A A OI Saisie ~Wol. 10 a5 cae No. 1 _ STRATFORD, JUNE 3, 1932 Citizen of Fine Character But Here's a Pat and Personality ale | What's Going On | On The Back For Them ? | About once. @ year, The Grim Reaper has taken a heavy | | lmas time, we generally direct a few toll of prominent citizens of Stratford | * : words toward our postal ser- bad : The City Council will send a deputa-,tainable in favor of an air meet in | kind ion with the Centenary cele-|vice. It's tough that they have to within the past year. Now it is Major George Kay who has been called, and tion to visit the sewage disposal plants | connecti his passing leaves a gap in a_ circle | in London, Toronto and possibly Buf- | bration this Summer. work so hard when most other people © ' ¢alo in the near future. The deputation +o Re s® 'are thinking about a holiday, we tell People will flock to see aeroplanes. | out of ten ne" They have a fascination which will | them, put nine time bring crowds for miles around, and it | don't help matters for them by post- is safe to say that the Centenary com- | ing early as they request. But that's -- srl a oe Sis ge ae only once a year. For the other 51 e Oo F Se moa weeks in the year, We don't, as a ception than an air meet. It is spec- eae tacular, and it doesn't cost so much lrule, give them much thought--until of friends which included practically |. ee : : yee fa ; hook will be chiefly interested in means of eee PERO e city = o KneW | sludge disposal which are being used Major Kay--for to know him was t0/in other cities. The question has been respect him and love him, While his @ timely one here for several years passing is deeply mourned, those who owt and certainly there are few who haven't heard something about the k him b can find so lace vena: est can find some solace |. er farm odor within the past few in the memory of a beautiful friend- |-weeks. 4 ship. * * * either, as the airport committee dis- |we have @ complaint. Then we will 3 According to the City Engineer and | covered last cheget . | probably declare that the whole § ' That will last Major Kay's success in his chosen those who have followed the develop- 2 ibl If an air meet is undertaken, and it jtem 1s LerrEpie, field is indicative of his attitude in all : ' : ; ment of sewage disposal machinery, his undertakings. Coming to Stratford | the problem of sludge disposal is far | £°C"s likely that it will, one of the |while, and then we first things which should be consider- 'about it again. with his mother at an early age, he | from being satisfactorily solved. Some ae attended Falstaff School, and later the | of the eities which installed costly |ed is some plan for keeping cars from | he postal employees are used to- equipment thought they had left their ? ; ; king along every side road within ee Collegiate Institute, leaving school "sgnceesn, 2 ect e * e : ar os troubles behind them, later, to find |a mile of the port to enjoy the show lus, however. They don't expect P. i when he was sixteen years of age to| that they were receiving the same and they make allowances for : complaints, F for nothing, while those who pay their 2 enter the service of the Perth Mutual | complaints as are received here at | Shekels to get into the airport see no Occasionally, when § z Insurance Company as office boy. So | certain periods of each year. more than those who remain outside. | 4) honest-to-goodness com neni er oe eas | Se aie ae does come their way, its a ¥ sincerely did he apply himself, and * d ltion such was his ability to master his Of course, it is all very well for the The Township of Downie can CO- 3 5 work, that in 1925, successive promo- cities on large bodies of water. After | operate by passing no parking by- der the shock is not too mn 0) tions had carried him to the manager- |a little preliminary screening, they |laws on the roads bordering on the | them. However, here's @ letter whi ship of the company. quietly dispose of their sludge in the airport, and it would not be surpris- was received by the Department from vith abe ehepiipeen: Kad PROC oa whatever it happens | 5 if they did just-that little thing. |, pusiness.. man, - is self-explana- of the firm, he was highly regarded as |to be. Stratford did something similar ' ee a kind friend and capable manager. |for many years, until the farmers é¢| <The Board of Works is 'not comers eagle . Major Kay was born in Goderich in | Downie Township threatened to re-| plating many new works this Sum-| "My business August, 1868, the son of Mr, and Mrs. |eruit an army and lay siege to the city | mer. There are lots of things . which |end of Canada to the other John Kay. Aer the death of his | ball. Their claims were well-founded , should be done, and there are lots of erally speaking can & father, the famil t a. too. men available to do them, which |most of our post offices. Lavo ily moved to Stratfor seems unfortunate, but there's not |like to "#y at this opportunity that That was in 1874. There were three ns Pes 3 : As far as the purification system at never seen any post offices o her country that equal our children in the family, but one, a sis- : pe ter. was taken by diphtheria shortly the local plant is concerned, it is after they arrived here. One prother, working well. No sludge disposal plant who can't pay them anyway. own. In our post offices the post Edward, of Toronto, survives Major ; "?