THE STRATFO RD "MIRROR ~ CUPID'S CORNER / 'Address all letters to Miss Ina St. Jobn, Mirror Office. ] Answers will appear the week following your ere - Dear Miss St. John: I am in love with a young man who leads a wild life. He vows he will settle down if I marry him. M y _ father is strongly opposed to the match. But I feel that I will never be _ happy-without my lover so I may as well be married unhappily as remain single. What do you thing about it? $e: ' Undecided. Answer: Perhaps you father knows _ more about your lover's habits than ~ you do, Undecided. Why not make % the young man 'prove his vows by - fore you marry him. "Better to be sure than sorry." ae per Shes Ina St. John. >I love a girl whose mother is a ter- rible housekeeper. The woman runs around town leaving the children to attend to things as best they can. She is a poor manager, and so shiftless that they are poverty-stricken, al- though the man makes a good living. _ My parents claim that my sweetie will turn out just like her mother. But her aunts and both grandmothers are fine women, and Mary does her best around home after work. She is very neat .and particular about her 'appearance. I intend to marry her. How can I convince my parents that she is O.K.2 ; Z Ted. _ Answer: No one should judge a girl by her mother's shortcomings. Take her at her own face value. A girl who is reared in the misery of an ill-kept home often takes an unforgettable - object lesson from her early envir- -onment. Her greatest desire is to be- comé a competent, thrifty housekeep- er. Many a shiftless father shames his son into becoming the opposite _ type of man. ' I think it is manly of you to take the attitude you have taken toward : Wishing you good Ina St. John. - Dear Miss St. John: Iam deeply in love with a man who has kept company with_me for al- most a year. A month ago we had a serious quarrel. I had just met 'another fellow who asked me to go, places and I went just to make my : He has' been me for presents as well as outings. 'esterday, a friend of the first man nie 3 at "You will have to "pay the friend that you were merely using his friendship for your own conven- you did not stop to consider just how unkind you have been.-It is better fot him to know the truth than to continue to pay attention to a girl who loves someone else. Hoping it will all come out right. Ina St, John. Dear Miss St. John: I was about to be married when my fiance took sick. He entered a hospital many miles away. While there he became engaged to the sis- ter of another patient. Now he is cured and is back home. He says he cannot decide which he 'loves most. ience. It is hard on him. No doubt: Reliability in dairy products. Phone 770 of quality and service is what you most desire You will find in Silverwood's Safe Milk and Cream Silverwood's (Smoother-than-Velvet) Ice Cream _ Silverwood's Finest Creamery Butter and their allied service a delightful combination. MAY WE SERVE YOU? -Silverwood's Stratford Dairy Limited L. A. Wallis, Manager © The Store of Quality Dont Just Wear Stockings--Wear GOLD STRIPES Then you'll have What can I do? Thanking you a lot in advance. s Natalie. Answer: I sincerely advise you to give up all friendship with this fickle man. He either is incapable of loving anyone but himself, or he has not yet met his real sweetheart. Certain- ly he doés not love either you or the other girl, or he would not be in the least undecided as to which he want- ed to marry. You could never be hap- py with such a man, Natalie. Ina St. John. The World Moves .. So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, and Furniture By courteous and reliable mem | PHONES: P, J. Sinclair : Freight Sheds............. Bous Eda Office 26 ALBERT ST. : GASOLINE AND OILS| COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL CO. Phone 44 Riding in a Roy Huehnergard luxuriously upholstered car gives both comfort and pleasure. PHONE 6 6 PHONE Beauty Quality Economy Perfect Fit / Sheer, service-sheer and service weights $1.00 = =GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE "Beautiful Silk Stockings Per Pair D. C. WILCOX 18 Wellington St. OAL COKE COAL GENUINE HARD SCRANTON COAL 'and FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Lykens Valley Red Ash Blower Fuel--Guaranteed to clinker DONNER COKE ALL COAL WEIGHED ON CITY SCALES Phone 529 175 King Street Tune in on the news cast every night at 5.45 from 10-AK. Lennox Coal Company Phone 2400 dia. Confess to the second THE STRATFO RD MIRROR "Those who live on the mountain have a longer day than those who live in the valley. Sometimes all we need to brighten our day is to rise a little higher." THE PERFECT GUEST She answered by return of post The invitation of her host; She caught the train she said she would, And changed at junctions as she should. She brought a small and lightish box, And keys belonging to the locks; Foods, rare and rich, she did not beg, But ate the boiled or scrambled egg. When offered lukewarm tea she drank it, And didn't crave an extra blanket, Wor extra pillows for her head. She seemed to like the spare room best; She brought her own self-filling pen, And always went to bed at ten. She left no little things behind But stories new and gossip kind. WHAT VEGETABLES DO An abundance of fruits and vege- tables should be included in the daily diet to ensure the "balance" which "will prevent acidosis, says a leaflet issued by the Department of Agricul- ture at Ottawa. Some foods leave an acid ash or residue in the blood after being bro- ken down or burned in the _ body. These acid-forming foods are meat, fish, eggs, poultry, cereals, crackers, and bread. 