t the annual district | he Women's Institutes [ rth in the town hall in ay, Mrs, H. Ber- reek, representa- tment of Agricul- her great admira- y Hegel Rare rae emned but they should be kept © sy until the times are adjusted. bei Bae Bertram also stressed the | | a great change has come © lives of women. At the -- me they must not con- | r interests to, the home. tone _take-- a part in commun- | ea? : ife. Individuals cannot live to © selves alone and this truth is RD MIRROR omics, Mrs. R. J. Aitcheson, St. Pauls; education, Miss Annie Bax- | ter, Mitchell; agriculture, Mrs. A. McLay, Avonton; legislation, Miss _ Annie Dunlop, Carlingford; immi- ' gration, Mrs. N. Baker, Fullarton; 'relief, Mrs. Leslie Butson, Staffa; - community activities, Mrs. H. Dick- _inson; historical research, Mrs. D. Tanner, Stratford; Canadian indus- tries, Mrs. W. Coulton, Sebring- - ville: League of Nations, Mrs T. Sparks, St. Marys; household judging council representative, Miss Winnifred Gregory, Rannock. ; During the business session it was decided to send a letter of ap- preciation to Mrs. A. T, Bell of Tavistock, who has been a member of the Institute since the pioneer days and who for a number of a years was the efficient secretary of the Tavistock branch. ~ Mrs. H, Morrow introduced a dis- cussion on the compiling of a his- tory of the Institutes of North and | South Perth and a committee com- - posed of Mesdames W. Sebben, H. H. Sippel, H. Morrow, W. J. And- erson and Mrs. G. Wood, of St. Pauls, was appointed to look up past records and place them on file, Delegates Present _ Among those present at the rally |. were: Hillcrest, Mrs. D. Tanner, Mrs. A. Lupton, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. A. Monteith, Mrs, F. McKay; Staffa, Mrs. A. A. Colquhon, Mrs. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. F. Allen, Miss Dairs; Elmhurst, Mrs. W. Sebben; Ran- _nock, Miss C. Gregory, Miss. E. Hodge, Miss M. Carler, Miss M. Carr, Miss Somerville, Miss Spence, Miss G. Hookway; Mitchell, Mrs. Mrs, H. R. Chapman, Mrs, F. Cur- tis, Mrs. Pullman, Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. Keietor, Mrs. Wm, Hodge, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Graham; St. Pauls, Mrs. F. Bell, Mrs. B. J. Aitcheson, Mrs. G. Woods, Mrs. A. Aitcheson, Mrs. Geo. Aitcheson, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. R. Aitcheson, Mrs. T. Teahen; 'St. Marys, Miss N. Fairbairn, Mrs. F. Willard, Mrs. L.. Cameron, Mrs. R. Fleming, Mrs. Geo. Webster, Mrs. N. M. Currie, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. A. Sweeney, Mrs, L. Grose, Mrs. F. Dale, Mrs. G. Hookway;. Queen Alexandra, St. Marys, Mrs. L. Lavelle, Mrs. W. Brine, Mrs. G. Lewis, Mrs. G. Tuer, Mrs. H. May, Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Mrs. H. Dick- inson, Mrs. A. Robertson, Miss BR. Jackson, Miss A. Gray, Miss E- Rae, Miss C. Fleming, Mrs. W- Alberts, Mrs. F. Yeats, Mrs. F. Purdue, Mrs, C. Marriott; Kirkton, Miss N. Atkinson, Miss V. Atkin- son, Mrs. Watson; Fullarton, Mrs. H. Stewart, Mrs. N. Baker, Mrs. J. Harmer, Mrs. Stacey, Mrs. Gett- ler, Mrs. Clark; Carlingford, Mrs. Blacklock, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. A, Clark, Miss Dunlop, Miss Willows, Mrs. Vanatter; Tavistock, Mrs. Groombridge, Mrs, Hotson, Mrs. Sippel; Sebringville, Mrs. Kast- ner, Mrs. F. Litt, Mrs. B. Litt, Mrs. Schwertz, Mrs, Kasten; Goulds, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. S. Thiel, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. H. Hickman, Mrs. B. Thiel; Avonton, Mrs. T. Ait- cheson, Mrs. Geo. Armstrong. = __ THE STRATFORD MIRROR BY ue with a modern equipped : : , Shoe Repair Shop and Reliable Workmen..... For a hurry up Half Sole, sewed or nail- ed, bring your old shoes to us and have them done the -- SUPERIOR . WAY 2 Superior Repair Shop 1 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 At Your Service | first chicken that ruined a man's garden. you don't succeed, pry, pry again. * * * , | barred on one new air-liner. It will be high and dry. : * * Fe ates good cook. [COAL ANTHRACITE COAL another ten dollars on his bill. payments and the baby is ours. "Doc's Corner " Eve has been described as the * * & : Revised : Youth is stranger than fiction. -- s * * Motto for busybodies--If at first All alcoholic drinks are to be % The finest interior decorator is a es *e & Hubby--I just paid the doctor She--Oh, goody ! Two more * £ "'Y'm sorry, doctor, I'm broke late for work in the morning. * * * ing the crossings. é * * # b agree with everybody. * & * \ have only a ten dollar bill."' Some one claims that the hatless craze was started by some young buck who had the habit of being There is one good thing about the depression. There isn't nearly so many long freight trains block- One definition of a stuffed olive [is a pickle with a tail-light. * a * * _ What makes some men popular is the fact that they haven't any opinions and can conscientiously Rescued Man--"Sir, you have saved me from drowning. I would gladly give you five dollars, but I STRATFORD CASINO Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Holldays Roy Snider and His Orchestra F eaturing Tim Eaton Gents, 10c Ladies Free DANCING 5c Newly decorated and under new management, SAG ics 95 si ERY gh Brcoa SWRA UT ay a, Rescuer--"That's alright. Jump ~ | POCAHONTAS, Egg Size |j/and can't pay my bill, but I'll re-|in again." Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke "Okay, son. Pardon me whileI} The two lovers. were sitting on sf make a slight alteration in the pre-|the beach in the light of the full . = CORNISH COAL C6. scription I gave you. _ |meoon. It was a night for love, i SN : bd es eee, Un, : Where the better class dances member you in my will." a tiie cog are held. Come and 'enjoy yourself, ortunities afforded them by the | _ partment of Agriculture through | For Corns and Calouses DR. JOHNSTON' Callous - 0 A 25c box of Callous-Off will dig- ntti eae. | are a passenger, for your own safety's save the driver free to watch the road iffic undistracted. all work together to prevent accidents. aa and she was anxious to patch up|} Free Parking 9 Phone 44 It is said the best way to lose a|their little quarrel. 3 on the wheel ® a | : : : Free Check Room Peas Capa Beas i be the bankers want to retain their} ally, "darling, don't harden your ; ; : ; friendships. -- heart against me." eyes : 9 RIDES ae * oe # ~ He started. '"'Eh, what?" he ; e World Moves... So Do We whe - : a oe Le Pealgas reat Spice aide bacateci ate 4 . i ¢ ! i i i -| heart. It's my cigarette case." e literature sent to the branches. Gh the road ¢ Stratford Cartage like to have dinner with me to y cig ase. try," a Sed | ; e yw : : night ? 3 of "Home and Country," a leaflet 5a Fe ay abe) , sa petting ay the Institutes which -- | We Move Pianos, Safes and J i oni I a to, dear. he ened and : : iy se 2 SEN Bill--Then tell your mother I'll ble information. 5 eo - 9 7 : * ee pe ever forget ... a single moment's careless- By courteous and reliable men. a8 A. D. FLETCHER om een branches in t. = eee: r : nee Spndie dating: Wed. a nae pk Se ° . | PHONES: feat rict, the meeting was opened by 'diiving may easily involve you foe to atieikie se ee eae pte 8 eee Mid eee eee ° e ° -§ Freight Shed ; ad smash. A little inattention may . Office te apartment as a haymow in a gar- Work Well Done at drug and shoe stores or gent 26 ALBERT ST. age. Prices Reasonable direct pest paid for 25¢ from Sn 74 Leuise St. Phone 733 rest aay ifs . GASOLINE AND OILS : SMES ers. --~ - poor. You can get a real thrill out : Company : of finding two bits in an old pair of " ; Bt basers READ THE MIRROR "ADS. oo * * & We can remember a long time] _ . ago when passengers used to worry ; about catching trains. Now trains isle: "PHONE 66 PHone ge "Such Popularit | habe ; - "Darling, could you love a one- p y Bek ee eyed man ?"' ae etree "Certainly not." 'Must Be Deserved'" 1 or 2 Passengers, 25c | ' ae - (CHESTERFIELD'S SLOGAN ) THE KEYSTONE OF f CARE COURTESY, COMMON SENSE friend is to loan him money. May-| "Darling," she sighed romantic- Bill--Hello, darling, would you replied woodenly. "That's not my he speaker also advocated the use conveys news and also much valua- | = J : 3 , gatiee e SERS: | be over at seven o'clock. en is about as useless a part of an/| Paper Hanger and Decorator pearance of rawness. On gale serious, even fatal, injury to yourself : There's one thing about being Dr. Johnston's_ Callous-Off . worry about catching passengers. "Then you might carry your um- brella on the other side."' ROY HUEHNERGARD Ss Science has learned to eliminate nearly all amazing noises except post-mortem explanations after bridge games. " Every day, every street_in Stratford is traversed by T.V.B. salesmen, supplying the-demand for The Very Best Bread, Cakes and Pastries. And, to quote another well-known slogan, "There's a Reason." -VULCANIZING fee oe of : If you're not already familiar with the merits of T. V. B. products, one trial will convince you that we really do try to live up to our own slogan-name, "The Very Best," When girls used to elope they Tire Repairs of all kinds were afraid father would come out with a shotgun ; nowhe'll probably BATT ERIES be only too glad to come out and Recharging Repairing || 20!d the ladder. _, All Work Guaranteed oe STRATFORD TIRE & BATTERY Angry Wife--You should have T. V. B. Bread Co. . : = |/married some stupid, credulous . s 3 eee = ie 28 _ 132 Ontario Street girl. is "Just Over The River" Phone 2345 2 oe ii Puonzs--Day 800 Night { 737) | ||. Husband--My dear, I did the} ce : Seay So aeate= ma) ee ©. et 5 AERO LE ELL LEE LONE 2 Rat a ee ee ee ae ee A SS «ie pia hl % =