G4 oat fis Pe rae ey __THE STRATFORD MIRR oR ~ Not in Years has there been a Sale like this ! _ By buying now you can save more than half. : es Our store-wide Bankrupt Sale is bringing crowds of thrifty buyers. ~ Every item in the store has taken a tremendous drop in price in order to effect quick disposal. Prices cut to the very limit. _ Not one price mark has remained untouched. Don' t Fail to Share in These Bargains A chance like this comes but once in a lifetime! eee Patent Strap Slippers Slippers that sold regularly from 3,50 to 5.00, size 3 to 4%. All one price . : 1.45 ~~ Ladies' Goloshes | 'High or Cuban heels, 4-dome and of good quality, R : 6 duced to DRE cake one ia 95¢ oer weeee CHOC e weer se eeeeessseseeesesesesane TPP CSO ROPES OSEP ETE HOHE EEES SEeeeeees PoP CPE OREO seSeoneeseseiosers i _ Men's Work Shoes _ In black or tan in the finest of full grain leathers. Priced at-- 1.95 2.25 2.55 2.95 Women's Satin Pumps | In plain satin, brocaded satin or moire, reg. 5.00 and 6.00, now 'selling for-- . «2675 3.45 (3.95 Boys' Elk Oxfords 3 _ In a sturdy shoe with a repairable sole, suitable for school wear, Regular 2.25 and 2.45. Now selling at-- aeoseebas ® Seabee © ; 13 Market Place ~ sect R, A. BRO Men' s et, Men! Hereis yonr chance! 75 pairs Men's Black Oxfords, blucher cut, stylish and well made, Out they go ' Men's Spats Men's Spats are all the rage. fawn and light and dark grey ee ee ee ee Men's House Shippers In a real fine kid leather, all new stock in brown or black. Selling out at-- 1.00 1.25 1.75 Women's Brown Shoes In straps, pumps or ties, in kid or calf. Regular 5.00 and 6.00 and 7.00. Now---- 2.95 3.25 3.95 4.65 Misses' Strap Slippers In patent or kid, only a limited number of pairs. Shoes that sold as high as 2.45. eb ER BE eR GR Ny BARES ipo cip et BEC dag 0 1.65 '. . , Stratford oA tA veda aay y "THE STRATFORD MIRROR Coffee TRY OUR Queen Blend 38c J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 HEADQUARTERS School Supplies SEE OUR BIG VALUES IN SCRIBBLERS AND NOTE BOOKS Pat's Bookstore " 83 Downie Phone 296 BAY AND NIGHT SERVICE TAXI] PHONE GG PHONE a ROY HUEHNERGARD J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533-F Gordon Blk. ESE if : vier sRA tae "Doc's --_--_--------=--_-- Corner " + -- -- geet, Se ees I Re Ne aoakcionas 54 = ee Si a. . One difference between the out- law and the in-law is the outlaw doesn't promise to pay it back. * * * : In her school essay on 'Parents" a little girl wrote; "We get our parents at so late an age that it is : | impossible to change their habits."' e * * A Stratford girl says she celeb- rated Fire Prevention week by put- ting out a certain flaming youth. * * * What many young husbands would like to know is how the preacher learned to tie the matri- monial knot so that wives get all the rope. : * * * Some men are like horses they have to be broke befere they will work. pes) * *« Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust, Show mea road map that I can trust. * * * Joan, aged five, out to tea. was puzzled when she saw the family bow their heads for grace. "What are you doing?" she ask- ed. "Giving thanks for our daily bread,"' she was told. "Don't you give thanks at home?" "No,"' said Joan, "we pay for ours."' ; * * %* Mrs. Jones--Yes, doctor, one of Harry's eyes seems weaker than the other. How-do you account for that? : ; Doctor--Knot-hole in the base- ball fence, most likely. x * & It takes two to make a bathing suit immodest--one to wear it and one to look-at it. * * *. The only thing some-people get out of their gardens is a sore back. * * #8 Cellaphone is now hailed as the first sanitary wrapper the world has seen. What about the one a hen puts On an egg. *« &* *& Grandpa--Why. have you kept me waiting, Johnny? Johnny--A man dropped a dime in the gutter.: find it. ' Johnny--No, but I had to. wait until he went away. ¢* * & "My mother-in-law has only visited me once since I got marri- ed," ; '"Well, you're lucky. I can't see what you've got to complain about." Lucky, you say? Why she 'never left. * & @ "Hew is your wife nowadays, Grandpa--Did it take so long to|| Rufus?" "Oh, her back done both- |} ah hera great deal." "Rheumatism I suppose?' "No sah, she am worrying 'bout new clothes."' ' Se * * & Consoling Father--"Did you have my suits cleaned and pressed while I was sick?" ; Mother--"Just the black one, dear:*' * * * Nowadays when a woman goes away for a holiday she learns the following instructions for hubby. "Don't forget to feed the bird "and water the flowers, and the can op- ener is hanging up by the ice bex."' ' so * : Father--"Young lady, do you mean to tell me you've been carry- ing that money around in your stocking?' Daughter--"Why daddy, you told me to put it where it would draw interest." ' es ss * € . "You never t-take the s-slightest interest in anything I do," sobbed the young bride. "Now, don't be unreasonable, darling," said her husband. "All last night I lay awake wondering what you had put in that cake you made yesteiday."' * * *&€ There's one good thing about the radio, no politician can .claim the microphone misquoted him. -- + - s * & Anew minister in a Georgia church was delivering his first ser-| mon. The janitor was a+ critical listener from the back corner of the church. The minister's sermon was eloquent and his prayers seemed to cover the whole catigory of human wants. After the service one of the deacons asked the old janitor what he thought of the new minister. 'Don't you think he offers up a good prayer, Joe?"' Pie ie "Ah mos' suhtainly does,. boss. Why dat man axed de Lord fo' things that de odder preacher ~ did- n't even know he had. AT OUR SHOWROOMS ~ MAY BE SEEN THE LATEST DESIGNS IN PIANOS, RADIOS ; and . . PHONOGRAPHS Located now at KENNER'S BOOKSTORE -- 76 Ontario Street f- HEINTZMAN £60, LED Oe For our tuning or repair depart- ment Phonel79@ pe ans Jas. Anthony, Manager os " The World Moves . . So Do We Stratford Cartage ; We Move Pianos, Safes | - and Furniture [fF By courteous and reliable men. | | PHONES: =. P. J. Sinclair 2264 eenen Seeneeeertenessece ween Wreight Shed 3.3. sae Office . 4 337 26 ALBERT ST. | GASOLINE AND os | - ANTHRACITE COAL | POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size -- Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL co. | Saat Gee Have Your : gee, © HEATING PLANT | looked over. Call = STRATFORD ' HEATING SERVICE 11 Ontario Street, Stratford. Day Phone 388 Stewart Service Station. Falstaff and Nile Streets SHELL GASOLINE AND OILS a CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBACCO Ice Cream, Pop, Confectionery TRY OUR HOT DOGS Night Phones: 2312 or 828-¥F. + 5 nag . Stewart's Service Station. -- | Callous - Off | For Corns and Callouses -- DR. JOHNSTON'S A 25c box of Callous-Off will dis- | Solve the hardest corn or callous | - without leaving the slightest ap- . pearance of rawness. On gale . at drug and shoe stores or sent saboratory. © gees Dr. 'Johnston's Callous-Off | direct post paid for 25¢ from cS