THE STRATFORD MIRROR All Ready For School Opening Text Books, all kinds. Ring Note Books, 15c. Beautiful Picture Covers on note books. Lead Pencils, 25c doz. KENNER'S BOOK STORE For All School Supplies 76 ONTARIO ST. Foreign Residents Must Have Fingerprints Taken HAVANA, Aug. 26.--The Cuban government's work of registering resident foreigners which began on July 25, will continue until Sept. 25, by which time a definite tab. will be completed. Two front view and two side view photographs, fingerprinting and signatures, to- gether with payment of $1.45, make the registration of foreigners al- most as effective as Bertillon data on criminals. Mountain Tour is Planned By Pennsylvania Growers --_---- ALLENTOWN, Pa., Aug. 26. -- Pennsylvania potato growers will visit Colorado and the Rocky Mountains sections on their bien- nial tour. The trip, sponsored by the Penn- sylvania Potato Growers' Associa- tion, will start at Harrisburg, the members traveling by special train. In Colorado, the party will visit the dry land wheat section in Mor- gan county, the Gradig farm, which produced a record yield of blue turnips, and the Schutte farm, where 1,147.5 bushels of potatoes were grown on a measured acre. Both hands Both eyes and others. and traffic undistracted. THE KEYSTONE OF COMMON SENSE Highway oe ice rm ry be ok on the wheel! on the road ! Never forget ... a single moment's careless- ness while driving may easily involve you in a bad smash. A little inattention may mean serious, even fatal, injury to yourself If you are a passenger, for your own safety's sake, leave the driver free to watch the road Let us all work together to prevent accidents. Safety Committee ' P Sense and Nonsense Continued from front page) South Huron has another candidate for the bye-election which will be held there early in October. If they keep on naming candidates, the electors won't know whether they are marking the ballot: or the voters' list. oe ge '%incardine' woman pours gasoline into tea kettle," according to head- line. Some pleople just can't seem to get over their extravagant boom- years habits. * * * not half so surprised about making a hole-in-one at the municipal golf course as he was about his failure to get excited over it. * Eg * One of the readers of this column has the following to say in regard to the marking of the site of the first mill in Stratford no doubt! We have in Stratford a dam by a mill site, but there is no mill there by a dam site." * * * The same reader remarks that he noticed a motorist in Ontario Street actually stop to allow a woman push- ing a baby carriage to cross ~the street. "He shoyld get a medal," the reader thinks, feeling that it is a record. oe See Our guess would be that the mator- ist probably ran out of gas, Come all you rounders if you want to hear - The story of the jobless and the en- gineer; It was August 18th, according to the clerk, When the jobless served notice, that they'd refuse to work, . the rough, And notified the parks 'we've had enough. The engineer said 'boys now I'll be brief, ' T'll recommend no strikers to the of- fice for relief'. board that To. meet the situation, a deputation of unemployed, Called upon the doctor to say. they Were annoyed. { As a result of their visit to Hon. Mon- teith, A man came from Toronto to invest- igate relief, And there the matter stood until Wed- nesday afternoon, When the boys about decided that they had struck too soon. And things are back to normal where they are to remain, work again. SEND IT IN If you have a bit of news, Send it in; Or a joke that will amuse, Send it in; A story that is true, An incident that's new, We want to hear from you. Send it in; Don't wait & month to do it, Send it in; Don't let 'em beat you to it, Send it in; Something serious or a fest, Just which ever you like best, The Editor will do the rest, -- Send it in. George Myers, Hibernia street, was Out at the golf course they came from ~ Until the City Council gets back to ree et THE STRATFORD MIRROR 'Late James L. Johnston The funeral was held this afternoon of a former familiar figure, James L. Johnson, who for a number of years was an employee of the Majestic Theatre. The funeral was held from the home of his sister, Mrs. C. W. Johnson, 147 Douro Street ,to Avon _ Mausoleum, where entombment was made. Mr. Johnson was a native of Clin- ton and had traveled extensively on this continent. He was well-known here through his duties as a member of the Majestic staff. His death oc- curred in the General Hospital, after an ilmess of about three months. Surviving are one brother, N. R. _ Johnson of Peoria, Ill., and four sis- ters, Mrs. F. H. Moore, Denver, Col.; Mrs. A. C. Mowat, Miami, Fla.; Mrs. Donald Ross, city, and Mrs. C. W. Johnston, from whose home the fun- _ eral was held. Can You Answer Answers will be found on last page i--What member of the present Parks Board was also a member of the first Parks Board? 2--In what year was the Parks Board organized ? _8--Who is the Ppt president of the Horticultural' Society? 4--How many members constitute the Fire Department? 5--How many. churches are there in Stratford? 6--What city has the highest altitude of any city in Ontario and what is its altitude? 7--In what year was Stratford inaug- . urated as a city? 8--What municipalities in Perth are separate from the county? 9--What is the approximate area of Stratford in acres? 10--Who is the County Treasurer? OXFORD COUNTY HERD WINS AT OTTAWA FAIR Jerseys Owned by J. W. Innis . . Sweep Field in Female ess Championships ' OTTAWA, Aug. 26.--(CP)--Car- leton County's herd of Jerseys was awarded first prize in the Jersey cattle judging at the Central Can- ada Exhibition here. All classes in this breed were keenly contested, and while there were only .two herds offered in the counties com- petition, Greater Dundas County and Carleton, there was little to choose between the two. Ottawa Dairy, Ltd., got two out of three in the Jersey bull champ- ionship classes, winning both the 'Senior and Grand championships. J. W. Innis, of Woodstock, won the Junior and Junior Reserve Champ- ionships, and Reserve in the Senior and Grand Championships, ee Mr. Innis' Jerseys swept the field in. the female championships, win- ning Junior, Senior Championships, and also Reserve Grand Championship. Small Tots Three Years é Allowed to Attend School WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. --Three year old toddlers are permitted to _ trudge off to kindergarten in three States of the Union, according to a survey just completed by Mary Davis, kindergarten specialist, and Ward W. Keesecker, specialist in school legislation, of the Interior Department. The survey was based on 1930 census figures. and Grand -- FIVE PAY COURT FINES RESULT OF MEETING Sponsors Neglected To Get Permit For Their Gathering WINDSOR, Ont., Aug. 26.