etre earns Shae cane ae enSee Sian Ar ee a ment --acmremernrereseeecerters wise to get your rest. Pay no attention x _ being not as well-dressed as they are. your trouble lies right there. changes one's outlook wonderfully. Reliability of quality and seryice [ Address all letters to Mass Answers will appear the week following your enquiry. Dear Miss St. John:-- I have been reading your answers so I thought I would write for some advice. My big trouble is that all my friends and re- latives forsake me. I have to work so with great interest hard to keep the wolf from the door. My husband don't make enough to pay the rent or get even a shirt for him- self, and I am cooking and working for 8 boarders but don't get very much from them either. Because I don't have my friends and relatives for all kinds of meals when I go to their places they expect me to turn in and help cook and wash dishes. Surely good sense would tell them I get en- ough of that to do at home, my nerves are so bad I don't know what to do at times trying to make the money meet. I don't owe one person; I don't get a thing if I can not pay cash for it. I have to rest and if I don't have a rest in the day I go to bed early and have often planned with myself. Ican not go out of even- , ings, if I do I am tired out for a couple of days. It just seems to take all my Maem ee _ gtrength for my work. I come to this city 8 years ago and have kept board- ers to make a living; got no help from the church or city. Can you tell me, what is the matter. What hurts me! most is my relatives turning me down, | BROKEN HEARTED. Answer: We are glad that you find Cupid's Corner interesting, Broken Hearted. | : Coming at this season of "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men," your letter strikes a sadly discordant note? But I hope that you wrote in a des- pondent mood and that you do not always feel so unhappy. It is hard to have to work so hard. But since "misery likes company" I may say that I know a great many people who are similarly situated. Your friends have no right to pect you to entertain them under the Circumstances. As to working whilé paying a visit. The modern hostess _does appear to put herself to the mini- mum amount of inconvenience for her guests. In old days a guest chamber was as necessary as a kitchen; but how many new houses have one? Speaking of your nerves--perhaps Your ex- |spotless. E li : : then my relatives say I am lazy. potiess. Every little thing must be in to make away | Ina St. Jobn, Mirror Office. ] to your relatives' opinion as long as you are acting wisely. It is only fodlish people who even think of taking their own lives. We must remember that we are put here to do some work necessary for' the Great Creator's plan. Do get a tonic from your doctor. If everyone tried as hard as you do to avoid accepting relief we would have better times. You state that your relatives slight you because you are not as well dress- ed as they are. Perhaps you imagine that: "The darkest hour is just before dawn." May you have a Happy and | Prosperous New Year. Ps St. John. * * Dear Miss St. John, : My wife is a slave to our house. She is a good manager, but she has no in- terest so great as keeping the house its place. I like to make myself com- fortable and consider the house was made to live in. Who is right? JOHN. A home should be a place of refuge from the wear and tear of business life. Try to interest your wife in things outside your home. Tell her how you dislike living in a show-case home. Ina St. John. * * * Dear Miss St. John,-- I live with my aunt. Every time a boy friend calls to take me out she goes along. Should I risk offending her by asking her to stay at home oc- casionally or must I lose all my friends? NORMA, Answer: If you are sixteen or thereabout, your aunt may feel that you need a chaperone. Otherwise you are right to decline her constant company. Ina St. John. * * * | in dairy products. Phone 770 You will find in Silverwood's Safe Milk and Cream Silverwood's (Smoother-than-Velvet) Ice Cream Silverwood's Finest Creamery Butter and their allied service a delightful combination. MAY WE SERVE YOU? Silverwood's Stratford Dairy Limited is what you most desire ae Wallis, Manager A colored man had summoned up enough nerve to take his first aero- plane flight. As he climbed out of the plane after the flight was over, he turned to'the pilot and said: "Ah has to thank yo fo' bof' dem rides." "What are you talking about?" the aviator demanded. "You had only one ride." "No suh," the passenger insisted. "Ah had two--mah fust and mah last.'