'These foods by them- selves tend,.to develop acidosis. Fruits, and vegetables leave an alkaline ash in the system which offsets this most common of digestive troubles. Vegetables furnish the minerals -- iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnes- ium, sulphur, copper, and others, in varying amounts; the vitamins which promote growth and health; the pro- tein so essential to tissue pbuilding; they also supply starches, and assist in freeing the body of poisonous waste. "Canadian Vegetables for Every Day" (Pamphlet 121, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa) contains a wealth of valuable information about vegetables, and some interesting new ways to use them. GINGER BREAD WITH CHOCOLATE One-half cup sour cream, 3 heaping teaspoons ginger, 1 saltspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2% tablespoons melted butter, 2 cups pastry flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate melted with one tablespoon butter. Mix the ginger, salt, and cin- namon together; and add gradually the sour cream, then the melted but- ter. Mix and sift together the flour and soda and stir into the cream mix- ture. Then add chocolate which has | been melted with the butter. Bake in a long cake pan in moderate oven 35 or 40 minutes. When cool, frost with seagie chocolate coating over this 'an efficiency expert over a mountain | frosting. Eat while fresh. Furnishings in the contemporary style are easy to use with those of other days, if we forget our fear of the new and let colors bring them to- | gether. Wall paper, lamps, curtains and hangings, upholstery, rugs and carpets, accessories of all sorts -- any of these things will, when you are re- | decorating and furnishing, help you to modernize your home, to make it, look as if you were living in your own times. And you may be sur--- -| prised to find how thoroughly at home your desks and chairs of yesteryear will be with these dignified, reposeful furnishings in the contemporary style. Speaking of the contemporary style, | have you seen the new rayons? Some of them have lost the sheen of early | rayon, and are as soft and elegant ' as the finest silk. THE CHILD a I thought that the following rules, heard one morning recently over the, air from the lips of Dr. Crombine, General Executive, United States Child Health Association, who always gives such sympathetic and understanding | advice about youngsters, were well worth repeating: | 1. Study your child. Children are | so different. Find out why. 2. Give only a few well-thought-out | commands; but see that these are obeyed. Do not be rude or overbear- ing in giving these commands, but make the command positive. 3. Always take time to explain the reason for a request. 4, Gain the child's interest; be in- terested in his accomplishment. Say do instead of don't. Praise him. _ 5. Keep faith with the child; if you make a promise, keep it. 6. Be consistent. Do not allow at one time what you forbid at another. 7. Expect the best from the child- ren, and they will live up to it. A little girl came home from school and said to her mother: "I've been a little peacemaker today." "Oh," said her mother. "Do you mean you have stopped some one from fighting?" "No," said the child, "But I knew something, and I didn't tell." Do you tell? For keeping small linoleum. rugs in place at range and sink, use a coat- ing of starch on under side. The small mat sticks securely, protecting the large one where wear is greatest, is easily removed if necessary, and is unmarred by tacks. . A Northern miner who was driving one cold and snowy day spread the buffalo robe over their knees. "You ought to turn the hair side on the in- sidey' said the efficiency expert. "Don't you know it's a great deal warmer to have the hair next to one's body?" The old miner obeyed and then be gan to chuckle. DO YOU KNOW THE FEELING? The thing that makes work a joy! It's like hearing good news--or the visit of a good old friend. How you'll fly around your work . _ done before you know it. It's like that when you fix up the kitchen -- smooth, new "Inlaid" or "Gold Seal'? Congoleum Floor-- "Breakfast" fur- niture for the : : 'family meals." Pe A modern bak- ing cabinet and porcelain work table close to the stove and sink. The work actu- ally cut in two by new equip- ment, is madea joy by such sur- roundings. Se ae FUNERAL SERVICE DEPT. 80 ONTARIO ST. PHONE 33 NIGHT 376 R. WHITE & CO. 80 Ontario St. Phone 33 J. L. BRADSHAW Galvanized Garbage Pails Good quality at $1.00 and $1.25 Senate WASH TUBS at 90c, $1.00 and $1.25 JEFFRIES Shoe Repair FOR SERVICE 119 Downie Phone 1722 VULCANIZING Tire Repairs of all kinds BATTERIES mer PE RS China Hall STRATFORD TIRE & BATTERY 132 Ontario Street "What are you laughing at?" asked the passenger. "Are you laughing at me?" "No," replied the miner. "I was 'thinking about the buffalo. What a % ise marshmallow frosting, and put a foo! he.was all his life not to know a sir v'e thing like that." PHongs--Day 800 Night { 'eo PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing FUNERAL SERVICE R. White & Co. 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 80 Ontario St. Phone 88, Nights 878