-- For making public speeches at a meet- ing which was not authorized by a permit, Arthur Seal, Secretary of the Canadian Labor Defense Lea- gue, was fined $50 or 21 days in jail when he appeared in Windsor Police Court yesterday. George Wanden, United Front Conference Leader, and Louis Hout were given similar sentences. James Cochrane and Walter * Hewlett, who claimed they did not know the meeting was being held without a permit, were fined $25 or 21 days for making speeches. Reg. Brophey had his case ad- journed for a week. On a charge of holding a meet- ing without securing a permit, Ar- thur Seal was fined $50 or 21 days in jail. ------, Make-up Lore yen fae oie as ed Everybody knows that there are certain colors that enhance a bru- net's beauty and have a devastat- ing effect on blondes, just as there are colors that will see what they can do for a blonde and refuse to offer any assistance to the darker- skinned girls. n The same thing applies to the cosmetic world. .You may spoil your charm by using a rouge that. was never intended for your face, or eye-shade that doesn't belong on your eyelids. If you are blonde, with fair skin, and blue, or gray-blue eyes, your powder should have a flesh tone to it. Your lipstick should run _ to rose instead of red. Blue or orchid eye-shadow will give your eyes the dusky light that throws glamor across a face. Brunets, whose skins are darker, and whose eyes are brown with a gray or green touch, need a pow- der that is warmer, a lipstick that is brighter and green eye shadow. If you are a blonde, make up your face with various shades, un- til you find the face that you pre- fer to have reflected from-the looking glass. Then cultivate it. If your hair is red, your skin is fair, and your eyes are blue, you may follow the same cosmetic de- sign that the blonde with the blue eyes does, only your lipstick should be more of a medium shade. If your eyes are brown, the brown- eyed blonde will act as a mode] for you. CoN ad The deep, flaming colors that add a gay note to a_ brunet's ensemble are disappointing on blondes, and the clash is so start- ling when they appear on the frock or hat of a girl whose hair has au- burn tints that they grow gaudy. Blondes and auburn-haired girls should develop the high lights, the glow and gleam of their own hair, and let it sparkle. Cosmetics run true to the clothes color chart. Find your color line, then use it. WASHING RAG RUGS Rag rugs will be washed easily 'if you put them in the washing machine. It is safer to dry them in the shade than in the sun, for colors that will resist water can't ' sometimes withstand light that is too penetrating. = >» Truly "Crosier's here. 97 Ontario Street Saturday---Last Day of Our Twin Dollar Days Sale ! A store-wide event, featuring extraordinary values, high quality merchandise, specially reduced. Make it your business to visit our store Saturday. We are endeavoring to make this the greatest sell- ing event in our history -- generous assortments -- seasonable merchandise--scores and scores of inter- esting values that are bonafide values. You'll find Special Sale Prices on various lines of Children's School Weatables, on Women's and Misses' Dresses, Coats, Millinery, Gloves, Lingerie, House - Furnishings, Staples, Wash Goods, Woollens and Silks. Hosiery and will be a good place to remem- ber Saturday. Your dollars will do double duty We Invite Your Inspection | J. J. Crosier & Co., Ltd. Phones 101-J, Main Floor 101-W, Second Fioor Windsor Man Is Elected President Of Druggists TORONTO, Aug. 26.--(C P)-- Henry W. Shoemaker, Windsor, was elected president of the On- tario Retail Druggists' Association in convention here Thursday. Oth- er officers chosen were: W. O. Austin, Windsor, first vice-presi- dent; S. J. Stevenson, Ottawa, sec- ond vice-president, and F. A. Ja- cobs, Toronto, secretary-treasurer. Two Make Trip With Covered Wagon LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26.-- Ben- jamin Chapman, financier, won a divorce from Jessie Chapman be- Pause he said "she flew away and left me." Mrs. Chapman is now flying in the National Air Derby. "She said,' complained Chapman, "that she wanted to be as free as the birds of the air." USES FOR GELATIN Jellied meat loaf, made by add- ing softened gelatin to the usual meat loaf recipe, is unusually ap- petizing. Salads served in gela- tin are likely to hit the palate ef- fectively on warm days, too. 'of things Backless Gowns Been Means of Saving Lives PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26. -- Backless evening gowns took on a new importance in the scheme here as Philadelphia hostesses favorably discussed the contention of Dr. Joseph Colt Bloodgood, clinical professor of surgery at John Hopkins Univer- sity, that they had been the means of saving the lives of many wo- men threatened by cancer. Dispose of Surplus Bees In New And Novel Way MUSKOGEE, Okla., Aug. 26. -- Southern bee keepers, looking for a means of disposing profitably of the surplus swarms, have hit upon the plan of doing the extra bees in small packages and selling them to keepers further north who are looking for young blood in their colonies. A: three-pound pack- age containing about 15,000 work: ers and a queen sells for between $2 and $3. What this country needs just now is fewer. view-with-alarmers and more point-with-priders. Geo. W. Webber Electrician 107 Downie Phone 810 Providing Rhythm you simply can't Resist. A dance that delights--and all at reasonable rates. Entertainment «2 and HOW! is the exclusive mission of GEORGE WESTBROOK and his entertainers A song that suits. Phone 1365 for Engagements