Stratford Mirror, 27 Jan 1933, p. 4

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___THE STRATFORD ee 'a Schick Elected Head Of Council Of Women HE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN at its annual meeting held Thursday afternoon in the Y¥.W.C.A., endorsed a resolution to be forwarded to the Provincial ~ Council that the National Anthem be sung before all programs in theatres rather than at the close. The reports of the officers and standing committees all bespoke a year of successful and helpful ac- tivity, with 20 organizations in affiliation. During the year the Council had as guests the Provin- cial President, Mrs. J. . Wesley Bundy, Miss Elizabeth Hancock, Canadian Crganizer for the Com- munity Concert Association, and Miss Winnifred Kydd, President of the National Council. b> . During the election of officers, presided over by Mrs. W. J. Wim- pory, the following slate and com- mittee conveners were elected: Hon, presidents, Miss Gertrude Ran- . kin, Mrs. D, Mo Wrieht, Mrs: J.-D. Tfonteith, Mrs. G. I. Graff: hon. vice-president, Mrs. C, Irwin: "president, Schmidt; ist vice-pr i 2S Beri 9 Pars. Whee ae rd ESO Mrs. Fug vice- presia - 6th vice-presiden oe _ Howes; -D. Grant; laws and taxation, Miss 1a ae Dee re et »__ Webb gave a full report of the ~ lie health ers' and Scidiers - officers, - trson, St. Rirek: W. RR. Hamiiton; tary) Mes. ant, Mrs. G. Elece secretary, Mrs. W. je assistant, Miss Isabel 'Perry: mittee convezers, Arts and | Cea Mrs; A. W. Culligan; immi vat Mrs. J. L. Youngs: aitinenshi. Mrs. "A. E. Webb; housing ._ and town 'MMrs..C.. Wingfelader; pib- > Jars, A, EK Beadle Se t- ' denendants, TA rs. -Leacue of planning. C.. Hode¢ins; Mrs. J, J. Hurley; home eccnomics; Mrs. H.- Morrow; cinema and print- Bea maratter. Mrs, A. RR. Kennady: child welfare, Mrs: E. A, Rotert- son; education, Mrs. H, G..Mertyn: mente] and hygiene, Mrs; a, . M: Williac-son; social, "Mrs. W.. E. natural resources, Mrs. C. G Rankin; equal moral standards. Mrs. R. J. Moffatt; national re- ereation, Mrs, G. Hy. ¢( Lightfoot; trades and professions, Mrs. x: tinchley; press, Miss T. B. Mack- tin. On motion of Miss Rankin\ < tribute was accorded the retirin«! president, Mrs. W,. Irwin, and thy officers of the past year for thet- _ efficient manner in which they hac! carried -on the activities cf thz-! Council, Mrs, W. P. Byers weicemes the new slate of officers into the'~ various caracit and extencic?' words of eneocurecement for ih: ensuins boat ' The treasurer, Mrs, W. R..H: i}ton, -su henitted a. satisfactory "ancial stat ment. The Recording .Secretary's Repor: Mrs. H. F. Schmid € reported the' year's activities as follows: During the year five regular, four; special and four executive meet7 _ings have been held with a good! attendance and the affiliated socie+ ties co-operating most satisfactor+ ily and all doing splendid work in' their own organizations. We were! fortunate in having Mrs. William! Irwin as our president, as she wag! the first president of our organiza tion and always alert in all matters of interest to the Council. In February we celebrated cur; tenth anniversary. The pioneer of-i ficers and members were honored} and greetings' brought from firsti the present officers and social com- - mittee and musical numbers were arranged by Arts and Letters Com- - mittee. wi At the March meeting Mrs. A. E. Citizenship Committee, and pre- sented resolutions re foot paths along the highways and safety sig- = nal lights as recommended by the oat Commission. 'Mrs. A. C. McLeod, president of the -Women's Hospital, Aid, spoke f in honor of Miss ployment ~of thé aims of fhis Society and) solicited support. ; Mrs. D. M. Wright" represented) he Council at an executive meeting of the National Council of Women held in Cttawa in February. 3 ~ Mrs. Blyth McDonald, of Ottawa; nddre= "sed the _Couneil _wWith an European Sikkeiiowaa P| ' In place of the April meeting a ree educational and musical per- ormance was staged at the City all in co-operation with C. D. raham, agricultural representa- oe sponsored by Housing and own Planning Committee. Mrs. C. 'Wingfelder, convener, and Aris -and Letters Committee, Mrs. Cuili- an, convener. Prof. Tomlinson, of he Horticultural Department of ithe Ontario Agricultural College, {Guelph, lectured on home beauti- 'fying with illustrated slides. , Our members lent their assist- ance for the Community Relief sdrive, also their co-operation for Jentenary eestor July 31-Aug- ust 3. -. "Phe Edvicationst- Committee pre- isented their report of the survey made of all educational agencies cf the city for Centenary report te tbe kept in archives for future 2¢en- jerations, also an educational reso- jlution, which was adopted. Mrs. C. L. Grant, convener of National Resources Committee. and her committee presented the var- ious phases of the hroadcasting situation, which was pefore ths keovernment, They "what the use of Alberta coal would also outlined mean towards relieving the unem-_ situation. Mrs. Henr "Y, jMorrow, gave a splendid report of ithe recent convention of Provin- cial Chapter I.0.D.E. held in Ham- ilton. Mrs. J. L. Hinchley gave a 'concise but inspiring report of the jconvention of the Provincial Feder- ation 'of Home and School Feder- iation held in Toronto during Easter week, The Local Council was honored in June by a visit from Mrs, J. 