THE STRATFORD MIRROR 5 -OLD INDIAN FOOT LOTION Guaranteed to relieve hot, tender and perspiring feet. Elimiuates disagreeable odors. Price, 25c Sold exclusively in Stratford by Naborhood Shoe Store 32 Wellington Phone 955m GOOD COFFEE Chase & Sanborn's - Special Blend Coffee Ground fresh to your order 45c Ib. J. L) BRADSHAW CHINA HALL : A Sense of Humor Foolish though it may be, the fact remains that a person must have that nebulous thing called a sense of hum- or before we admit him to the select circle of our intimate friends. We ean overlook a lack of intellect on the part of our acquaintances, pardon their ignorance of social usage, and even turn an indulgent eye upon their moral lapses; but if they fail to laugh jat our jests and witticisms, or--which ! is worse--attempt pleasantries in which we can see no humor, then they are, as far as we are concerned, beyond the pale. It is a weakness to which we are all subject; a person must see eye to eye with us on all-- or almost all matters of laughter be- fore he is allowed to become intimate with us. ~ The difficulty is that this "sense of humor" is seldom found twice in exactly the same form. All of us have slightly different ideas upon what is funny and what is not. Perhaps this is the reason why most people have very few really intimate friends, and why the institution of monogamy has enjoyed reasonable success for such a long period. Liter- ature and art--and even the "movies" --recognize the fact that senses of humor differ; and so we can choose, according to our tastes, between. the strange oaths and bellowing laughter of Falstaff and the mincing puns of Oscar Wilde's-Ernests and Algies; be- tween the sophisticated witticisms of John Barrymore and the slap-stick antics of Laurel and Hardy; between Shavian lightning and Gargantuan thunder; between any of the thousand fasHions in which fun bubbles from the (hearts of the happiest--if not the best--of men. But, despite these differences, there must be something. basically common to all the forms which laughter takes, Taking it by and large, most of us fenjoy the same amusing books, ithe 'which leads us to suspect that funda- same stage and screen comedies, Our enjoyment may be of different degrees of intensity, and some of: us may sneer at the humor. which delights others; but there remains a large body of laughter-provoking material which can be appreciated by all of us, and mentally it is the same for all men. (We were aout to add "and all wo- men', but we hesitated because we ave mot_ yet quite' convinced that women have a sense of humor,' Our verdict upon the great men of vague history confirms this fact. All of us can almost pardon Khan for his 'atrocities, because of the twinkle in , his eye; but because he lacks a sense ;of humor, we cannot forgive Napoleon, although he slaughtered on a much smaller scale than did the Mongol. Caesar damned Cassius utterly in those three words, "seldom he smiles'; Wwe greatly prefer Antonius because of that "quick spirit' that is in him. Disraeli, it seems, often had his tongue in his cheek, and we like him for it despite the occasional slipperiness of jhis- politics; but Gladstone appears so ponderously serious that he is almost uninteresting. And so, on through the ages. We find many lovable rogues and many pious but colorless heroes; and that which distinguishes the men We appreciate from the man who mak- es no appeal is a sense of humor. This also seems to be partially true with the poets. _Despite all that the scholars and~critics may say, most of us still prefer the bard whose pages are graced with occasional flashes of wit or humor, to the stern singer who takes himself and his work so serious- ly that he has no time for laughter. Perhaps we can apply this to sur Own lives. Amid the vicissitudes of this horribly serious old world, it is well for us to remember,that "it's not the fact that you're dead that counts;: it's the manner in which you died." The happiest people are those who, blessed with a keen sense of the ridic- ulous, can look at fortunes lost, hopes blasted, and a world very weary, and still chuckle; not those who - stare: coldly and say, with Queen Victoria, "We are not amused." P, & R. Anthracite DONNER COKE Lykens Valley Blower Fuel Guaranteed to clinker. City Scale Receipts. a 2400 LENNOX COAL CO. THE STRATFORD MIRROR New Pair of Shoes ? No. Just an old pair half soled and heeled at the Superior Re- pair shop. Try the Superior Way Best top soles -- First quality rubber heels. Superior Repair Shop 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 "Doc's Corner ig A Downie Township farmer says he would rather break in a balky colt any day than a set of false teeth. & ae * To many a married man life is just spending the evening listening toa crooner when he's dying to tune in on a prize fight. s > Mother's Day inspires some of the finest thoughts and some of the worst poetry in the English or any other language. es ¢ 8 A. D. FLETCHER Paper Hanger and Decorator Work Well Done __ Prices Reasonable » COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL CO. Phone 44 74 Louise St. Phone 733w READ THE MIRROR "ADS. obi etive follow--- has 2 c@ op s that the Cole repo ced. Mr. an personally tNorther The Scott Gold Syndicate developments and shaft sinking at the present time. an established mine and, with camp. sa? gp de ew e Bay, a PipestToo feet, He expects © = oO ; spring- fe : feet by eet of ee is peing n Miner: Janu ectly adjoin those of J. R. Cole, where extensive "Howey," the pioneer in the area, is already an increase in milling capacity from 900 tons to 1400 tons, will enter the ranks of the big producers, and places the Red Lake area as an outstanding gold On the Scott Gold Syndicate's properties Information, Maps or Units may be obtained by writing THE SCOTT GOLD SYNDICATE, 45 RICHMOND ST. WEST MPANY, REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENTS. ~ TORONTO. IMPERIAL TRUST CO - 3 Make all cheques payable to Syndicate or Imperial Trust as will et depth. 