; Ho ho, and ho ho, and ho ho-- STILL-- I'd flaunt all the breezes that blow _ eS To hear her soprano raised in Ho-| 1 Sct@tch my head but can't recall "i Senin ts Just what it 1s that makes me fall: < ieee Sted Sam li dae Tics kas That I prefer the blondes, is true, Ap artment But still, a nice brunette would do. 'THE STRATFORD MIRROR _ een THE STRATFORD MIRROR Pats, | Verse and Reverse OY ee PUTT! PUTT! Doesn't it get Your dander Stops dead On the lip Of the cup? * = 2 NO INDEED! One needs No second Sight To see Runt golf Ain't what It used To be. * Ld ® a WAR CANOE Blades gleam biightly in the sun, _ Muscled bodies move as one, Blades bite deeply into the blue And forward goes the war canoe! * we = AIN't IT THE TRUTH? The racing fan who picks the winners Can blow himself to chicken dinners; By Wilfred Gingras --..08 But the poor old dub who grabs the losers ' Soon learns that beggars can't be] chocsers. --- = ok * FORE-SOME "Fore!" cries the dub as he drives from the tee, i And "Fore!" as his shot crashes into a tree; "Fore!" as his putt doesn't putter at| all, And "for crying out loud" as he bunk- ers the ball. * * * PROUD POPPA I'm all upset And in a whirl, Since nursie Whispered: It's a girl!" * * ? IT MUST BE LOVE To church every Sunday I go, And sit in the very front row; That seat I desire from which to ad- mire : A certain young lady who sings in the choir. : * PAINTS For Clearance Sutherland's | Flint varnish stain in walnut, mahogany, light and dark oak. Clearance, pint CELUX ENAMEL--High grade enamel, fast dry- ing, long wearing. May be used inside or out. Seven- teen handsome colors to choose from. low prices: Quarts Pints 139 85c Note these ', Pints 50c \, Pints 30c Mastercraft Spar Varnish for exterior and interior use; dries quickly with a smooth hard finish. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. priced, quart ...; Red, green, blue, gold and aluminum bronze pow- ders, with liquid. Regular price 30c. Sale price 'Half pint Top Tite auto dressing -- waterproof with high lustre and a 2-ounce bottle of touch-up Es .black. The combination specially priced .... Cc Special offer--a 3 Ib. pkg. of Rutland patching plas- ter and a pound package of Canco dry paste. Combination offer Mastercraft snow white enamel and flat 63 white enamel undercoating. Quart ........ Cc ~pareek body. Regular 23c, now .. Dinner- ware For Clearance Sutherland's Jur entire stock of Glassware will be sold at cost. The early shopper will find many exquisite pieces to choose from. To CLEAR AT COST! : Plain white undecorated dinnerware, many odd pieces, all to clear at HALF PRICE Odd platters in Limoges china, worth 1.5b, $3 2.50 and 3.50. All to clear at, each .. Cc Johnson Bros. dinnerware in discontinued patterns and broken lines are offered in this yearly clearance 'sale at a fraction of former prices -- 50 3] @5 a piece sets. Regular 17.00. Sale price now, _.. 22,39 Glass comports, 1014 inches in diameter, sale, each 97 piece sets Johnson Bros., regular 35.00, now See the vast array of fine English Pottery on sale at Half Price. There are some magnificent pieces of Moorcroft, Crown Ducal, Royal Silesia and Byzanta Ware. TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE. Tea plates, breakfast plates, salad plates in fancy shapes, beautifully decorated on the new 15¢c Regular 20c, - Teakwo™: afternoon tea tables, with two solid brass trays. Regular $6.95. Sale price Cups and saucers, nice quality, Johnson Bros. dec- orated, regular 25c each. Sale price, 6 cups and 6 saucers for Tea or salad plate with wide yellow band, trimmed with black and gold. 5 6Sc for Rerular 20e each . Bouillon cups and saucers, regardless of price are offered in this tremendous sale at the very 25 low price of -- extra value C Dinner Sets 38 Pieces 6 Breakfast Plates 6 Bread and Butter Plates 6 Fruits 6 Cereal Dishes 6 Cups and Saucers 1 Platter 1 Fruit Bowl at 3.95 to 7.50 set J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL Partridge Sanitary & Heating Engineers Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario Phone 1257 A COMMON CAUSE OF INJURY Is the protruding nail! Get your shoes well soled by our superior repair men. Neglectiug to get your shoes seled may be the cause of serious trouble. Superior Repair Shop 119 Ontario St, Phone 94 COAL ANTHRACITE OGAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size } 'like a mushrroom, then if you eat it |angel, to the landlord