THE STRATFORD MIRROR MacBeth-Evans Non-Chip Glass Bridge Sets of 22 Pieces : FREE Starting Friday, April 29th, one of these peautiful pieces will be given with every 5 gallons of gasoline or oil fill. We start with plates, then cups, saucers, goblets, et« until the full set can be obtained. Remember your gas or Oil cost yee " more than prevailing prices, so the glassware is Simply a find. i Birrell's Service Station Phone 2561 647 Erie Street STRATFORD & NE EXAMINATIONS ARE SET BY TEACHERS W. L. Sprung, principal of the Stratford Collegiate Vocational In- stitute in a statement to The Bea- con-Herald today replies to a letter which appeared in Wednesday's edition in connection with the dates of examinations at the Collegiate and the dates of the Musical Fes- tival, conflicting. "In the first place the writer wants to know if the dates for ex- aminations are set by the Depart- ment. They are not, but we have instructions from the Department to have the examinations as late in the season as possible and they were set accordingly. It takes at least three weeks to get out reports and they must be ready so that stu- dents will know whether or not they have to try their departmental examinations," said Mr. Sprung. He went on to say that only a few of the students participating in the estival would be called up- on to play in the afternoon. If they had to play in the afternoon, Mr. Sprung points out that they will be given an opportunity of writting those examinations at a later date. He felt that only five or six students would be affected in this connection, as most of them will perform during the evening, or on Saturday. "T realize the value of music and THE SIXTH ANNUAL Stratford -- Musical Festival Under the control and manage- ment of the Perth County Federation May 2nd to 12th, 1932 OPENING SESSION City Hall Monday, 2 and 7 p.m. ADMISSION - 25¢c and 15c , its study. The writer of the letter says that the two will conflict as far as studying for the tests are concerned. I know that students are preparing for their examina- tions as far back as September and musical entrants work on their test piece even before that and in most cases only take a few minutes to present their selections." torn down. Saturday Night ! The goods must be sold and the fixtures Goods must be slaughtered ! Here Are Just a Few of the Many Bargains : Men's Work Sweater Coats, roll collar, Ladies' 50c Lisle Hose, firsts 33c Ze & ill & f ei hPa Y g : : Fir oe Pee ike aed Be Bere Y a gers Oe ees Te 1.19 |) Children's Light Weight Knit Bloom- GY All 50c Socks, heavy wool and silk and BISCpath <5 55h cg 9c "GY y ae Cees sees ee 'ees uwe santa aes . ' BR A ari Be ee GY wool gO at cs sees 39c Ladies 1.00 Silk Gloves go at.. 25c y Boys' School Pullovers, all: sizes, val- Sie Weis Mick Cacnce e 4 : pesto 145, SHOICe. 2... 32s. ceo atarle 50c eat 2s . i. ae ne Hose ......... 9c i in : i " ; I Men's 2.50 Work Pants goat .......... 1.59 for ee swe es Palas! the sb Ripe Ree pads cht s eos Pcnee ox c Al Men's 5.00 Dress Pants SOME us 555 «Gs: 2.69 Women's Summer Vests, 25c for . 19c i) Men's 1.35 Work Shirts go at ........ 1.00 Children's Summer Vests, 25c for .....15¢ ii Men's 3.50 yee Boots go at... 1.5. 2.19 Ladies' 1.00 Fancy Scarfs ........ aed 35c 1} pike t-25 W ee Sate OP 19c 5c Colored Cotton Thread ae for 10c M Men's 25c and wes hop Caps at......... 15c Stamped Cotton Cutlery Holders, 39c rE Men's 25c Fotit-in-hand Ties at........... 10c 8 ine REIL ye GE ee ks 15c 7 Men's 1.00 Balbriggan Combinations. .69c Ladies' choice 25c fancy Hkfs....3 for 25c good-bye. LEN Come one, come all Saturday and bid the Woollen Mills Store Remember we close Saturday Night. ILLS STORE | It is really surpris Boys and girls wit THE STRATFORD MIRROR Winner of Joll Joyce Ford, 46 Rankin Street Is | y Jingles Drawing | | ) | } the world, or at least what the world c ing how many clever boys and girls we have in Stratford. h the artistic temperament may not be great successes In alls joy in doing that which they love to do. of success. success, but probably they will find | That is probably the real meaning O DIVORCE GIGARETS | STARTED THIS MORNING ne eee be =) ( hffo ° ° oO i" 0 ° = wae \ Sy DuDLer\ T. : YM RELIGOUSLY TRYING. BY SWEARING OFF BUYING: ® ° -- cs -- = =f --__-- = = ---- \ © 1923 UNIVERSAL FEATURE & SPECIALTY CO NSLES FISHER UR. Heie's what we are giving every patron, FREE Service on Batteries, Tires, Spark Plugs Stratford Tire and Battery H. E. McAlpine, Prop. 132 Ontario St. Phone 800 Metropolitan Star At | Life is something like a laundry. my ais 1 | You get out of it what you put in, but Last Finds Fitting Ro € | somewhat the worse of wear. NEW YORK, April 28.--Gladys Swarthout, voung Metropolitan opera star who recently bemoaned _ the fact that she was given boyish ' parts when her heart's desire was n a e to be a Juliet, has found a roman- tic role to her liking--but it's off the stage. The dark-haired contralto from SATURDAY Deepwater, Mo., is now Mrs. Frank M. Chapman, jr., and has been for a couple of days, an announvement discloses. She was marriea priv- By reason of a special ately to Mr. Chapman, a concert baritone, at Tenafly, NJ., this purchase we are week. offering you 30 Canton Crepe Dresses : in all the leading shades and styles. 'Your choice of this lot Saturday for : We are anxious to give you . the best service possible. : ; These fine dresses formerly sold for $7.00. Also 25 dresses of high-class flowered materials and crepes, all sizes S 4.9 5 ps CA aD ee Stratford House Furnishing Phone 475 141 Downie St. More Gaod News-- | Another Big Sale of Home Frocks 59¢ o 2 ror $1.00 These are the same good dresses smartly fashioned and generously proportioned from vat dye Canadian Prints. Featured in ten becoming styles, all finished with neat set-in sleeves. Big range of patterns and colors. Note dresses go on sale at 9 a.m, Saturday morning. Sizes 16 to 44. Be wise, be early for best selection. ON SALE SATURDAY Special Sale Prices on Coats and Dresses Saturday is the last day of our Month-End Sale of Wearing Apparel. This is a made-to-order opportunity for real, thrifty shoppers. We invite you to examine these values and let us demonstrate just how economically and fashion- ably we can serve you. New low prices on Coats, Dresses and Millinery. Shop at Crosiers' for genuine savings. J. J. Crosier & Co., Ltd. Phones 101-3, Main Floor 101-W, Second Floor 97 Ontario Street > hit a little man like that." Trish slob?" man Prisoner: "Suppose he called you 4 Dutch slob?" Magistrate: "But I'm not a Dutch- man." Magistrate: "But I'm not an Irish- | Prisoner: "Well, suppose he called zt 'you the kind of a slob you are?" Magistrate: I shouldn't think you'd Prisoner: "Suppose he called you an | Remember This In these days when we all think in terms of economy--that while Ice Cream is the most delightful of all good things to eat, it is also --according to its food value, one of the most economical foods you can buy. Enjoy luxury without extrava- gance! Eat Silverwood's ore veer [ce Cream Silverwood's Stratford Dairy | LIMITED tt 0 FOR SERVICE