i) ie ie aiBt it He ia ie THE STRATFORD MIRROR 4 BUY NEW THIS WEEK figured nets of various sorts. 1.95, 2.25 and up The New Spring Stock is here! Lovely new patterns in ruffled and plain marquisette--plain and Wonderful new values. Per pair 98c, 1.25, 1.50, CURTAINS THE NEW BABY CARRIAGES Greater attention to comfort, smooth and quiet run- ning, balloon tired "Prams' at the price of ordinary carriages. new baby deserves a new carriage ! » and carriages --this year See them! A FUNERAL SERVICE DEPT. rno83°3? 80 ONTARIO ST. NIGHT 376 ae 80 Ontario St. R. WHITE & CO. Phone 33 . It is my firm conviction that most , failures, buiness or personal, are due more to an _ inability to grasp the meaning of money than to natural inaptitude. A dollar is one hundred cents.) Ninety cents of income cannot be stretched to make a dollar, and a hundred and ten cents of outgo cannot be so compressed as to be paid by a dollar--R. A. Long, chairman of the Board, Long-Bell Lumber Co. = a ------ 66 Doc's ee es E: ' Corner" Some men are like gramaphones -- they talk a good deal, but never say anything original. * * Prosperity is not around any imag- inary corner but is buried in the hard ground of reality, and the only way well ever find it is by digging like blazes. * * * A committee of five often consists of the man who does the work, three others to pat him on the back, and one to bring in a minority report. j * * * Cynthia -- "How is your husband?" Dorothy--'I haven't seen him for five years. I think I must have said something to annoy him." * %* * A teacher had told her class. of youngsters that Milton, the poet, was blind. The next day she asked if any of them could remember what Mil- At Your Service with a modern equipped Shoe Repair Shop and Reliable Workmen..... For a hurry up Half Sole, sewed or naitl- ed, bring your old shoes to us and have them done the SUPERIOR WAY Superior Repair Shop 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 - the entire menu. practical use each day. Phone 770 MILK - Economical in Diet Milk furnishes morethan 50% of the day's essen- tial needs at less than one-quarter of the cost of When you "build your nutritional needs around milk" you are simply putting a scientific fact into If you plan your food purchases to get the most value for each dollar, include plenty of milk. oar Silverwood's Stratford Dairy Limited L. A. Wallis, Manager L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downle St. Phone 176 The World Moves .. So Do We. | Stratford Cartage | We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: Pp, J. Sinclair 2264 Freight Sheds.....+.-..sssereereeee- 857 Office 337 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS was a poet," * * * with @ woman," says a writer. ten. "Sat, See ufacturer of ice cream. The captain of a rijim-runner wan- ted to land some liquor at a certain port. Approaching the customs- offi- cer, he said: "Joe, if I put a ten dol- lar bill over each eye, could you see?" "T could not," said Joe: "And if T had one in my mouth I couldn't speak." : * * * After waiting some time until the small boy, who was waiting for his" how would you like your hair cut?" "Like dad's,' was the prompt reply. "With a round hole on the top of my head." * * * Heard of a man the other day who the bottom of his shoes any more be- eause it tears his socks. aoe * me e e Little Freddie did not know his Bible lessons as well as he should, but he was quite indignant when his sister asked simple questions: "Where was Solomon's temple?" she asked. | thing?" retorted Freddie. "Where was it, then?" asked his sister. course -- same as other folk's," was his reply. * * * A story is told of a local young bride who walked into a bank and addressed the paying teller: "I want to have this cheque cashed." "Yes, madam," replied the teller." Please endorse it." "Why sony husband just sent it to me, protested the young woman. "Yes. madam, but just endorse it. Sign it on the back, please, so that your husband will know that we paid the money to you." She went' to the desk and in a few minutes returned to the window with the check endorsed: "Your loving