Stratford Mirror, 3 Apr 1931, p. 2

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3 a ores , | ekg qe THE STRATFORD MIRROR : eee another angle. Nothing, outside the | tablespoons cold water, 1 cup milk, : ( i P ID' S Ls : ; CCh ; at | instincts of love, self-preservation and | 4-4 cup sugar, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, 2 STRATFORD . : 4 home-making, is of greater import slices pineapple, 1 cup Sun-Maid Nec- ge 'i mt of e al ; ance to many women than their ap- ea lettie Canines) | F t | < a fare valihy y , pearance. They choose their garments | tars Raisins (plumpec'. usica es Va ( ORNER " . ° i with the greatest of:care and atten-| Soften gelatine in cold water, Scald : Sie ' tion to detail, and one of the first es-| milk in double boiler. pour over ege Entries Close & ' . THE MESSAGE OF EASTER sentials they demand is that the col- | yolks which have been mixed with sug- Satara Kiril 4 1931 ' t "Lift up your heads, ye sorrowing a gs nana Pe pero abi ~~ ae rae = a note ie gehts =: : . : ae ~ : te) +}; cook until cus * Address all letters to Miss Ina St. John, Mirror Office ' tnt' ' : _ eas iting Beal toa SOT hair, eyes and general colouring, and | Remove from fire, add vanilla and | Answers will appear the week followin a es : ee seaege day, were but one Promeig ort = choose a colour for frock, or coat, or | softened gelatine and stir until dis- SOs -eoguiry- LL seh cet Yawhion > ea che' great [Oats whien brings out all the best! solved. Add marshmallows while cus" - . than 2 4 _ Ste ici ' ¢ "| points they possess. -tard is hot to melt them partially. oe ting aoe eae Rees = St. long as it holds death and pain and OK y Gar oo § a. Ft oe ae We shee That is just exactly what they are | When cold add fruit and set aside to e able to_ disillusionment, there will be adven- a\ q * on the grave an obelisk pointing like eran os = a9 a se rng to | chill. Serve in sherbert glasses. / choosing the appointments for eir take care of her little corner in m irri in The ture of the most stirring sort in the a spire toward the heavens. On it he F homes. Two battered old wrecks were sit- cK \\ i Mirror this week. Of cour : * af Th : se those attempt to be friends with it. Real 3 o, eres a Lovely A - earved the words, "Nevertheless, I live," and above the words a butter- 'ting on a bench in the common when who have sent their questions in will | religi i \ ' z 3 gion involves as vi i ' : be disappointed, but it is expected | pager NE = GOLD STRIPE | . pected | effort as we moderns are ever called Shade ee ae P fly, to suggest his invincible faith that THE SPECIAL ca aes lone remarked: "I'm a man who never <h pate ST 98 Night 376 1 j i DESSER On one gh ' in Christ Jesus death was only a tran took advice from anybody." | that your answer will appear in the | | upon to put forth. sition, an evolution from the limita- Raisin Moonlight : es 3 "Shake, brother," said the other,| A Jeader is.a man who visualizes next issue. | Travel i a xe s another way to romanc nf f ; Cupia' | ane : el] f or > | ee Se scene yp oie eres is al Reve ES we take it knapsack and Every Color In Reeth | tions of the chrysalis to the freedom 4 tablespoon granulated gelatine, 2 ers have profited i tte fied cnet tirenida in ane 7 sitting at our the R H b au : i of life with wings. egg yolks, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 12 marsh- pret a see whe Snel EE Cena uk ee Me ee | | : of Fea n hand oF siting at ou : a ee Se aha that the wings a! baa ee ete ' | advice."