---Young Men. Fond Mother--"I hope my little dar- ling has been as good as gold all day." Nurse--"No, ma'am, he went off the gold standard about tea time." = She--"There's an old clothes man coming to the door." He--"Tell him I've got all I need."-- Glasgow Citizen, PETER & SYLVESTER Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric 12 Ontario St. Phone 219 For Corns and Callouses DR. JOHNSTON'S CO A L|j Callous - Off ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL CO. Phone 44 A 25c box of Callous-Off will dis- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest pearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe stores or sent direct post paid for 25c from aboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company Stratford, Ont. Dear Miss St. John, Our little girl dances like a fairy. How can I get her on the stage? M. B. Answer: COAL - COKE - COAL You would be wise to look after the child's health and education and for- get her stage life until she is fully grown. Do not allow her to know that strenuous work has excluded other interests and pleasures. Try to go out into the fresh air every day, if you go no farther than the nearest corner. A different view rests the nerves and 'There are very few who "pay as th go" without any assistance. Pay- cash is a splendid policy. You are you consider her to be a prodigy. Ina St. John. GENUINE HARD SCRANTON COAL and FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Lykens Valley Red Ash Blower Fuel--Guaranteed to clinker DONNER COKE ALL COAL WEIGHED ON CITY SCALES L. COOK 4 PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downle 8t. Phone 178 175 King Street Tune in on the news cast every night at 5.45 from 10-AK. Lennox Coal Company Phone 2400 ¢ THE STRATFORD MIRROR "T am for economy--not because it | saves money, but because it people."--Calvin Coolidge. * * * * MYSELF I have to live with myself, and so I want to be fit for myself to know; | I want to be able as the days go by | Always to look myself straight in the eye. Saves | I don't want to stand with the setting sun And hate myself for the things I've) done. I don't want to keep on the closet shelf A lot of secrets about myself, And fool myself as I come and go Into thinking nobody else will know The kind of person I really am. I don't want to cover myself with sham. I want to go out with my heart erect; I want to deserve the world's respect, And in the struggle for fame and pelf I want to be able to like myself. For I never can hide myself from me; I see what others can never see, I know what others can never know. So, no matter what happens, I want to be Self-respecting and conscience-free. --Author Unknown. * * * AYE, 'TWAS IN THE HEELANTS For you must know the Gaelic tongue Was spoken in Glen Eden, And Adam wrote his Heelant sangs The time his sheep were feedin', And Mrs. Adam's name was Grant-- She came from Abergeldie; She was a poetess, and wrote "The Birks o' Aberfeldy." And know doubt you would like to know Where fair Glen Eden stood; Och hone! it was the bonnie place 'on. If you breathe 15 parts of this ex- ation. A Seasonable Warning If you run the engine of your auto- mobile in your garage without naving the garage door open, it may kill you. All gasoline engines produce carbon monoxide gas which is a deadly pois- haust gas in 10,000 parts of atmosphere it will kill you. You can't see carbon monoxide gas. You can't smell it. You can't taste it. You can't feel it. When you are working about your car with the en- gine running always keep the garage door open and fasten it open so that it cannot swing shut. Carbon monoxide gas poisoning is possible where ordinary gas is used, in cooking stoves, water heaters or room heaters, or for illumination--if gas escapes unburned. Wherever you JEFFRIES Shoe Repair FOR SERVICE 119 Downie Phone 1722 Watch Our Windows for Bargains During January ----<$----<-- | L. BRADSHAW China Hall VULCANIZING