y ears at cltirens, xrenion of the to78! | concetvablo description, The night's] North street Mateaty the King, wan eontained fun really commenced in the after- Saal comic--Winnie Corby, 163 After filling the office of Sheriff of in the. rousing cheers that were noon when upwards of 3000 horns Perth street. the County of Perth for the past 22 given when Viscount Willingdon were distributed to the school chil- Men's comic--O. C. Elliott, 104 | years, Mr. Thos. Magwood has resign- ee saalggeand aparece: 4 ie cat dren at the city hall. Shortly after | Mercer street. ed from that position. He is succeed- ayor o fhe SvY wa ; ti , a ANS six o'clock the C. N. R. and Perth Ha oe be ey wert -- |ed by McCausland Irvine, former Con- ' edb ony Aas servative member for South Perth. Regiment bands appeared on the! Girls' under 14 years, fancy--Beity streets and did much to enliven the| Planke, Toronto. The duties of this office were most Yonng People Spend 'proceedings. Impromptu parades (Continued on page 8) intelligently performed by Mr. Mag- = wood and his quiet manner and com- Pleasant Evening : : posedness stood him in good stead in Central. and &t. John's United many complex situations during his Young People's Societies had a join ee Noah OrS=awOn term of office. Mr. Magwood while ak ial i werving in his convictions and stand: social in Central Church Monday ev- ae = ee he is of the kind- ening. The ts I ; ie ee : _ ee ee est nature, extending his interests in- by Miss Naomi Piggott of Central Uni : to many worthy causes. For years nited C : Thoma Ss. y Nf y a ari ' eae he gave his time and thought to that Brandy of St. John's, presided Over of the Children's Aid. Society. a eo ee --, a ; His consideration for others and his en ee ee dvice and encouragement have been Summers, Miss Hlva Hanley and Miss advice and e g ; e ' the means of helping many a one in Florence Reynolds were the singer's. i ee ifficulty. other man in Frank O'Donoghue drew the cartoons Jnag food diamond the value is always pss? | ted Mra faa tcld i njoyed greater for the chalk talk which were as usual ; : sure -therefore- when a ee ae aaa ie é most interesting and _ clever. Miss } baying < diamonds make" qualily of : i He was appointed to the office of Gertru M: i Sto aetna "a Mee taint ; 6 ead chie shsate dal C) sheriff on April 1, 1907, a few years 3 3 ee after he had moved to the city from - igpaibagaio alae imal fod a the family homestead in Mornington ed by the Central Young People. A ast : uy ae thoroughly enjoyabl i : eee Cosh: co . ; spent Roo pron, 2 ot gaa ae i 1 Pass we : me Previous to the appointment he yh Sew een were 7 ey deerme', re € <P> ¥ served for eight years as member "Where have you been?" ' SF Magee aes "ese leper § ee AG for North Perth in the Ontario leg "In the hospital getting censored." x = eg ade aS every fancy. islature, during which time he dis- "Censored?" 3 ) played many of those qualities which well fitted him for the post "Yes, I had several important parts cut out." which he later was to assume. Be square even to the point of fin- ickiness, and you will have mighty : littie occasion to complain of a 22 RES 7. crooked world. ; Take advice, but do you own de- MLsltouw JE Siernoed / S& OPrOMeAIST S ciding. Don't toady. The world respects the men who stands up on his hind legs and looks it in the eye.