ae | NICKLE SILVER oe STAIN RESISTING Cutlery Teaspoons, doz... 2-4,4.-..-+-2-2-- 1.60 Dessert Spoons, doz........ ......2.80 Dessert. Forks ; d0z..:i.,.-.5.-..-: 2.80 Table Spoons, each................. 28c Dessert Knives, doz............--- 3,00 Table Knives, doz.................: 3.60 4 Dessert Knives, Firth's Stain- less Blade, doz.. ane 3 or * ory. Table Knives, BGR Y. has castes 1 JL. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL 8.40 © | hopes they will go to hades. * * * Partridge Sanitary & - Heating Engineers" Seaton, and Toronto 3 Plumbing, Hesting. Sheet Metal Work and Roofing Phone 1257 oe : 29 Ontario _ But it would be exaggerating to say \ j SS AQ. =e ' -- eR [ REE | é i 3 : aaa eeeeatll YysYyyr ; sheet 2 =| 2 af Ce CF TOA. ; eeperter Shoe |. Repair just to get a dime cigar? Then what 119 (Ontario St. Phone $4 SSS "Doc's 'Cae One way Gandhi has it on the rest' take you is a bath towel doesn't bag at the better an all in the world. When the gong strikes as I finish kissing you, it will be ex- actly eleven and three-quarter minutes past twelve o'clock. The dream is the 'body's expression | in the best possible symbol it can ex-, press that something is going wrong. | = * ca knees. fod * * A motorist who had looked over his stalled car on a country road found it was lack of lubrication. He asked an old lady in a nearby cottage if she had any oil in the house. "Any kind of oil will do," he said," castor oil if you have it.' I ain't got any castor oil, sir," said the old lady re- gretfully," but I can mix you up a dose of salts." * * * ° A bad man yearns to kill those who disagree with him. A good man merely Thanks to several layers of flannel underwear he was wearing a Maine sheriff was unharmed --by a bullet. he came off without a scratch. * * * Mrs. Batt: "And is your daughter happily married ?". Mrs. Lett: "Oh, yes, Her husband is scared to death of her." eae Sas ~The only time some wives are will- ing to listen to what their husbands have to say is when they are talking in their sleep. * * * It is about time to see if the: midget golf courses set out last year were simply aaniae or hardy peren- nials. © ee "Every cme E kiss you it makes me a, better man.' "Well, you don't have to try and get to heaven all in one night." : O58 Any man is a brute who expects a woman to wear a smile and last years dress at the same time. é * * * School girls may not have a special aptitude for history, but they can us- ually remember dates. * * * Judge--"So you broke into the store were you doing at the safe?" Prisoner--"Your honor, I was just putting in the dime." 3 = * * An <Avonton farmer says there's something the matter with the price: of butterfat when it takes th cans -- of cream to pay for one pe 'manent wave for the met? wife. - * Mike--"O' Pat--What? "You Bent mean to say that O'Reilly is dead? Mike--You don't suppose they're just practicing iy sacs? do you? Pat--And Ke! Se: is that? Frequently it hiceuee that you can --|cO A ANTHRACITE COAL -__- | POCAHONTAS, Egg Size eis Red Jacket, Egg Size : et Solvay Coke | CORNISH COAL co. Hee 'ng Pal -casy_peyment plan. win a friend by losing an argument. Arguments lost at home, however, are not peed in ae grand total. RADIO encom PROPOSES -- = 'Good evening, Helen. This is sta- tion L-O-V-E, Thomas Throatsyrup 'announcing. The evening's program starts right off with a vocal number, specially dedicated to you, entitled Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, At Last I've Found Thee. "This ring is being brought to you through the courtesy of Dingel-dangle Brothers, jewelers and silversmith's, located at 149 Jaywalk street, who made mea special price on it in ad- dition 'to extending their. onder poked there. the One * 8 Terrence--"It's a foine lad ye have) Magnificent head and features. Could ye lend me ten dol- lars?" Pat--"I could - not. child by her first husband." ¢ = * * .Toronto man says wise thing when he engaged an ex-, burglar as a chauffeur. He has never }even seen a finger mark on the car. in my arms and it will be! applause cards * . "Tis me Young Husband--I can't stand this * suspense any longer. It will kill me. Doctor: Calm yourself, my dear sir. | I've brought thousands of babies into | the world and never lost a father yet. * * THE KICK THAT FAILED It was "Madam," he "Don't tempt me, in a New York street car that a Buxom woman was standing in the aisle hanging to a strap. In front of her sat a rather cantanker- | ous looking man, apparently ab- sorbed in a newspaper. The car stopped suddenly and she _ trod sharply on his foot. He looked up over the top of his paper with | any- thing but happy expression. said, please get off my foot?" "Put your foot where it belongs," she replied shortly. "will madam, tempt me," he countered. - APRIL RAINS. April rains have come to play, To wash the grime and smoke away, To give the dear old Mother earth, Of grain and flcewers another birth. To fill the air with melody Of pattering drops of rhapsody. April rains a while will stay, » Bestow a blessing, steal away. --Grenville Kleiser. *F é he did a! noble , wife's you don't | | | = © ee ee Ae a ee ee a a fe THE STRATFORD MIRROR ae CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES LIMITED Erie and Downie Streets. STRAT FORD Phone 2500 to all Departments Soft Balls from $50c to 1.85 -- | oe Soft Ball Bats from 50¢ to. ee 1.25. - TENNIS BALLS We have some real bar- | | Mitts | gains in Catchers' and Gloves. J.E. Patterson" 39c i\WUf Sale Look! 2.30 o'clock Specials for Saturday We Advise Shopping Sharp at 2.30 O'clock For These SUPER SPECIALS! WOMEN'S REAL SILK HOSE 2.30 o'clock Special! Women's pure thread silk hosiery, silk to the mercerized garter welt. With the popular slipper heels, well reinforced. Choice of cameo, cedar, champagne. Sizes 814 to 10. Shop sharp at 2. 30 p. m. And purchase several pairs at a great saving. 2.30 o'clock Special, pair --Main Floor. 39c 83 Downie St . = ae: Phone 296 2.30 O'Clock Special bon 2.30 O'Clock Special The World Moves.... So Do We | Stratford Cartage fe We Move Pianos, Safes and Women's Blouses, each Good quality silk crepe blouses in assorted styles and a host of colored patterns to choose from. A special clearance of blous- "es that regularly sold for 3.95 and 4.95. Sizes 34 to 40. ove quantity is strictly ana 2,30 o'clock Special, eac "Main 'Floor. 1.98 Stamped Pillow Cases Good quality white cotton pillow cases with pink and blue hemstitched hems in fast colors. 42 inches wide. Effect a substan- tial saving by shopping at 2.30 p. m. and purchasing several pairs. 2.30 o'clock Special, each . -- ant Floor. ; Furniture ra} By courteous and reliable men, | PHONES: PEE BEES aa 2264 Freight Shed .........::cscsses ead it OPLICE -nraceeesecneeseensreesesenrennnnes . aoe 2.30 o'clock Special ! aha Soft, absorbent towels that are fluffy and porous. Size 19 x 36 inches. stripes of red, blue, gold and green. 2.30 o'clock Special, pair... ene 29c Bath Towels, Pair With cream grounds showing 29c "Second Floor. L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICLI. 110 Dovaie St. 1e _ 2.30 O'Clock Special _| Picture Chiffon Printed in fashions smartest colorings and patterns. A-serviceable fabric for cool sum- mer frocks in sunfast and tubfast colors. 38 inches wide. A remarkable low price for the 2.30 o'clock Special... Yard... enath 29c --Second Floor. | | 2,80 O'Clock Special | 2.30 O'Clock Special _| Aluminum Steamer Here is something for which you have been in double Large kettle at bottom with one large and one small steamer with handles Limited number. waiting! steamer. and lid to set A special in kettle. 2.30 o'clock -- each. --Downstairs Store. Dimity Combinations Practical combinations of fine quality dim- ity. In knee length style and suitable for boys' or girls' wear. White shade only. Sizes 2 to 6 years. A special value for the 2.30 o'clock Specials, 29c combination. ........ Pek pee --Second Floor aluminum 1.98 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE -- the city. FOR SALE Modern brick cottage, 8 rooms, new roof, centrally located, in best section of Large lot. This cottage is easily worth $2,- 500--for quick sale $2,000. A real reliable investment. Terms arranged. Apply Stratford Mirror Office for particulars. ae you like this offering, et me is Eave Troughing and Furnace Work Done promptly and efficiently. As. E. COMMERFORD 199 Ontario Se PHONE 6G PHONE ROY HUEHNERGARD HORACE B. SILLIFANT |. Plumbing 'and Tinsmithing GOOD WORKMANSHIP 332 Cambria St. Phone 1485w Down & F leming Funeral Service Rooms Phone 314 _Mr. Down, 308Mr. Fieming, $11. 94 Ontario St. 2.30 o'clock Special ! -- Fine Shoes, Regular 5.00 1.98 An extraordinary offering of women's fine shoes made of patent leathers, brown and black kid leathers in attractive models with cuban and high heels. Modern styles that will please the modern dresser. Turn- ed and Goodyear welted soles, some are fitted with Arch Lent taper Sizes 24 to 7 sold for 5.00. 2.30 o'clock Special, Pair. Seg aceniahen s me ' sd 1.98 . These shoes regularly ' --Main 'Floor. 2.30 O'Clock Special 2.30 O'Clock Special Men's Work Shirts 2.30 o'clock Special, "Well made work shirts offered at a very low price for the 2.3€ o'clock Specials. Made from good quality blue chambray and navy blue cambric. Roomy bodied shirts with triple stitched yoke and seams. Breast pocket. Size 14 to 17. Buy several at this low price. each 49c --Main Floor Extraordinary value in fine quality lock- piece style. Modernistic applique and *wide with tuck-in blouse make this a value for the 2.30 o'cleck Specials. Sizes small, dium and large in assorted colors. % o'clock Spec- ial, Suit . Ba gOS wis GO Soa "a Women's Rayon Pyjamas nit rayon pyjamas in two- trousers 1 & 1 9 very remarkable Soe --Second Floor. me- Extra! ! One of the most outstanding collections of frocks in styles, have offered this season. Of crayshene materials in s touches, ete. In a host of attractive patterns and sha mall printed patterns. des. Sizes 14 to 40. ae of = Women' s Printed Jacket Frocks types and colors for present and later wear, that Simply styled with chic ingen ee: --Second Foor. sg ee ee » ae