Tire Repairs of all kinds BATTERIES Recharging Repairing All Work Guaranteed STRATFORD TIRE & BATTERY use gas, see that there is good ventil- 132 Ontario Street Diet For Cold Prevention ,9? "The best prveentive against 'colds', we quoted Dr. Charles Gilmore Ker- ley, a few days ago, "is a vigorous state of health, and this is best ac- quired by normal living habits." "Often the boy or girl who has had the tonsils and adenoids removed and whose sinuses are normal, still suffers from repeated colds," he goes on. ; 2371 PHoNEs--Day 800 Night 1339-J PARTRIDGE SANITARY Stratford and Toronte Plumbing, Heating, Sheet a Metal Work and Roofing FUNERA R. White & Co. Phone 33, Nights 876 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 : 80 Ontario St. "A study of th life habits of such a patient almost always reveals that he is on a self-restricted diet, and is suffering from what is known as Av- itaminosis. In other words, the diet on which he lives is deficient in the ac- ecessory food substances known as vitamins: the child does not like veg- etables, and takes them scantily, if at all. He hates cereals, and does. not get them. He is not particularly fond of milk, and he gets but little of it. Further, a considerable portion of the food consumed is thoroughly sugared. For years I have observed in my clin- ical work that a high sugar diet lessen resistance to infections of the respir- Before the awfu' flood. Aweel, 'twas just in Inverness, Some say 'twas in Argyle; There's no use fechtin' boot a word-- 'Twas the Heelants all the while. * * * LAMB STEW WITH DUMPLINGS. One and one-half pounds' stewing lamb, one tablespoon chopped mint, salt, pepper, one pint water, one- quarter cup chopped celery, one table- spoon chopped onion, two cups flour, three teaspoons baking powder, one- quarter cup butter, one teaspoon salt, milk or water. Cut the lamb in small pieces, and saute until brown; then place in a stew kettle, add the water, vegetables, and seasonings. Cook gently until meat is tender. Mix up the dumplings by combining the flour, baking powder and salt, put in butter, and add enough milk and water to form a soft dough. Drop by spoonfuls on top of stew, and let steam ten min- utes, well covered. Heap meat in the centre of platter, and surround with dumplings and gravy, and sprinkle with fresh mint. atory type. "Among both animals and humans, vitamin deficiency in the food means lowered resistance ,easily prevented by the use of a wide range of foods that are near to nature. When such a child is brought to me, he is given a feeding plan which includes cornmeal, oatmeal, crushed whole wheat, eggs, bacon, milk (one pint or more a day), beefsteak, lamb chop, calves' liver, poultry, fresh fish, potatoes, green vegetables, fruits (raw and cooked), simple puddings and cheese, fresh vegetable and cereal soups. "Tf a diet selected from the above is given, and the child taught to take it, there need be no anxiety about vit- amins, for nature will take care of the | vitamins, as it has been doing for | thousands of years. Arrange three | meals daily without regard to the | child's likes and dislikes, and use no | more than sufficient sugar to make | the food palatable; forbid all heavily | sugared desserts, candy and confec- tions. If this is followed, you will find | that the vicous cold habit, with its | repeated illnesses and out-of-school | New Floors For Old! One way to pep up this first week of the New Year... New Floors You'll be surprised how it changes your home. CONGOLEUM RUGS AT LOW COST! The ever more popular smooth surface rugs in beautiful color ef- fects--shown in all room sizes--especially usefnt in size-- oF re ae a5 -- SOF oe f Bee ' Oe OI na Peau argeeom, 7M | PREC Be Pn ee ere. | Lb 9' x12" $7, De ee icckt yes $10.75 Remnants, 25¢ up Odd sizes of oilcloth, linoleum congoleums, inlaids, clearing up allodd ends. Fix up the pantry, hall, kitchen and bath- . room floors at low cost. Floor Cloth, 39c A waterproof, easily laid and serviceable floor, bright, clean patterns, 2.yds. wide, per sq. yd., 39c. PHOHE 33 NIGHT 376 FUNERAL SERVICE DEPT. R. WHITE & CO. days, has been broken without the | READ THE MIRROR "ADS." use of a single drug." & HEATING ENGINEERS = 80 Ontario St. Phone 33 AEE ATEN 8