--Exchange. |head and does it. rhs rie y the our me most of te have to, to eee sacha ean ~ | mallows, 1 cup whipping cream, _2 (| acvc chang oe Meee ae given to questions that are not the tries and faraway, mysterious peoples ; ions of briltiantiy. tintec seaies t0| easiest to answer. The problems of pause a imagination. Promenade or Capucine Taupe a a) millions of brilliantly tinted scales to young lovers are usually looked upon) nthusiasm for a hobby is an- for the smart browns. p Bee en yabar is lavished on flippantly but it is questionable if) other road. Doctors tell us that half of thought and-labor is lavished on creatures whose glimmer of conscious- any other experience in life is half so the physical breakdowns which com j : e : serious to those who are caught in its to Americans at middle age could be Tendresse or Greige blend ness lasts for but a brief time, what || | . pry | Z3% Ie tg meshes. However it is as true today | 2Voided if we would make our hob- smartly with grey. - peauty of mind and soul and body |{ | ; | a) EK ona been int <b ai ad ever THEIL the srceld lovee el bias Foal." Bathisiode A. avoiiieved - may not belong to us who were made a org dil xg e /f (fig phy gen a ae MM lid A ama ---- Es in the image of God. He lover." and-not many in the world so hobby will go far toward giving per- Putty Beige or Sandee for The knowledge of the resurrection : | | (iat | when they are present or in other|----Which is the essential function of words feel the presence of those who, romance, . dull of apprehension who cannot tell; Manent zest and meaning to existence medium and licht bei 8 elges. | takes the bitterness out of death, and ; in. its stead gives us a glorious hope are really in love. Another way of making time march Tendresse for navy blue! er f of immortality. The thought of resur- a? Et rection and immortality was in the In the following article: under the blithely instead of dragging unevent- caption of "Overworking Love,' Avis fully is through the cultivation of in- cee & heart of man before Christ came; D. Carlson, in The Woman's Journal tellectual interests. Learning how the GOLDSTRIPE, CHIFFON OR -- "Fis coming changed the dream into | has made a worth-while contribution. machinery of life runs is an absolute- SHEER -SERVI 4 H | hipaa 7 blessed reality, that has enabled His | In spite of the frequency with which ly thrilling undertaking (I mean that 7 CE STOCKINGS -- followers to meet death with tran-| we have had it dinned into our ears literally), open to anyone who can $1 50 and $1 95 th . é . quillity, and to be able to say like in the last decade or sc, most of us | 1¢@d intelligently. The pity is that so : : wk te 2 ee paul "To me to live is Christ and have not yet fully realized the dual | few ever discover it. Sea De & aie is gain." c | nature of love: that on one side it is | , When one considers this list of SoA "No run that starts ab a | ee We Soutd 'ever keep in mind the! a homely affair springing from biol-| 10248 t0 romance" it seems unfortun- E can he Gok pe" " fact that death does not end life; it is. ogic need and from our need of com- ate that they should have had so little pass the Gold Stripe but the gate through which we enter | into Eternal Life. We lay down our. panionship and loyalty, while on the emphasis in comparison with love. other it is romance, glamour, star- What we hear day in and day out, es- . ce earthly work with this difference: | ee ecdeentt eto whee acne | pecially if we wear skirts and are re A 23 here we get tired and weary but there | a 6 we serve with glad, care-free hearts, | of love claims more attention. Ask a _ (Continued on page 6) 16 ' : ; Wumdred "peomle-under-Op MUAt FOVR ior Or WILCOX ae i ~ that know nothing of pain, weariness | ay ' or sorrow. There, too, we rejoice with | means, and not more than five of : them will first mention companion- | , Scour loved ones who have gone home) eetp or loxalty- er before us. Hlaster is the birthday of| -This intense concentration upon: YD e@ e the world's hope. the romantic aspect of love has had | ile a Re Ph gt. epee a Your Most Becoming Color | | two effects, neither of them particu-/ ae | age ee Hat Sigh How often do you hear a woman | larly good. Inthe first place it has | / ¥ aR eee gee ee ar ee | tell of something she bought jubilant- | Za X , oe ae JEW CURTAINS ly and with which she then discover- | 4 source of romance, instead of being | | oo Ci Nig i only one of the ways to ihaanee' | Shoppe Easter P hotogr aph Fs. ea she couldn't live? Maybe when ask- I~ NEW CARPETS wee oi éd why, she can only give you the, wy : NEW COVERINGS Other roads not so highl i and piace gantivedt Pal apg tng _ Mrs. Morgan, Prop. H Will be dleasi : et eae owt i argains nb o piacasine 1 ieerce and > |= very feminine "pecause' which seems | - e receiver at this Easter time. go eminently satisfactory to women. | Ry ea os > -- on ee g ne ; in SS SSS { be used. For love's own dear sake, if for no other reason, they should not ged Aes up-to-date portrait = | eee; Quite possibly she didn't know that | Ge TD Bringing fresh interest in somethin var ; different types of people re-act differ | ee, with values that compel one to buy for future needs. ow We: be neglected. tly to th % colours, and that | Maras j for, some. payenological or \\j HONEY COLORED SILK NET CURTAINS What Dewey calls "creative think- Showing of i a . NS 4 ' " ; ee: ing" is one of these roads. To chart a Bae F| ctric Washers : Th Rogers S udie : ee. for some psychological reason ATT new trail through a strip of intellect- | Easter Mill : : : scTour of the object purchased was | ae 3 : zs : ¥ soo ; tterns 21-4, 2% and 3 yds. long. ; inery '] 83 Downie St. Phone 1096M. : not one with which she ever could live | vant itith ate. ais ee ae lovely. PONE ual wilderness, to clear up old tang- les and confusions--surely that is ae ' oe New, Used and Reconditioned ]| aie happily. Lerner = venture in every sense of the works ee new--something oF ) : apes days ago the writer was g0-' COLORED RUFFLE CURTAINS Pasteur in his laboratory must have | ifferent. Styles and chic ; ee ing through 4 suite of beautifully , : : ; suffled tie-backs, all colors and had all the sense of living meaning-|{ to them all. || BEATTY WASHER STORE | Peter & S ] t ell furnished rooms and came to a bed- | ; with or poe i eee ait nA , fully and swiftly that romantic love } EASY TERMS y vester ae --_ room the dominant colour note of | widths--1.25, 1.35, 1.65, 1.85 to 4.oo pall can give, Edna St. Vincent Millay at Be prepared for Easter by Will do your Repairs in a which was turquoise blue. While in) AXMINSTER RUGS and STAIR CARPETS her desk and Eva Le Gallienne work- buying the right hat at the ) First come get best bargains Plumbi the rovltl Jie Oe et ee ved it i ivi ugs in most popular colors--a new ing up a new interpretation of an old | "Personality Shoj a & . uUmbing Heating ee ' who passed through disapproved in| 6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft. Livingroom rugs pop role have it. Anyone who thinks cre-| oats Oppe. Electric oe : varying degrees, against the colour | value at 19.50. i scheme. "I'd go stark, staring mad in' 27 in. x 54 in. Mats to ag va wary» Saat to 3.95 Stair Carpet, 27 in. wide, bordere Be ' atively has it. t Ph 1 : 2 The Bea tty faethe 12 Ontarle ee a - that room," declared one, and her. Religion is another source of ro- companion agreed that for her also, : sanity would be jeopardized if intim- | Tapestry Covering mance. Real religion, I mean, not the | Wash St { om perfunctory, outward-seeming thing | ' y tee -_ most of us have. If religion means | Vyvette Hat Shoppe | er ore J. S RUSSELL ; 4 ate association with that one was in- Travellers' Samples for Seats, anything, it is an sdventin® Se Wind Bloc! M. L HIGGINS | . : F : 5 sisted upon. a es ee fee jarani a ship with the universe. Bu e uni- inasor oc : Registered Architect sa i And yet he room W eautifu rs HOME FURNITURE A verse is apparently a bristly, stern old eh I5I Ontario St. Phone 30 Bae - The explanation lay in the fact that: FUNERAL SERVICE s PHONE 33, NIGHT 876 sphinx who must be wooed patiently | Ibert Street | Ph an 4 that shade of blue is diametrically op- | Phone 1533F Gordon Block} -- q posed to many women in its reactions | and approached understandingly. So; : j F upon them. ; Suppose we go into the matter from for Chairs, Couches, Settees, etc. 1.35 yd. up. Backs or Cushions. . _. ...25 in. square, 75¢ ap. Se gain hen SATAN ta DLN RAN ERAT RAE AA -SILVERWOOD'S FIN EST 7 CREAMERY BUTTER q | Try Silverwood's Stratford Dairy, Ltd. for Prompt, Courteous, Safe Milk Service : Can be obtained from your grocer or from a Silverwood Milk-wagon Salesman

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