THE STRATFORD MIRROR Purse Sales In Store's History When one of Stratford's leading merchants tell us there are more purs- @s selling today than ever before, we are liable to think that good times are here again. We mean, of course, ladies' purses. Men don't as a rule carry them, but when you do see a man using a purse and carefully storing away therein his nickels, dimes and quarters, it is safe betting that that individual is not a spendthrift. But a woman loves. to open her purse, take out the big or small change and smartly close it again. However, a woman's purse to- day is not only intended for utility. No! It's a very important part of her ensemble, It is just as important that milady's purse complies with fashion's dictates as any other thing she wears. Styles in--purses in recent years change as quickly as any other wear- _ ing apparel. Change in styles is the thing that gives, business its zest and interest. i { Bi t New things coming in and going Sa | breaks the monotony in business. But bless you, a woman's purse may con- tain many things which are her priv- | ate concern--a pretty embroidered handkerchief--lipstick -- powder puff --mirror--the tast letter from 'her boy | 'friend and probably a snap. shot of | 'him as well, or maybe another boy! friend. In addition to the articles men- , tioned it is said that in St. Marys the | girls carry cigarettes in their purses. | Of course, soon after milady has} changed her name the contents of her purse will likely have changed too, but the purse itself very often remains un- changed for a long time. This fact, | however, we are pleased to state is not as true today as it was years ago, for ' the woman of today is taking a great- er interest in her appearance than ever before and that little extra touch of color--even though it be artificial, if not put on too lavishly is not so very objectionable after all. @ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES inom Erie and Downie Streets, Stratford. Phone 2500 SATURDAY SPECIALS Boys' