THE STRATFORD MIRROR _ as ca ae aes Cee es ee RS OS Hie LS EL ee Bt weind! OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS PURE IS SWEET IS WHOLESOME For toast it has no equal; aitthats it C8 A ahaa at dow le i iat etree Eaten plain it is most palat- able and The Very Best Bread freshness. always retains its T.VB. Bread Co. "Just Over the River" Phone 2345 | ; j aI | ] 4 } } ; ; Clean Men! You Want Real Value For Your Clothing Dollar ! Here it is--heaping,up and Running Over-- CUMMING BLUE: SERGE SUITS for men and young men have no equal. Gen- uine English Serge. 18-0z., satin lined, modern..cut, extra 5.00 UMMING-- THE CLOTHIER 40 Wellington St. Stratford | The campaign to abolish weeds 'which was launched by the county weed inspectors here this week should find favor with Fred Cook, the super- -intendent of the Municipal Golf Course. * * *. ¥ ~pandelions are the particular ones which are worrying Fred at the pre- sent time. They worry the boys who are not so keen on finding the old pill too. , : xs * # To Avon School Cadet Corps went at the annual inspection of cadets here last week. : ; Cadet "Gink'" Easson, by the way, almost got lost on inspection day. Just as the inspecting officer arrived however, some person reached in and pulled "Gink's" head out of the tunic which he was wearing. =i * * The members of Scarlet Chapter, L. O. L. attended service at St. Paul's Church, Sunday night. A special ser- mon was delivered by the rector, Rev. William Wallace. * * * The City Council has passed a re- solution calling upon the provincial government to pass legislation to have the income assessment on chain stores, the head offices of which are not in the municipalities, paid local- ly. * * * Congratulations to the city of Kingston on its 85th birthday. The Limestone City is the oldest in On- tario" It was incorporated as a city in 1846. * * * All of which reminds us that Strat- Pa ee is going to have a very import- | WOOLLEN MILLS STORE ff LING OUI To Bare Walls - Nothing Must Remain will see another tremendous thrifty crowd of people. by the armful will walk out of this store at prices that are almost a gift. It's got to go and go it will by all means. Don't miss coming on Saturday-- it's too good to miss! NES Local Happenings In Bri ee . J e ant birthday next year. Is there going to be a birthday party? ' * * * A Summer School will be held in the Normal School here from July 6 to August 7 this year. It will be for | instruction in the special kindergarten -- primary class, and will be atended mostly by teachers who have some * years of experience, as well as by a few of this year's graduates. * * * Another good road gone "wrong. Traffic Officer Bert Moore is going > the highest honors for public schools ;to keep an eagle eye on the Shakes- peare-Tavistock road from now on. * * * YO--YO TOURNAMENT AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 A. M. In conjunction with the London Ad- vertiser, the manager of the Majestic has made it possibile for Stratford Boys and Girls to compete for the Championship of Ontario and the grand prize of $100. At 10 o'clock Saturday morning, the preliminaries for Stratford Boys and Girls will be held at the Majestic The- atre. There will be three cash prizes and other prizes for the winners, also a limited number of YO-YO'S. will be given away free. The first five prize- winners will be. sent to London on May 30th to compete for the Advertiser's prize of $100. Every boy and Girl has an equal chance of winning a prize. It is necessary to have a genuine Duncan Gold Seal 77 YO-YO, the top that does -- all the tricks, in order to enter this | contest. The Duncan Gold Seal 177 YO-YO Tops are on sale at Pat's Bookstore i Get your Duncan Top now and start practicing. Merchandise _ . Hable to tear ee ee ee ------ THE STRATFORD MIRROR et a -------- 1 _ =. Bea oa "LOCAL INTEREST -- H. A. Bruce is_ receiving the con--- cratulations of his friends on head- ing the list in the honor roll for sell- ing insurance for his company during the month of cp / * F. M. Higgins, superintendent of the jocal employment bureau is a con- firmed believer in advertising now. He deplored the fact that he could not get female help at his bureau. It got into the