og Cupid's Corner | Electric Heating Pads te é THE STRATFO RD MIRROR. + 3 (Continued from page 2) THE MAPL® All hail to the broad-ieaved Maple! With her fair and changotul dress-- A type of our youthful country In its pride and loveliness; Whether in Spring or Summer, Or in the dreary Fall, *Mid Nature's forest children, She's fairest of them all, = * * * Dear Miss St. John: My young wife has just recovered from a nervous breakdown. The doc- tor told me to humor her until she is absolutely well. So I bought her a! little car and she drives around haif the time. . _I have just discovered that she ae been amusing herself with the rather wild crowd that she went with before | we were married three years ago.| These people still hang together though they are almost «ll married "now. They think it is smart to' change partners for an outing and! similar stunts, My wife is very pretty and I am _ tied to my work rather closely just' now. Should I shut my eyes to what _ goes on in my absence, or insist upon her leaving the old crowd and asso- ciating with the reliable people we have met since we were married? DOUBTFUL J. M. Answer: Your letter is a difficult one to answer, J. M. Doubtless you know whether this grouv of old asso- _ iates have a bad influence on your young wife. If that is the case, you are justified in urging her to give them up. But one's closest friends are made -in youth, and the older we get the fewer close friends we make. So do _ not blame your wife tx.0 muck for turning to her girlhood friends for companionship, while you are occu- 'pied away from home. Personally, I think she would do' well to interest herself in some hobby, Irx13 inch single heat... 2.95 11x13 inch 3-heat.........4.95 (Low, Medium, High) -- - [2KI15 3-heat Safety...... 7.50 HY oro HOP Tel. 460 | EVERY DAY --or better still to take up some form of relief work to fill those idJe hours. Then her little car would be a help and a delight to her--not merely a temptation, INA ST. JOHN. YOU CAN | HAVE FOOT -- COMFORT By having your old Shoes repair- ed the Superior Way. Superior Repair Shop 119 Ontario St, Phone 94 INEXPENSIVE MEATS Your family will eat cheap cuts of meat and thank you for them if you learn the art of seasoning. A bit of garlic rubbed onto the kettle in which you cook a less expensive pot roast does a lot for its popularity. Too Young To Drive A policeman on point duty at a busy corner held up a large saloon car for nearly four minutes when there was no need. The driver of the aged woman, wsa indignnt. car, a middle- cried, "Do you realize that you have delayed me unnecessarily for four minutes? I want to know at once why you held me up ,otherwise 1'll report you!" The policeman had an immediate answer, "Beg your pardon, madam,' he said politely, "but at first I thought you were too young to drive a car." ™~ 1 "Good gracious me, constable," she FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet Coach Mechanism perfect ; tires A-1 condition. For a real buy Telephone 2287. L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downie St. Phone 175 READ THE MIRROR "ADS." EVERY DAY IN TY: Phone 2345 B. BREAD CO. THE WEEK you should use our bread. Then the phrase "daily bread" will have a new meaning for you. We use the very finest grade of wheat flour, sweet creamy milk, and every modern sanitary device to make our bread the highest quality bread that human hands can produce. 'Just Over"*The River" * x rintin OF QUALITY The Fletcher Johnston Press operates a large print- ing plant for the production of good printing. The printing of "The Stratford Mirror" requires about fiity per cent. of the capacity of the plant. balance of this capacity is available for QUICK and ECONOMICAL commercial printing. PHONE 115Ww C[he Fletcher Johnston Press Publishers of The Stratford Mirror 123 Ontario Street The Stratford, Ont. ER E Werviceissupreme THE STRATFORD MIRROR su 38-Piece Apartment |/lf __ ee lll way BE Seen tee . Ti} ¢6 Doc's ( -orner 99} ||| LATEST DESIGNS IN: ) mner Sets PIANOS, RADIOS - ae : Saaee and ; Baek 'Buea Plates There is many a June bride who of firm matters, PHONOGRAPHS | 6 Fruits swept up the church aisle a few. Levi: "Aren't we partners, Izzy? Located now at 6 Oatmeals 6 Cups and Saucers i Fruit Bowl 1 Platter A nice assortment to choose from. Priced at-- $3.95 up to $8.50 Set J. L. BRADSHAW months ago who is now sweeping up the kitchen floor. * Ed * You can patch up a domestic