------ i | AG PET Black Tea | 35c¢ LB. 3 Lbs. $1.00 -- J. L. BRADSHAW 3 CHINA HALL =* SERS eS a ae a Ee Sees Nee | Spec MEN, a a bJ0C S (COREE |keep her as happy. * * Partridge Sanitary & | Heating Engineers Stvatford and Torento | = Plumbing, Heating, Sheet | Metal Wark and Roofing 98 Qutaris Phone 1257 | | A COMMON | CAUSE OF INJURY is the protruding nail! Get nee shoes oul soled by Our Supériot Neglecting to get your shoes seled may be the cause of -- serious trouble. 45% Superior Repair Shop 119 Ontario St, Phone 94 COAL ANTHRACITE OOAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Sie Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Goke CORNISH COAL C8. Phones 44 THE STRATFO -- oe P22 = wie. ioe er No, dear children, Joan of Arce was: not Noah's wife. * + * ' Mistress--I've asked Mr. and Mrs. Smith to dinner at seven, Mary, but I think we'll give them fifteen minutes grace. ~ Mary--Well, ma'am, I'm religious myself, but I think that's rather over- doing it! : = * = An old fur coat may keep a woman as warm as a new one, but it won't * The natural tendency of man is to swallow flattery and spit out advice. = * * Talking of embarassing moments, what about the couple all ready to go. to a bridge party when the pastor drops in for a call. -- : * * * One Stratford store reports the av- erage sale of forty cans of malt a week. Malt also is used for making bread and candy. It says so_on the can. 2 =>. 228% Maybe two can't live cheaper than. one, but they can get deeper in debt than one. | - te * The man who fails to lay up some- thing for a rainy day has to depend on bis neighbors for an umbrella and * * Wouldn't it be odd to discover that the world did come to an end in 1914 and that we are now living where we' seem to be living. : - * * * Tommy--'"Papa, didn't you tell Ma- ma we must economize?" Father--"Yes, I did." Tommy--"'Well, I was thinking that wear out so many shoés." * = a The ultimate in tact is that of 4 and says: ¢ "Here's a sweet little thing." * * * fioned girl who used to wear dressés above her knees? * @ s It was knocking off time in the shipyard. "Have any o' you fellows seen mie vest?" shouted Murphy. Pat looked around, "Sure, Murphy, ye've got it on!" he said. plied solemnly. : I'd have gone home without it." . * = lice were looking for a man with a monoclé. "But surely it would be better," she said "if they used a télescope." ca = 2 A small boy having been told in his class to draw a picture illustrating a Bible story, drew a four-legged animal and colored it red, green and yellow. On being asked by his teacher what story that was meant to represent the small boy answered brightly: "Why, that is Joseph's goat of many colors." *- * * ? One type of citizen shows his pat- | riotism by cheering every time a flag is hoisted. 4 Another by telling the truth to the| | assessor. af - = a We heard of a woman named Mull- the city for a pair of rubbers. | * if $ou got me a bicycle I wouldn't} salésgir! who lifts a 44 from the rack) F What has become of the old-fash- --- ; "Yer right, I have," Murphy re "It's a good thing ye noticed it or An ol@ lady was told that the po-| Pullman so that it would correspond with the name on the spoons and the towels. * = . He was a stout man with large, broad feet, and although several pairs of boots were shown to him, he réfus- ed to choose any of them. "I must have square toes," he ex- plained to the clerk. The young man sighed wearily. Lut square toes are not stocked now, sir," he replied. Pointed toes are absolutely fashionable this season." "That may be," he retorted, "but 1 happen to be wearing last season's feet." AT OUR SHOWROOMS MAY BE SEEN THE LATEST DESIGNS IN PIANOS, RADIOS and PHONOGRAPHS Located now at KENNER'S BOOKSTORE 70 Ontario Street HEINTZMAN & CO, LTD. | |PIAITIST | GREETING CARDS For All Occasions. New Shipment of REPRINTS at 50c in the price of ENGLISH | MAGAZINES. Pat's Bookstore The Home of Good Reading. NOTE! There will be no increase ene . 