~ - tr . on nae ts ~ ' z es "THE STRATFORD MIRROR | 25 % OFF -- Wrist Watches Standard Makes MARKLE Watchmaker Jeweller 149 ONTARIO ST. neat Ladies take Notice: Beautiful naiis adds to your appearance. Margaret Harri- son is making a specialty of that line. Any afternoon un- til 8 p.m. Make your appointments by phone HARRISON'S BEAUTY PARLORS $31 Erie St. Phone 483 "FOR THE BETTER SERVICE." Barrett Cleaners & Dyers 144 Downie St. Phone 452 A trial will convince you that we deserve your patronage. Clothes Cleaned Dyeing a Specialty. and Pressed. opal Wanted Cash Paid for second-hand Bicycle Frames. Skates and Boots $3.39 $5.50 W. E. McCarthy Here's Your Chance To Win a New Dollar Bill The Mirror Cross Word Puzzle Contest began last week In several of the advertisements on this page will be found a wor which is included in the correct solution of the puzzle. For the first letter opened containing the complete correct answer The Mirror is giving a prize of a new dollar bill. Try out this pleasant pastime. Letters must be mailed. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE . ie oe a 5 it 7-18 9 10 fy fie WoL 15 16 17 118 19 20 2A 22 D> ay Ib Ni 9 ! Nig 33 35 Nig F* es) HO oy Ty . Tis KG ; a7 28 3 NS NE 52 [ 5 N54 \ 5b . 57 4 Nig 58 59 60 6b] 162 b> b4 5 {ob b/ ee ie 7O i % 73 HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cont.), . VERTICAL (Cont.) 1-Simians 53--Even (Poet.) 12-Youth beloved by 5-Temporary abodes |54---Support Venus 10-Gem ' 56--June-bug 13-Girls 14-Tidy 57--Early English 18-State of disorder 15---Old womanish (abbr.) 22-Entice (Prov. Eng.) 23---Begone 25-An insect (pl.) 29---Brings into { existence | 30---Deep sleep 31-Takes fast hold 33-Girl's name 86---Removed the water 58--Cotton grower 60--Subsequently 63--Tuft (Scot.) 64--Agents that paralyze 68--Long periods 69--Roman magistrate 70---Extent 16---Mother of Castor and Pollux 17-A taking for granted 19--Stout silk 20--Belief 21--Holds back 23--Point of compass (abbr.) from 24--Droop 7i1--Smaller ientific (abbr. 72---Shut out 40--Rambler eet 78--Isle of Wight town 42---Hindered 43--Actual being 45--Girdle 48--Pertaining to a wall 49-Coat of a mammal 28--Intersection $2---Approach 34--Combining form. Alr 35--Spikenard VERTICAL 1--Literary collection 2---One who annoys a ure of $-Comfort 50--Percolated = le 4--Render senseless 52-iImplore 38--Journey 6--Military officer 55-Step or degree 39--Agitates (pl.) 59-Promontory or capé 61-Former title of Russian rulers 6--Insect 1--Assistant : of 7-1002 (Roman) 44---Blue-jacket We Invite You | To join our Lending Library. Readers appreciate our large cok lection of books. Just to hand -- an entirely new stock of Stationery. 'i We sell Rankin's Chocolates-- -- always fresh. H. V. 'Swanson Phone 296 83 Downie St. Meat Specials Prime Rib, Rolled, Ib...... Fresh Picnic Ham, lb.,,. Fresh Hams, lb W. J. Larkworthy Downie St. Phone 1275 as No Smoke No Noise The new system of Flashlight Photography. Let us flash your parties and social gatherings. A minimum charge of $3.00 must be made to cover initial cost, Ring us up at 1096m. THE ROGERS STUDIO 83 Downie St. Phone 1096-m less Have Your HEATING PLANT locked over. Call STRATFORD HEATING SERVICE 11 Ontario Street, Stratford. Day Phone 388 Night Phones: 2312 or 828-F. TAX PHONE 66 PHONE : i 8-T Is laboriously | 62-Weird : i fe oF Gani teokah a Rimes ghiloaupher 65-A bone eee City Calls 1 or 2 passengers 25¢_ ? 5 10--Femini outhern eo 71 Wellington Street. cay rch ekeanlas Losi' lay gine ading U. S. (abbr.) ROY HUEHNERGARD © a Phone 781-J 51-Snakes nearest the sun 67-Scottish "So" For "Special Theatre Service 3 one ae hi a-- == --== = Adults 10c Children 5c Ff ie . e | , = S|TIRIOIN|GIE|S/T vt eases, | Saturday Specials 4 Ae OA SN This week we feature DUNDEE CAKE in loaf style ...25c P E|REBcIAIcT Is) |T sir ae PEEBCIAIRIE] IKiIN|O|T BR PONE TMB i. ae ae 3 for 25c ANTHRACITE COAL = HEAT PIAIRIA ROR TG ei en ek 3 for 25c POCAHONTAS, Egg Size 4 EMP iUiRieE] loleclcle Hin Individual Chicken Pies.....................2..+-- 15c Red Jacket, Egg Size _ RIABBNIO|R| [AIRIR BB AIc Chatken Pae8s 23.26 oa aac 3 for 35c Solvay Coke a Dit |MBDit |AIN|ABBBP |i le Sansawe ROM: 24.555 iki Sint 6 for 25c 0 SH COAL 0, SIM|U|T BE IN|E BR}! [DIS 2 Seemed || ONTARIO BAKERIES, LTD. RNISH E|N|AICiTIMIEIN| tT] eee Phone 44 Downie Street Phone 90 wh oo ; _ Answer to last week's puzzle THE STRATFORD MIRROR You Will Put Your 'O. K. On Our Work When you give usa pair of shoes to repair and they come back to you, looking like new, looking like the pair you bought. several months ago, you will be more than willing to stamp your O. K. on the job, won't you? Why net? You save money, get back your old comfortable _ pair ready for months of wear, and your feet are