"CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY CONVENES Arrangements Are Made For Annual Canvass For Cash Donations The recular monthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held last evening at the shéltering home with the president, Thomas Mag- wood, presiding, The work of the past month was carefully reviewed. During that time sheltering care was given to 16 children with approximately 905 meals. Seven wards of the society were placed in free homes, all of whom are giving satisfaction and receiving words ° of praise. Nine wards in free homes were visited. This phase of the work is constant- ly growing in interest. It was no- ticed that the sheltering home has been a busier place this year than ever before and the home- finding has been of a " gratifying nature. Ten, additional foster homes were heard from and the reports from these were equally good. _There .. were ten court attendances in the interests of children and five child- ren were received as temporary wards. ; In the new complaints which were looked into and where action - Was taken, no less than thirty- .Seven children were involved and THE STRATFORD MIRROR FOR FINE JOB * * aaa PRIN . Letter Heads Statements Envelopes Post Cards ING Invoices Posters. : Hand Bills . : Business Cards "in sad ia Pas THE STRATFORD MIRROR Life-Long Resident of Perth Passed Away On Tuesday Following an illness of eleven 'years' duration, Mrs. William Stew- 'art, a life-long resident of this dis- 'trict and for the past forty years a resident of this city, died at her Thome, 148 Nile street, on Tuesday 'afternoon. Mrs. Stewart was in her sixty-first year and only last Sunday she and her husband had _-celebrated their forty-third wedding 'anniversary quietly at their home where a few friends and members 'of the immediate family had gath- -ered. Mrs. Stewart, whose maiden Mame was Annie Catherine Hill, was born in Sebringville, the daugh- _ ter of Edmund Hill and Mary Jane 'Bowes, both of whom predeceased her. When a young girl she moved 'with her parents to Atwood where she lived for some years before coming to Stratford. Although she had not been able to attend church services since suf- fering a stroke eleven years ago, she was formerly a member of Trinity Methodist Church, now the St. John's United Church: She was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge. She is survived by her husband, William Stewart, four daughters, Mrs. Charles Pope of Stratford, Misses Mary and Ida Stewart at Success - Business College FALL TERM Commences, Tuesday, October 10th When opportunity knocks at your door, will you be prepared to take the po- sition you may be offered? ? A good Business College Training opens the door to a successful future for every boy and girl. . . Those who hold the best paid positions in the business world are gradu- ates of colleges similar to the SuccessBusiness College. 115 the traveling required in attending to these as well as in attendin c ~ : g to Circular. Legal Forms visiting and placing of children, . iz forth; three sisters, Mrs. E. Corbett amounted to over 1,100 miles, with Business Forms Society Stationery ee | : of Stratford, Mrs. Bert Cook of St. calls and visits to the number of ; Eccees |i Thomas, Mrs. Bert Gage of Fer- 160. sie esa |x gus and four grandchildren. The 72 who: remembered the 'shel- funeral service will be held at her ~ The Fletcher Johnston Press = roe hole with sttts camp. in oF late residence on Friday afternoon chited acche ch ee ~ at 2.30 o'clock with interment in Publishers of ' The Stratford Mirror" Stratford, Ont. home, and Mrs. Roy Butt of Sea- Our experienced teachers in the various departments of our school are specialists in training the young mind, and are always interested in their progress. ; The wise parent chooses most car2fully the best college. cluded apples, plums and pickles. Avondale Cemetery. Rev. W.. S. "Also in one case some used eloth- : i ing. It was noticed that potatoes 2 gale Meee ane 9g Churc ill con ce. Our courses include the following subjects: Shorthand Typewriting Office Practice Commercial French Bookkeeping and Accounting Operation of Business Machines Business Law -Adding Machines Commercial Arithmetic Comptometers . Business Letter Writing Burrough's Calculator . Spelling Duplicating Machines Filing ~ Dictatphone also be used to advantage. eae cas we 8 the eared annual children's ank-offering : ; ' Dies After Two Weeks It was hoped that it might be re- ne Sere cos uae ceived again this year. Jas. H. . a IIIness Smith, vice-president, and 'Hugh la Word was received here yesterday The World Moves... So Do We Our equipment is new and up-to-date. Our class rooms are the most modern. 