3 ary 26, 193 The Red Lake District Is. Making dmpartant News / Here is a Real Opportunity to Share in the Profits from Such Developments have been uncovered Heyes and Sons on 5 several well-defined veins showing free gold THE SCOTT GOLD MINING SYN WITH 723.1 ACRES, WELL MINERALIZED, DIRECTLY ADJOININ HERE ARE THE FACTS-- properties dir- with assays by Thomas Samples as follows: No matte Sample 1 is under way Sample $ 4.96 30.18 Sample yee PITT Ber ea 7.03 4 65.60 Sample 5 ...... ms = 196.00 gram. Buildings and camps are already erected and Mr. G. H. Scott, staker of property, is already on ground proceeding with development pro- on the basi G COLE CLAIMS IN THIS PROVEN GOLD AREA No Matter How You look at it mining investment, Syndicates have shown ex- ceptional profit possibilities in the past and the possibilities of the Scott Gold Syndicate merit your investigation. . ORIGINAL SYNDICATE OFFERING AT $25. DICATE r how you base your judgment of a 00 PER UNIT, or 5c per Share s of 500 Shares per Unit in pro- posed New Company. The World Moves... So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: P. J. Sinclair 2264 Freight Sheds 857 Office ... 837 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS TAXI PHONE GG PHONE CITY CALLS 1 or 2 Passengers, 25c ROY HUEHNERGARD VULCANIZING Tire Repairs of all kinds BATTERIES Recharging Repairing All Work Guaranteed ; STRATFORD TIRE & BATTERY 132 Ontario Street PuHongs--Day 800 Night { 2871 1339- J What the modern girl needs, in the opinion of the Los Angeles Times, is more safety and rolling pins and fewer class pins. * * * Have you heard the story about the nasty military officer? He was rotten to the corps. * * Nobody expects a man to be what his mother 'thinks he is, but his employer has a perfect right to expect him to be the man he told his boss he was. * * * % What a woman with straight hair thinks when she sees a. lad with jcurly hair: 'Too bad to see it wasted on a boy."' * * * Teacher (to boys)--"If you were to have another eye, where would you like it to be ?" "Oh my finger end,"' replied one of the boys. ""Why," asked the teacher. "So that I could stick it through the knothole in the fence and see the baseball game."' * * Boss, will you all give me about And if this won't do the trick we would suggest that one takeaham- merandknockhisblockoff. * * e "'T will dance on your grave when you die !" said the angry wife. "Splendid !" said her aggravat- ing husband. "I'm going tobe buried at sea."' = s + A newly created papa received the glad tidings in a telegram. 'Hazel gave birth toa little girl this morning ; both doing well. On the message was a sticker reading : "When you want a boy call C. N. Telegraph.' * * * "Topsy," said the mistress. to the maid, "just look at this table. Why I can write my name in the dust." "Tt must be wonderful," com- mented the eolored maid, -'Ah wishes Ah was educated." s e * Man is a queer proposition. He will "go through the roof" if the telephone exchange does not give him his number in half a second, ard yet he will sit hour after hour in a boiling sun with mosquitos ealing him up vainly hoping some nice little fish will come along and take a nibble at his hook. * * * We heard of a young bride who ;telephoned her mother the other morning to know if it was necess- to use soft water to cook soft boil. ed eggs. % %* They walked the lane together, The sky was covered with Stars, They reached the gate in silence : He lifted for her the bars. a dollah ? Our pastor is done gwine away and we wants to give hima } | little momentum. ' * * * "On har eighteenth birthday I gave my daughter her first front- door key." "That was the proper, modern spirit, old man."' 'Not necessarily -- I just got tired of having her knock off the milk bottles crawling in through the pantry window." * * * We were at the Tax Collector's office Monday doing our bit and a lady remarked that it was a very popular place. We replied that we could not agree as to the popular- ity. There are a lot of people in the penitentiary but it is not a pop- ular place. & * * There's an old saying that "sec- onds means thirds." The mer- chants had a '"'Community Sale" last week followed by a community fire so we will no doubt have the Community "Fire Sales." * bd at A government bulletin says the way to frighten off moths is to use a pound of paradichlerobenzine, She neither smiled nor.thanked him Because she knew not how ; For he was just a farmer's boy, And she a Jersey cow. | CHAS. N. FULTON AUTO ELECTRICIAN Now Located at Drive - in- Station Cor. Waterloo and Albert Sts. Opp. Armouries Auto Ignition Armature Winding Speedometer Repairs Auto Ignition Locks We sell only genuine Electric and Delco-Remy Parts. PHONES--Shon 448w Residence 1086-J L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTICIAN 110 Downie St. Phone 175 For Corns and Callouses DR. JOHNSTON'S Callous - Off A 25¢ box of Callous-Off will dig- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest ap- pearance of rawness. On gale at drug and shoe stores or sent direct post paid for 25¢ from aboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company Stratford, Ont. PETER & SYLVESTER Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric 120ntario St, Phone 219 Made by the fact. men will call. "Just Over The River" = Bread and Pastry quality the hostess takes pleasure in Serving and the guests always relish, A trial order will convince you of this Use the phone and one of our sales- a YR Bread Co T. V. B. bakers is the Phone 2345 oe a EE Sis Sas : é Seaman