grateful. - Superior Repair Shop 11g Ontario St, Phone 94 PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 jusually drag him * Special Blend Black Tea 35c 3 Ibs. $1.00 J. L. BRADSHAW China Hall ' "Doc's Corner" Oh mummy, it's tomorrow, ex- claimed little Willie as the train emerged suddenly trom the tunnel. * * * When a man is spent, he's licked; when a dollar is spent, it is just be- ginning a good fight. * * #*# And what is in that beautiful covered urn? asked the visitor. The ashes of my husband replied the woman. So sorry,-replied the guest, I had no idea you were a widow? I'm not. My husband uses it for an ash tray. * * * Fringes, they tell us, are coming back. Too bad we gave our other pair of trousers to the rag man. * * ok With the average youngster, nowadays, it's only a step from the high chair to the high ball. * * & How quickly can you stop your car? Well, it all depends. A big pedestrian stops me on the spot, but if he's a little undersized I a few yards. se 8 Kissing is dangerous, says a medical man. Especially if you kiss the sweetheart of a fellow bigger than yourself. s ¢ 8 The editor wheeled his chair around and pressed a buttony The office boy entered. Here, said the editor, are a number of directions from outsiders telling us how to run our paper. See that every one is carried out. And the office boy, gathering them all in a large waste DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. Phone 314 Mr. Down, 308 Mr, Fleming, 311 READ THE MIRROR "ADS." basket, did so. * 8s 8 Fortune is awaiting the inventor who can discover an effective anti- freeze solution for those frozen assets, the bankers talk about. s 6s 8 Wealthy father--Can you give my daughter the luxuries she has been accustomed to? Lover--Not niuch longer. why I want to get married. s ¢ 8 That's A Downie farmer says he has discovered that one way to keep the boys on the farm is for the old man to stay home and do most of the work. : e* ¢ 8 My doctor told me to eat less. And did you agree with him? Not at first, but when I received his will I decided he was right. Little Man (in restaurant): Er excuse me, do you happen to be Clarence Lutt, of Surbiton? Big Man: No, I do not. Little Man: Oh, er well, you see I do, and that's his new raincoat you're putting on. ae ee vee) He's a greyhound, replied the man looking for employment in jin the office. | Clerk--That's not a greyhound, 'a greyhound has long legs. Man--So did this one before we started to look for work. * * * Wife--I've been asked for a refer- ence for our last maid. I've said she's lazy, unpunctual and impert- inent. Now can] add anythingin her favor? Husband--You might say that she's got a good appetite and sleeps well. Ba * * When some folks pray they al- ways bring up a lot of trifling things which they could take care of tired, e* ss 8 MacTavish--That's a fine build- ing for ye. What dae ye think o' it? American (visiting Scotland) Say that's nothing. We've. got hundreds of buildings like that but bigger and better. MacTavish--Ay, I have. That's an asylum. s * *# expect ye A reader suggests that money would circulate a lot faster if they'd print a little gossip on it. * * " There had been a bad accident and the doctor had to give first aid treatment. Is there an _old-fashion- ed woman in the crowd? he called out. What's the idea? asked a by- stander. I want a petticoat to make some bandages was the doctor's reply. J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533-F Gordon Blk. themselves if they were not too| Phone 171 We make your old clothes look like new! Sits Pressed 2. Suits French Cleaned and Pregeed 20s te og Ladies' Dresses Cleaned and Pressed.).:«.éc..22. For Prompt, Courteous Reliable Service MURRAY CLEANERS AND DYERS 148 St. Patrick St. SRS a eres The World Moves .. So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: P. J. Sinclair BRA Freight Sheds....... Office tee ere eeeen ees 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downle St. Phone 176 NEW CROWN HOTEL Rooms with hot and cold running water, with board, from $7.00 to $9.00 week. Rooms, 75c to $1.50 per night. $2.50 to $5.00 per week. WM. BALDWIN, Prop. Corner Downie and Falstaff Sts. Phone 888 during this period. diet. curable. Phone 87 or 88 answer to a question from the clerk LENT Is the season in which we all unite and enter into the spirit of self sacrifice in order to attune humanity, communities and nations to higher levels. Fish and sea foods have been adopted as staple food Not because of precedents, but for the reason that natnre provides a stimulating health building and sustaining To further assure of such products we have already taken firm steps to satisfy with only the finest and freshest of goods pro- UBELACKER'S MARKET Established 1855 Phone 87 or 88