'Wesley Bundy, provincial presi- ident, who was the guest speaker at a luncheon meeting at the Y. 'W.C.A. At the October meeting Mrs. Elizabeth Hancock, Canadian organizer for Community Concert Organization, addressed the Coun- cil. Mrs, W. F. Jacobi, St. Marys, gave a very interesting talk and introduced humorous details in her address on rural and urban. wom- en's problems. Mrs. W. Hale, St. Marys, in a very forceful Manner, addressed us on Needed Legislation. Mrs, W. L. Schafer, Sebringville, entertained with a delightful vocal solo. Mrs. W. H. Mallion gave a brief report of Laws Committée, and presented resolution re fire- arms, which was endorsed. Miss Winnifred K <ydd, president of Na- tional Council of Women, and one of Canada's representatives to the Conference on Reduction or Limi- tation of Armaments at Geneva, ad- dressed a capacity audience of representative citizens in the City Hall in October. A delighftul musi- eal entertainment was provided, A: reception and luncheon was given Kydd at tne LOMAS BY eit 5, prisver dk hl ERE | A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE . COUNT MY CASH WOULD BORE ME. Cut | SHOULD FRET, FOR | COULD HIRE Som E GHAP To D0 IT FOR ME iG SS IN THE GARAGE - WHEN YOU GET THROUGH WITH THAT, THERE'S A _BARREL OF DIMES ovuT : flowers presented to Mrj | - McConkey in loving memory off - Mrs, McConkey and her beloved co-+ - workers. The social hostesses were For Corns and Callouses DR. JOHNSTON'S Callous - Off A 25c bex of Callous-Off will dis- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest ap- pearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe stores or sent direct post paid for 25c from wboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company Stratford, Ont. 'Windsor Hotel. Mrs. H. G. Martyn, convener of: Education Committee, who spent the Summer-abroad, gave an ad- dress on the new Education, Fel- lowship Conference in Nice, France. Through the efforts of our presi- dent an exhibit of old-world curios was shown and greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Lorne Robertson, Health Con- vener, announced the city is in a healthy condition. We commend ed the report of the Royal Com- mission of Ontario re the steriliza- tion of mental defectives. At var- ious times our officers were guest speakers at St. Marys, Sebringville,. Classic and Elmhurst Women's In- stitutes. a] We have had splendid co-opera- tion with the- theatre manazer. Two members of Council have seen nearly every change of pictures jand report them satisfactory. Had la pre-view of educational picture, Explorers of the World," and en- \dorsed it. A benefit matinee put on iby C. Hider, manager of the Maj- jestic Theatre, and sponsored by ithe Local Council of Women, con- tvened by the Welfare Committee lin December, was attended by more than 1400 children, admission being imperishable goods, This' was presented to Mayor Graff for city relief. Child Welfare convener, Mrs, EE. A. Robertson, received and dis- tributed fruit and vegetables at Market Hall for City Relief Com- mittee. We fittingly observed Re- membrance Day and our president laid wreaths on the War Memorial. We record with sorrow the loss by death of Miss Mary McVannell, St. Marys, and two pioneer mem- bers, Miss Sarah E. Orr and Mrs. D. Deacon, a past-president. In conclusion we express our ap- preciation for the co-operation to all who have assisted in .making this a successful year, especially the Y.W.C.A. for kind hospitality, 'and the press for the courteous at- tention given our work. As we enter the coming year with ja cheerful and optimistic outlook we hope the work will meet with the same success as it has in the past." Q The president," Mrs. H. &, Schmidt, Mrs. G. Elgear and Mrs. W. J. Wimpory, were appointed a committee to the Community Wel- fare Bureau. It was decided that the next meeting take the form of a social and business meeting and that a member of the Perth Coun- ty Music Teachers' Federation be invited to give an address. The World Moves .. So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: P, J. Sinclair Freight Sheds Office 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS Ridi in a Roy Huehnergard luxuriously upholstered car gives both comfort and pleasure. PHONE 6 6 PHONE . always tired, and he asked to see my PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing,. Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 READ THE MIRROR "ADS." "Doc's Corner Many a man who began at the bot- ttom is now back there again. * * cd We shall always remember 1932 as the year we got a lame back bowing to the inevitable. * * a Chinamen are not usually very cour- ageous in the wild woods. The follow- ing, though, shows the ready wit of the race. An old Chinaman, delivering laun- dry in a mining camp, heard a noise and espied a huge brown bear, sniff- ing his tracks in the newly fallen snow. "Huh!" he gasped. "You likee my tlacks, I makee some more." a * * Most of the mystery of how things are done in the movies. has - been cleared up, except how people get their right telephone numbers so quickly. * * * Heard today of a Stratford man who got cross at noon because his wife strained the potatoes through his ten- nis racquet. * * * Some young men leave the farm and work like the dickens in the city so they can save enough money to live -in the country. * * & One' schoolboy, when asked for a definition of a syndicate replied that "It is a Jewish place of worship." ee oe A common type of leader of men is one whuw first finds out which way the crowd is headed and then hops out in front, wuves a banner and yells "Come on, fellers." * * * The mayor of Council Bluffs, Iowa, receives ar. honorarium of $1,500. Last year the dog-catcher in the same city received $1,926.40 in fees. Oh, for the care-free life of a dog-catcher! * * * _ Another local man says: "Viewed from all angles, about the most satis- factory and deeply appreciated gift I bestowed at Christmas was a ping- pong ball for the cat." % * * Mr. Smith: But why are you so angry. with the doctor, dear? Mrs. Smith: Why, I told him I was tongue. = ¢ & There are just two classes of people: those who keep up with the Joneses and those who keep up with the fnstal- ments. * * * "We'd better stop the game now that we're even," said the first card player. "Even!" exclaimed the other. "How do you make that out?" ; "Well, a little while ago you had all my money, and how ih got all yours." Constant success shows us but one side of the world; for, as it surrounds us with friends who will tell us only our r merits, so it sil es those enemies ers in the world are red or some shade of that color. found this picture: from his crown a chain, and nearby a slave making of his chain a crown, and underneath was written: "Life is what one makes of it, no matter of what it is made." his life in action was buried ,his com- rades, as a token of affection for their dead hero, covered his casket with a magnificent funeral sheaf, inscribed with the words: "Gone to his last fire. better if the Santa Claus spirit were carried out more throughout the year. * * thusiasm for motoring. was listening to her nurse relating a Bible story. "And Lot's wife looked back and turn- ed into a pillar of salt." she hadn't been driving very long," was her comment. didn't have to tow him around the block to get him started on a cold morning, very good. ten dollars, traded pig fo' a barrow, barrow fo' a calf, calf fo' a bicycle, and sol' de bicycle fo' ten dollars!" Ah been doin'," More than 50° per cent. of all flow- * * 3 On the walls of an old temple was A king forging ee When a fireman who gallantly lost * * * Conditions might be a great deal Betty, who shares her father's en- The child nodded wisely: ~"I guess * * &* Old Dobbin had his faults, but you me * * "Yassuh," said old Link, "business I done bought a pig fo' "But yo' don' make nothin,' Link!" "Sho' 'nough, but look at de business Liquidating Excess Stock Saturday Last Day To get High-Grade Shoes at these Reduced Prices. MEN'S WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S Smart Shoes at 45 Downie Street COFFEE AT A POPULAR pees yf tO OF Our Fancy Blend At 45c Lb J. L. BRADSHAW China Hall Webber Electric Wiring and Radio Repairing Reduced prices on fixtures and plug wiring. All Work Guaranteed. 1414 Downie Street Phone 1530, Day or Night At Your Service with a modern equipped Shoe Repair Shop and Reliable Werkmen..... For a hurry up Half Sole, sewed or nail- ed, bring your old shoes to us and have them done the SUPERIOR WAY Superior Repair Shop 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 PETER & SYLVESTER Will dé your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 219 12 Ontario St. VULCANIZING Tire Repairs of all kinds BATTERIES Recharging Repairing All Work Guaranteed STRATFORD TIRE & BATTERY é 132 Ontario Street PHongs--Day 800 Night { 13063 L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downle * Phone 176 COAL COKE COAL GENUINE HARD SCRANTON COAL and FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Lykens Valley Red Ash Blower Fuel--Guaranteed to clinker = DONNER COKE ALL COAL WEIGHED ON CITY SCALES Tune in on the news cast every night at 5.45 from 10-AK. Lennox Coal Company 175 wae Street

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