it's a nuisance, | lof us and so much bad in the best oo TE PEST TE Silence and modesty are very valu- able qualities in conversation. = La * It isn't self-control as much as it is self-preservation that keeps a man from talking back to his wife. * x ¥ A kitchenette, as defined by one writer, is a place where they take things out of tin cans and put them on plates. " 2 = Home is where you spend the winter accumulating stuff and all spring and summer burning it up. a am ca A critic is a man who on all occa- sions is more attentive to what is wanting than what is present. * cd * There is a past which is gone for- ever, but there is a future that is all our own. be * * Some people do not seem to grasp why they were given two ears and only one tongue. * bd To the mother an infant is an | to the doctor and the statesman, it's just a new source of revenue. 2 * * There's so much good in the worst of us that it's hard to tell which of us ought to reform the rest of us. * * * Just because a man's clothes look like they have been slept in does not prove conclusively that he has been to church. oa * ? The best way to preserve the teeth is to put them in water overnight. * " LJ Customer--I want some. powder to kill cockroaches. Clerk--Will you take it with you? Customer--No, I'll have the cock- roaches call and you can rub it on their little tummies. * a + White is a color that stands for joy. Did you ever see a man married in white? > 2 J A butress is not a lady butler. a * « A toadstool is a thing that looks you die and you know it is not a mushroom. * = s And the next generation will hear dad tell about roughing it in the old day when a fellow had to feed the furnace by hand. " * People with foresight are buying farms, says an economist. One thing about owning a farm: When relatives come to visit you, you can put them to work instead. of trying to get theatre tickets for them. Have Your FAVETROUGHING Call looked over. "Doc's Corner '"'||| Funny the diet sharks never say | anything about finding a lot of vita-| mines in pie. and spinach? * * * "The first day out was perfectly lovely," said the young lady just back from abroad. "The water was as smooth as glass, and it was simply gorgeous. But the second day was rough and -- er -- decidedly dis- gorgeous." * Bs * A little girl attending an Episco- pal church for the first time was Why are they always | stuck away in such grub as carrots} amazed to see all the congregation! kneel suddenly. She asked her mother | what they were going to do. Her mother replied, "Hush, they're going to say their prayers." "What, with all their clothes on?" Laan CHAS. GIBSON Painter and Paper Hanger Try the man who knows how to decorate your rooms. My workmanship is your guarantee, 252 Romeo St. Phone 257j 1 ! j Headquarters Forthe Famous Duncan Yo-Yo Tops We also carry extra Strings for same. Wholesale and Retail SPECIAL 100 sheet letter size pad and package of envelopes 39 MPOCIBL. ds mmcaniivrteyi e Greeting Cards for all occasions. Pat's Bookstore The Home of Good Reading, 83 Downie St , Phone 296 L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downle St. Phone 178 J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1633F Gordan Biock For Corns and Callouses - JOHNSTON'S Callous - Off A 25c box of Callous-Off will dis- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest ap- pearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoes stores or sent direct post paid for 25c from lab oratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company Stratford, Ont. On Sale at all Drug Stores | The World Moves. ... So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: sD, AOE cnaihs cetidcigieicton 2264 Freight Shed ........... Miocapinnic 867 PEERS silat cots aeiemlies:: SAME BAY AND NIGHT SERVICE TAXI PHONE 66 PHONE ROY HUEWNERGARD Down & Fleming Funeral Service Rooms Phone 314 Mr. Down, 308Mr. Fleming, 811. 94 Ontario St. Peter & Sylvester Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 210 12 Ontarle GOING OR COMING 26 ALBERT ST. "Any beer bot- q.andd. SUTHERLAND, LIMITED a Solvay Coke '| STRATFORD HEATING SERVICE Rag Merchant: | : tles, lady?" a P 0 11 Ontario Street, Stratford. Lady: "Do I look as if drank Curz Ce ee aeecemey © -- a -- a CORNISH COAL C ; Day Phone. 388 beer?" Rag Merchant: "Well, vinegar ss bottles, lady?" *» $ es 3 arc casre pecs caaaisiccen 7 a Phone 44 | | Night Phones--2312 or 828F READ THE MIRROR "ADS."