ss PHE STRATFORD MIRROR Anxiously Waiting _ | desire to race in the Harmsworth. 1 5 ee obs. aS : 'Canadians will concur in his decis- - it Re ne mnt Tabor Day and) Caine ory of eta as a - nadians and British alike are anxious- | tempt to lift the coveted trophy is -- ly watching for news of developments fresh in the minds of ag ea ee at Hythe, on the English Channel. them to wish to see any Briton make - There, Hubert Scott-Paine is building |®> attempt w hich would be likely' to - his new boat, Miss Britain, the third, | Tesult in a fiasco. Be - When the boat is completed, Mr. Scott-| The new British boat, it is said, will Paine intends to take it to Lake Garda| not have the engine power of Gar in Italy for speed trials. Unless the Wood's super craft, but Mr. Scott- 'boat shows in the trials that it is cap-| Paine, who is a boat builder, has some able of speed which is likely to bring | ideas for hull construction which he it home ahead of Gar Wood, the sil-| believes will offset lack of engine ver fox of the Detroit River, the Brit- | power. . ish sportsman will forget about any! We say, "More power to him." ~ |@ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES wu The New HOSTESS ELECTRIC _ Annual Shakespearean Play ye Se By Normal School | KING HENRY IV fo (PART 1) a 'Sir John Faistaff, Prince Hal, Hotspur : » History, Humour, Highway Robbery seed ei . ~ 30.-- PLAYERS -- 30 | City Hall, May 25th and 26th, at 8.15 p.m. GnaerrRiCe - 25 CENTS Priced at $194 tae KING HENRY IV _Henry Bolingbroke (Henry IV), Duke of Hereford, was banished by Richard II. On the death of his father, John of Gaunt, he became Duke of Lancaster, and. during Richard's absence in Ireland, returned to England, pretending that his purpose was to recover his estates. 'The Percys joined him, and, with their help, he deposed Richard and claimed the throne; which was formally granted him by Parliament. _ At once he was threatened with many dangers. The Mortimers, not | ~yet openly hostile, had a better claim to the throne than he; Scotland : a threatened invasion; Wales rebellion. At the opening of the play he | plans a crusade, but this "holy purpose' is neglected when he hears Deferred Payments may be arranged if desired. NOUNCE THAT @ - oe ee by Owen Glendower of Wales. An invasion of WE ARE PROUD TO ANNO e Scots has been repulsed by the Percys at Homildon Hill. but this , Skt ang welcome news" is roughened by the proud message of WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AS AR otspur, refusing to give up any of his noble Scots prisoners but the ' Earl of Fife. In spite of the insult the young man offers him, the AUTHORIZED "HOSTESS DEALER naaiis admires his gallantry, deploring the "riot and dishonor" in which is own son lives. He sends Hotspur to answer the charge concerning : 2+ the cue of the prisoners. As a result of this meeting with Hotspur j And that a representative ms the oy aa @ rebellion headed by the Percys, Douglas and Glendower was organ- ; i ndance on Tuesday to poin Ss ized, against whom King Henry and a suddenly reformed Prince Hal will be in atte y B make successful war, defeating them at Shrewsbury where Hotspur is out the many important features of the 2 killed and Douglas and Vernon, cousin to Hotspur, are taken prison- HOSTESS ae 4 ers. Falstaff appears on the field, feigns death, and escapes, pretend- 5: ing that he had killed Hotspur. Prince Hal's tribute to Hotspur, "this | ie t earth that bears thee dead bears not alive~so stout a gentleman," is The HOSTESS features all that is modern in electric = one of the finest passages in the play. The outstanding interest of refrigeration. A quiet, vibrationless, frictionless _re- the play, however, centres around Faistaff, who describes himself as ; : y ee - frigerator that is engineered for a lifetime of trouble- be a good portly man and a corpulent; of a cheerful look, a pleasing eye free service. The HOSTESS is hermetically sealed, oe and a most noble carriage; his age some fifty or inclining to three self-defrosting, and guaranteed for three years. The 2) score and virtue in his looks," but who is described by Prince Hal as HOSTESS alone offers two exclusive features-- > "a tun of man, that trunk of humours, that huge bombard of sack, MOIST COLD and SERVADOR. villanous in all things, worthy but in nothing." But come and judge . Jack for yourself. te d The HOSTESS is now on display in our Radio De- 5 partment. Call in and let us demonstrate and point CAST -- HENRY IV (Part I) out to you the many features that make the ~ KING HENRY IV A. H. McGrigor HOSTESS outstanding! S aiaka wioo? JOHN OF LANCASTER a D. J. McKenzie Sas aoe Se ee oe BARL OF WEST va gaa A @ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES csc EARL OF WESTMORELAND A. Laidlaw Lael SIR WALTER BLUNT ... G. H. Murray : HENRY PERCY, Earl of Northumberland ..........................P. H. Spence Z '" . . pt f d - it Stratfor HENRY PERCY, Jr. (Hotspur) Mac Kenneay ||\Qytline Their Objections May Yet Vis THOMAS PERCY, Earl of Worcester : S. M. Tuck * There is still a chance that the - EDMUND MORTIMER, Earl of Marck .......i B. Brown To Travelling Shows 'amous "Fiying Scotsman" of the Lor- ARCHIBALD, Earl of Douglas ....... G. D. Hilts : don, Midland and Scottish Railway lhe os x gigabbetey$ bees ' : 2. Me Mcleod peere S b6 He See ose may visit Stratford some time during SIR RICHARD VERNON, Cousin to Hotspur .WW A. Brown l come to Stratford this year, except ne the Fall. There is no possibility of sa ese FALSTAFF = Piss Seo | connection with the*annual Fall seg the train coming here on its way from GADSHILL : atte: Vit the wishes of the Stratford Ke™" | the World Fair in Chicago, according CHAMBERLAIN : cee 1 ee observed. | |, information received by City Clerk gible T. A. Smith || ™ ® communication to the City Coun:| Waiter Dorland from T. R. Dester, a BARDOLPH J. G. ONeill | cil, ee merchants said outlined Sate vice-president of the London, Midland, - RALPH K. A. Cowan objections to eee shows coming and Scottish, as the itinerary of the 1ST CARRIER 'i J. A. Campbell here and taking money out of the train going to Chicago and returning -2ND CARRIER K. Doehaitg city. late in August, has already been ar- VINTNER and MESSENGER a if arial The merchants have also expressed | ranged. note rar gee McHecen, ea pe their support of daylight saving time, Following a visit to the Canadian ' SHERIFF . a 8. 'Hemingway if it were adopted as a province-wide | National Exhibition at Toronto, how LADY PERCY (Kate Mortimer) us Dorothy Frook |} measure during the PES months. ever, there agin --_ ae LADY MORTIMER (Daughter of Glendower) .......... Mildred Kemp There was no discussion on thejtrain ina cae he - -- te isc ee | MRS. QUICKLY, Hostess --- H. Pauline Merrill communication when it was read in ed back to giana. aoa that 4 | Stage Committee--H. G. Manning, Chairman, Messrs. Snider, Stabler, c i] ae n5G alent Yt wen te case, Mr. Dester has promis ; ay | Christie, Martin, Richardson, Ryan. Smibert, Wassman, A. M. McLeod. ouncil on sp ears 5 Stratford's request, and the request o eS } Supervisors -- Dr. Silcox and Dr. Martyn. ferred to committee, and will come up| other cities on this line of the C.NR. | a coor for discussion in the near future. | will receive careful consideration.