* put in at the time the plant was : 6 ee _ ; masters and assistants are most Kay. erected, because it was realized at that | The sidewalks in the city are not in | obliging and attentive and go out of 4 Major Kay enlisted with the rank | time that there was still much to learn a condition which would cause any |their way to assist me. The atten of Captain as paymaster in the 28th |regarding methods of disposing of spersont to polnt So thems: 'with pride. |tion and consideration shown | by Battalion, which was later changed |autee: The system of sludge disposal , The City Engineer realizes this bet- |them are as good as the most effi- +o the Perth Regiment. In 1915, he | at the local plant was not meant as ter perhaps than any person, and he | cient and highly competitive business" enlisted for overseas, and took com- la permanent measure, but the Council | has pointed it out to the Board of | assistants and a lot better than most mand of C. Company,. 34th Battalion wants to be satisfied that any change Works many times. There are other |of them. I have, in twenty years fe) : '| will. be for the better before large places where there is no sidewalk at |travelling, only made two complaint which was recruited in Stratford. q | When he went overseas he was pro- isums are spent on a sludge disposal present. Walks should be put down in | to the post office. 1 the others are -- moted to the rank of Major, but much | plant--even wa heated genta agtord,|ininy see Pe but if the people|so deserving of PrAIne that 7 canna'. to his disappointment, was not al- | one at the present time . . protest against the works, and. simply 'say enough. we ree say that they can't afford them, what) "Whoever is responsible for this lowed to proceed overseas, his services s = being requisitioned by the British War | . The move to stop Sunday parachute |** to be done? : organization of 4 vast collection © Office for duty in the Pensions Branch | jumping at the local airport is not sur- ae ' courteous, obliging and efficient © -at Bath. | €}3| prising in view of the near-fatal ac- WELL KNOWN COMEDIAN i ployees is to be highly congratulate Het dale we held on Tuesday. ig alee rey ve see VISITS STRATFORD Personally, I wish to thank the p ollowing a brief service at the house, | 280. number of citizens have no E Bane: i loffice officials that I hav e and a public service in_St. James' Stratford had quite a distinguished |ontact with for their kindness _ , hesitated to express the opinion that ee Church, the remains were taken to this form of entertainment should , Visitor last week in the person of | courtesy and I am very proud Goderich for interment. Rev. F. G. | have been stopped long ago. After) James "Scotty" Pollock, well-known |think that the Canadian Post Of ae ipainaed el officiated at the' service | youve seen) & JUMP there 1s not much | comedian of Northern Ontario. While |is not equalled by any post office in St. James' Church. . to it. The jumper tries to make it as ick he t th |have had any contact with. ye Those who acted as honorary pall- | interesting for his audience as Pp0Os- 'g Mee eee o erenier Dart oF his | "J often wonder that more bearers at the funeral were G. G. Mc- | sible, and therein lies the danger of | time as guest of the family of Mr. lis not given our post office in Pherson, K.C., W. H. Schmalz, J. A.|an accident. and Mrs. Jas. G. Morrison. He gave rewapapein" eH McKendrick, Alex. Faill, Col. A. W. | pO bed spe the radid audience during his "sit a ~ Deacon, M.C., J. P. King, J. A. Mak- The success of the air meet last Fall, |real treat, on two occasions singing | 4 AL TAKES TREATMENT ins and Mr. Freer. The active eat dewae the wet weather, and¢despite | over 10 AK, he having rendered sever-| d bearers were James Pringle, H. W. al of his own compositions. Mr. Pol-| Mr. Al Capone is said to be ithe fact that people were beginning to , Strudley, Lt-Col. R. M. Trow, J. A. C,| think of their long underwear before | lock was accompanied by Otto Hen- | his face attended to by a plastic Kay, W. J. McCabe and Thomas | the Council thought of an air meet, | derson. Listeners-in will look forward | geon. We should have thought h Owen. '| should be about the best argument ob- with pleasure to his return visit. | was already a pretty enough beauty." , NOW PLAYING M AJESTI C Joan Crawford _ and WEDNESDAY JAGK HOLT in THEATRE ne ee gees RENATE MULLER _ * BEHIND THE MASK" The Best in Talkin " r " sip" ie jemibeE ns Letty Lynton Sunshine Susie KAY FRANCIS in Pictures An amazing drama of modern -- A joyous feast of fun and melody. will forget all much use in adding further local im-|I have provement costs to the taxes of people jin any MONDAY -- TUESDAY social intrigue.