83 Downie St . Phone 296 Down & Fleming | Mr. Down, 868Mr. Fleming, 811. Funeral Service Rooms Phone 314 | For our tuning or repair depart- 94 Ontario St. ment Phonel70 Jas. Anthony, Manager Peter & Sylvester Registered Architect PRanie 7 Heating | Phone 1633F Gordan Block Phone 210 trle a. , ; Genuine Made In Canada = Electric Refrigerator KELVINATOR has the most square foot : shelf area per dollar with an outstanding reputation. It , hasserved for17 years and is still serving. , Telephone 460 for our outstanding offer of this most wonderful of home appliances. LIYDRO QHOP Tel. 460 <* ins who wanted her mame changed to ERE WERVICE ISSUPREME Erie and Downie Streets. Store Hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesdays 9 a.m. to THE STRATFORD MIRROR & CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES unre hone 2500 te all Departments 12.30 noon. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. STRAT FORD These Specials on Sale at 9 a.m. Saturday On Sale While Quantities Last! Shop Sharp at 9 o'clock Saturday Women's Full Fashioned Real Silk Hose 69c You will want to be on hand sharp at 9 o'clock and purchase half a dozen pairs at this very low sale price for the 9 o'clock Specials Saturday Morning. Knit from fine thread silk, real silk to the garter welt. In semi-service weight : A splendid assortment of colors to choose from. Sizes 8% to 10 Pair ....... with panel heels, well reinforced. "Main Floor 69c | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL [9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Women's Silk Gloves 9 O'clock Special, eeee eevee ee ee in pull-on styles or with clever noveity cuffs. Colors include fawn, grey, white and black. Sizes 6 to 7 but not in each shade. Attractive silk gloves 34 to 42. 9 o'clock Special! --Main Floor 9 o'clock Special ! Just think! For 12.95 you are able to purchase a smart summer suit of correct tailoring from fancy tweed and worsted materials. Complete with one pair of trousers. Models for men and young mea with peak and notch lapels. Sizes 36 to 46. Shop promptly at 9 a.m. and share in the savings. Suit 24.00.00. ts 112.95 --Main Floor Men's Rayon Com binations 9 O'clock Special, 69 Cc Cc Garment .....-. iy i Knit from fine rayon yarns in button and buttonless styles - white shade only. Well made garments in athletic fashion. Sizes --Main Floor Mien's Smart Suits 12.95 | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | [9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Sturdy Lawn Settee 9 O'clock Special, oereoweoeee we eee Of a sturdy construction and folding compactly into a small space when not in use. In natural varnished finish and built on green painted frames. 9 o'clock Special! genuine weave. In white and natural. --Third Floor. offering. Special ! 9 o'clock Special! The thrifty wo : : by being on ha 9 5 dresses in blue, green, maize, white and pink shades. W 4 i ings, etc. Sizes 18 to 44. Each : : nd at 9 a. m. and purchasing several of these cleverly fashioned celanese ith flared skirts, sleeveless, tuck- --Second Floor Chic Panama Hats 1.00 ee Ribbon or patent bands smartly finish these jaunty large and small brimmed panamas--that have much the appearance of the A big special purchase --Second Floor ma Women's Celanese Dresses 2.95 man and miss will avail themselves of this opportunity to effect a saving, | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | - | 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL | Women's Rayon Lingerie Special, garment .. 89c Wie cg ae Hh An excellent value for the 9 o'clock Specials! This assortment of lingerie is made of selected threads and includes dance sets, ted- dies, gowns, slips and pyjamas, etc. In assorted colors and sizes. 9 o'clock Special --Second Floor colors. 36 inches wide. Here are indeed savings! The 9 o'clock Specials Saturday morning offer women's fine shoes, regularly selling for 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 at the very low price of 1.98 per pair. Made of excellent quality black patent or black and brown kid leathers in new styles including pump and tie models. Sizes 3 to 8.. 9 o'clock Special, pair .... Figured Prints 14c Of a firm, even weave in light and dark shades showing small floral patterns; also conventional designs in contracting fast --Second Floor. 9 o'clock Special! Women's Fine Shoes 2S * . ee OE REET OR te ca See Se tg