THE STRATFORD MIRROR < CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES umrep Erie and Downie Streets. STRAT FORD Phone 2500 to all Departments Store Hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 6 P-m. Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 12.30 noon. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. These Specials on Sale at 9 a.m. Saturday On Sale While Quantities Last! Shop Sharp at 9 a.m. At 9 a.m.! Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose A special clearance offering for the 9 o'clock Specials, enabling you to save on the purchase of women's full fashioned real silk hose, in service weight, silk to the garter welt. With panel heels and well reinforced throughout. Splendid assortment of summer colors to choose from. Sizes 8% to 10. Buy several pairs at. this very low price! 9 o'clock Specials, pair --Main Floor | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Hemstitched Cotton Sheets 9 O'clock ] OR Special, pair ...... e Strongly woven, fully bleached cetton and noted for their long wear- ing qualities. Ina large double bed size, 78x86 inches. An extra special value for the 9 o'clock Specials. | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Italian Bridge Sets i OO Special, set ....... = With real hand embroidery these linen bridge sets are indeed attractive. Oyster white showing gold or ecru shade designs. One cloth, 36x36, and 4 serviettes, 11x11. --Second Floor --Second Floor 9 O'clock Special! Lovely Printed Voiles patterns in contrasting colors. About 36 inches wide. Buy a liberal quantity Saturday morning and save. 9 O'clock Special, yard A splendid value for the thrifty shopper to profit on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. So cool and of such a splendid weight to make colorful Summer frocks. Light pastel colorings, also black and white, yellow, rose, green, blue, showing floral c --Second "Floor | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL Women's Boudoir Slippers | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Children's Canvas Sandals 9 O'clock Special, pair ...... 49c A group of women's kid boudoir slippers in colors of grey, red, brown, black and blue. With soft chrome soles and rubber heels. In sizes 3 to 7. 9 O'clock Special! --Main Floor 9 O'clock Special, pair ...... 49c Children's sandals made of serviceable brown canvas in one-strap style with comfortable long wearing rubber soles. Sizes 4 to 10% and 11 to 2. 9 O'clock Special! --Main Floor At 9 am! Clever Celanese Dresses blue. Sizes 14 to 20. 9 O'clock Special, each A wonderful opportunity to stock up on frocks to complete the Summer Holiday wardrobe and at the same time effect a substantial saving. Of a fine diaphanous celanese that will prove cool and fresh looking on wilting days. With flared skirts, faggotting, button trims perky bows, etc. In pastel colorings of pink, green, maize, white and --Second Floor | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | - Men's Work Shirts 9 o'clock 49 Special, each ...... = Cc Cut from fine blue chambray, navy cambric and heavy, plaid patterned shirting materials. Good roomy bodies, heavily stitch- ed double yoke and seams. Sizes 14 to 17. Buy a supply Satur- day at the 9 o'clock Specials and effect a saving. --Main Floor | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Fine Rayon Lingerie 9 o'clock : Special, garment .. 59c Extraordinary value in depleted lines of fine rayon lingerie. In- cluded in the assortment are one-piece pyjamas, gowns, slips, teddies, vests, bloomers and panties. In lace trimmed and tail- ored styles; popular shades to choose from in small, medium and large sizes. ; --Second Floor CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES inno