wife, Edith." * * * At one time in a country town hay or straw was scattered on the street before housese were there was sick- ness to deaden the sounds of traffic. Little Jane passed such a place one straw was there. "Why, dear," mother explained, "God sent little baby triplets to Mrs. Jones in that house." "Gee!" said Jane. "He them well packed, didn't he?" VULCANIZING Tire Repairs of all kinds PETER & SYLVESTER Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric | Phone 219 "12 Ontario St. BATTERIES Recharging Repairing _ All Work Guaranteed STRATFORD TIRE & BATTERY 132 Ontario Street PHONES--Day 800 Night 3571 1339-J "There are but two ways to argue * magazine Not to listen and just to lis- Ne The only fellow who can realibe on frozen assets these days is the Man= es Ree et he barber was not so busy, Harry, a hair to be cropped, was addressed by -- the barber thus: "Well, sonny, and says he doesn't scratch matches on -- "Do you think I don't know any- "On the side of his forehead, of sure had ton's great affliction was. i a "Yes," replied one little fellow: a = (Se day and asked her mother why the ~ THE STRATFORD MIRROR & q= 7s = E Anthracite and Bituminous i COAL oe _ cata ae > DONNER COKE PHONE LENNOXCOALCO. | Lykens Valley Blower Fuel Guaranteed to clinker. City Seale Receipts 2400) Some Humans Do Things That Monkeys Won't Do Monkeys are popularly supposed to toss cocoanuts from the tops of tall trees when they get angry. That's their way of showing their displeas- ure. If they tossed the cocoanuts to show their pleasure, the mentality of the monk would drop considerably in the estimation of humans. How, then, are humans to size up| fellow humans who litter the ice with torn paper, peanuts, coins, and other debris to show their pleasure when the team which they are supporting scores a goal in a hockey ~game? Even a monkey has more brains than that. We have never been able to under- stand the mentality of those people who do those things. There has been very little of it here this year, al- though a few fans did take this sen- seless method of showing their feel- ings when Stratford got the tying goal on the round against Windsor on Saturday night. The Preston fans also indulged a little at Kitchener on Wednesday night. That sort of thing is like the flu. It seems to be catching, and the best way to prevent it becoming a nuis- ance is to nip it in the bud. It is not only disgusting to true sport fans, but it causes needless delays in hockey games, is likely to disrupt a team's playing, and is dangerous for the players. ey ee 5-String BROOMS 10°. with every 1.00 purchase Saturday and Monday at Woollen Mills Store 22 Wellington St. Specials for the ~ Week-End _ Aluminum Cooking Utensils Sauce Pans, 3 sizes, each llo Percolators 3.52. 59c Double Boilers .. ..........: 59c 5-qt. Tea Kettles...........89¢ Large Preserving Kettles 49c SEE WINDOW J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL 1933 Ep ERO TAXI PHONE 66 PHONE CITY CALLS 1 or 2 Passengers, 25c ROY HUEHNERGARD ERE An Outstanding MOFFAT GAS RANGE A beautiful Ivory and Black Moffat Gas Range with touch-a- button lighter in the new console type design, for only-- $2.50 Down and_$4.53 a month for 12 months Cash $53.30 A generous allowance for your old rauge. Value HOP Tel. 460 ERVICE IS SUPREME ~ EXTERMO "EXTERMO" will rid your property of ratsand on mice in a safe, clean scientific manner. SOLD AT Rats Hardwood's Drug Store Macartney's Drug Store Stratford, Ont. COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL CO. Phone 44 Sante | ¥ kes an eae To save something each month de- velops self-control.--Selected. PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronte Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal. Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 READ THE MIRROR "ADS." 4 You may never know how good a healthy vitamin-packed bread can taste until you watch your youngsters devour the nut-like goodness sealed in The Very Best Bread Loaf. T. V. B. Bread Co. For Master Baker's Products Phone 2349 "Just Over The River" _ Phone 2345 -- ee -- Deg erie ' an aera: * i Pe hes