quar- rel or a church row, but you. never feel wholly at ease with a dog that has bitten you once. * * Bo the many who fooled with the stock markets. Not us. We were serious. The markets did the fooling. * * * CHINA HALL- PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 Another advantage of a power lawn mower is that your neighbors haven't the nerve to borrow it. * * * We have too much of everything, says one editor. We have too much oil, too much wheat, too much -cct- ton, too much sugar, too much coal, too much machinery, too much gold and -- too much GAB. * * * Pett: "I've got a fine job. I have the whole day to myself." Pitt: "What do you do?" HEADQUARTERS School Supplies SEE OUR BIG VALUES IN SCRIBBLERS AND NOTE BOOKS Pat's Bookstore 83. Downie Phone 296 "Tm a night watchman." * * * "Doesn't your wife miss you on evenings like this?" asked one jolly good fellow of the other, as they rolled homeward after the festivities. "Well," replied the other, "not of- We were asked if we were one of Why den, must it always be I, I, I,?" Out on the road the following week Levi received this rush wire from Izzy: "Come home at vonce. We haf been arrested and charged with making luf 'to our stenographer. Shall we marry her?" * * & Sam wastrying to sell Mose an old mule. The animal was found lying down in the stall with its eyes closed. After some effort the mule was forc- ed to get up and Mose insisted on seeing him in action. Sam chased the mule into the yard. The animal crashed head first into a tree, then. he backed off, turned and hit an- other. "Say," said Mosé; "that 'er mule is blind; I don't want 'im." "Listen here, man, dat mule ain't blind," responded the owner. "he just don't give a dam." ten." "She can throw pretty straight for a woman." Ye EL A girl who can use a broomstick a little is worth more than one. who lot. uses a lipstick a * * * Knew His Cigarettes Teacher--If anumber of cattle is called a herd, and a number of sheep is called a flock, what would a num- ber of camels be called? Bright Little Johnny--A carton. * * * be "It's hard to lose a beautiful daugh- RYAN'S RADIO SERVICE Phone 1208w 426 Ontario We have installed in our - Repair Shop the most modern equipment avail- able. Tuhes & Replacement Parts. KENNER'S. BOOKSTORE 3 76 Ontario Street HEINTZMAN & CO. LTD. For our tuning or repair depart- ment Phonel70 Jas. Anthony, Manager The World Moves .. So Do We. Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: PSS. Since en es ee eae Freight' Shed! .cis6u ey Office 837 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS COALS ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL co. | ~ PHONE 4 4 ter,' said the guest, sympathetically, at the wedding feast. | "It's a blame sight harder to lose | the homely ones," replied the old BAY AND, NIGHT SERVICE TAXI PHONE 6G PHONE 4 _ "ROY HUEFHNERGARD JS. RUSSELL Registered Architect _ Phone 1533-F Gordon Blk. man, who had several yet to go. * * * My husband knows all about horses. The day before the race he knows which horse is, going to win, and the day after he knows why it didn't. ee * In an elementary Sunday School Class a few Sundays ago, a kiddy was asked by the teacher: "What are the sins of omission?" The'teacher got a new slant on life when the answer came: "Please, sir, they are the sins we ought to have committed and did- Dt? % * tk A Hopkins minister says he always believes the Recording Angel smiles a little when a woman past 30 places the candles on her birthday cake. ** * &€ Levitook Isador to. task for use of the personal pronoun "I" in speaking a Pe, ~~ $tewart Service Station Falstaff and Nile Streets SHELL GASOLINE AND OILS CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBACCO ice Cream, Pop, Confectionery TRY OUR HOT DOGS Stewart's Service Station. DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Service Rooms $4 Ontario St. Phone 314 Mr. Down, 306; Mr. Fleming 311 READ THE MIRROR "ADS." | - Have Your HEATING PLANT looked over, Call STRATFORD HEATING SERVICE a Ontario Street, Stratford. Day Phone 388 Night Phones: 2312 or 328-F, a - For Corns and Callouses _ DR. JOHNSTON'S Callous - Off) A 25c box of Callous-Off will dis- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest ap- -- pearance of rawness. On gale at drug and shoe stores or sent direct post paid for 25c from aboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off -- Company g 'Stratford, Ont. On Sale at all Drug Stores | he