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS TAXI PHONE @G PHONE CITY CALLS 1 or 2 Passengers, 25: ROY "HUEHNERGARD eo aaa a Cee ee ae Our staff is the best obtainable. Ourrates the lowest in Western Ontario |petitor, Edenborn. - 2 Bursting into Edenborn's home, re- lgardless of the lateness of the hour, \he proposed a consolidation of their 'interests. EZXdenborn, however, kept | informed. se " he said, "your factory has ANTHRACITE COAL ee z , 'burned. How dare you propose a POCAHONTAS, Egg Size consolidation ?" Red Jacket, Ege Size Gates replied, "That is exactly why Solvay Coke I want a consolidation. Now you can manufacture and I can sell." Phone 44 'L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTICIAN Phone 175 "Western Ontario's Leading School 110 Downie St. and some other vegetables could Mrs. (Rev.) Frank Malinsky shower was gratefully remembered. , Ferguson, local superintendent . . at : were appointed a cpmintttee as : . : ne : Re pe cpenth <r ae eae ims Be Be arti pr ea ter : Tuesday afternoon of Mrs. (Rev.) usually received about the end of : | October. They will wkke Pee ° t a ee a ibe Bo nouncements when they have made E h A & H i: ranx oO ; si- . eens | ac oO 1S as For Corns and Callouses dent of the Ontario District of the e matter of the regular annual : N' ide- canvass for money danetinsie which Huge tongues of flame shot sky ra ford Carta eg DR. JOHNSTON'S Lutheran Church of va wide begins this month was considered. i the black night into a q 6 A one ha pe oll ll The local superintendent was ap- ward, turning the ; the country as a fine worker in Og Pee Ne Sena of a committee |weird, bloody kind of twilight. The We Move Pianos, Safes and ; a : lis = women's organizations in the Luth- oard members to. receive these ; : ; 7 gifts. eartfelt gratitude rad "= huge wire mill was burning rapidly Furniture ae gnats by Aled ot eenhold pressed to the many citizens who hine could stop it. By courteous and reliable men. A 25c box of Callous-Off will die | rs. alinsky died of typhoi year by year so kindly and liberally te ee regad. Nee =. 5 ee ' # 4 pe anal ag Pg corn or callous : = fever believed to have been con- a fae of ee ee No fix he John W. (Bet-a-million) Gates is pee ite. See without leaving the pena «te. 4 eee | | tracted while on vacation this Ss and needy children P, J. Sinclair ; : and the wish was earnestly ex- | enormously rich and resourceful own- Freight Sheds ag ee ree Se sie summer. She was ill only two ace i the growing pte may | + did not wait to see the disaster. He Office Sieset ae paid for 25c from weeks and her sudden death will € met by contmuance of that per- ? = a distin hock t c sonal interest and liberality which was already on a swift train heading aboratory. aa as Sais yr Lai gh <t gaey has enabled this society to give a Z : Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off friends in this district where she helping hand to so many needy | for the home of his principal com- was weil known. She was born in children. Company Conklin, Mich: and her maiden Stratford, Ont. name was Anne Krey. For some time she lived in Stratford where her husband was pastor of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church. She was also stationed with him for a short term at Seebach's Hill Lutheran Church here before go- ing to Elmira, where she had lived for the past four years. She is survived by her mother, of Conklin, Mich., her husband, two sons, Wilfred, Walter; four daughters. Marie, Ruth, Vera and Irene all of Elmira; one brother Above Eaton's Groceteria in Alabama, and a sister, Mrs. G. EF, ' Carreli of Cleveland. é 'Old Felt Hat 32 Downie Street Stratf,ord e Ss Pdetty little house slippers and gait- ers for the children can be made out of old feit hats turned outside in. A year later the partners looked back on their most successful year in business, each specializing on the job he knew best. | ; The funeral wil! be held from her iate residence in Elmira on Friday afternoon with Rev. A Or- zen of St. Paul's Lutheran. church 'Kitch in charge.