papers and he was swam-) ped. * ¢ # Probably that same remedy could | be applied for that gas main which . the Public Utilities Commission has lost on Waterloo Street. * * * The Odd Fellows of District No. 13 recommended Clarence Westman of Granton for the honor of District De- puty Grand Master at a meeting of | lodges of the district held here last week. * * * The Civil Service team is mighty | proud of that trophy which they won for winning the city league bowling championship. "Chalkey" Sylvester whistles the Stein Song every day | now. . * * * When lightning gets playful, it is pieces from telephone poles, ring the fire bell or your tele- phone. It's a mighty efficient can opener too, judging from the way it riddled a can distributor on the tele- phone line on Earl Street. Late Miss Carrie P. Gourlay The sudden passing of Miss Carrie FP. Gourlay at her home, 288 Ontario Street on Monday evening came as a severe shock to a host of frieinds in Stratford and district. Miss Gourlay was taken ill in the morning and pass- ed away about 7.30 in the evening. The} previous morning she had attended! service at Knox Presbyterian Church of which she was a devoted member. Miss Gourlay had been a resident cf Stratford for thirty-five years. She was born in Downie, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gourlay. Her mother was the only sister of the late Hon. Thom- as Ballantyne. After coming to Strat- ford, Miss Gourlay became a faithful member of Knox Presbyterian Church, and for some time taught in the Sun- day School. In 1921 she was made a life member of the Gordon Auxiliary. She was also a member of the Ladies' Aid. Surviving her are Mrs. Walter Rae, Downie; Mrs: A. seven sisters: DRESS UP FOR THE 24th How about a nice new hat for the Holiday? Especially the new light greys. Guaranteeed to keep shape. Made of best quality fur felt. Specially priced. $3.95 .. $4.95 Straw Hats Remember men, May 24th starts The Straw Hat Season. We have them here for your selection. Every hat brand new. and of the latest style. $1.50 $1.95 * $2.95 New Shirts FOR THE HOLIDAY Especially priced at $1.95 Collar attached or detached style. Assorted colors, including white. Sizes 14 to 18. Hamilton, Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Adam Bell, Stratford: Miss Ma- tilda and Miss Christina of St. Pet- ersburgh, Florida, Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Downie and Miss Liliiace Gourlay, Stratford. IT'S TIME FOR THE JUNE BRIDES to make the appointment so that right after the great event you _May be photographed at THE ROGERS STUDIO 83 Downie St. Phone 1096-m Let us show you samples and_ quote prices. | Special in Men's | HOSE Men, your opportunity to stock | up in Hose. New hose in Ray- on and lisle. Extra nice pat. terns. BS Ao is Faaaenects cr 29¢ | | 4 pairs for $1 .00 ' The Clothier 87 Ontario St. Stratford CROSIER'S Great Moving Sale Never before have people been able to get such values in seasonable merchan- dise as we are now offering? Every art- icle in every department marked down for this great merchandising event. You are sure to pay more if you do not buy while our Great Moving Sale is on. We invite you to come and visit our store. Our sales people will consider it a pleasure to serve you,in every way pos- sible. J. J. Crosier & Co., Ltd. 22 Wellington Street. Phone 101 FRASER'S Hosiery SALE CONTINUES Full Fashioned SILK HOSE by KAYSER HUDNUT RIEN? Formerly $1.50 to $1.95 NOW 78e DONALD D FRASER 18-20 Ontario St. Replace That Obsolete Fixture or drop cord with a modern lighting fixture while house- cleaning. 2 light fixtures, RORY esata ss Tey aed Os 3.75 3 light fixtures, bronze fin- ish - pcgossc Aimer ideas is «96 4.75 4 light fixtures, bronze fin- Wate eae eM (27 7.35 5 light fixtures, bronze fin- OR ei sc: Fa al Ic andl nae is 8.80 Installed complete, less bulbs, in any room of the home. H" DRO CHOP Tel. 460 ER E Jerviceissupreme You can't get ahead spending your | time getting even. | Ee eae Gilverwood's "Smoother Than Velvet" Ice Cream | All Flavors--Bricks, Alaska Bon Bons and Dixie Cups eS ty nn ---------- " ey name oom ow eT eae ance PRR SRE OF Ca ANE oS oe em eet ener ener cree ce cE me ------ . i == = = SS ee a ee eee ------ ------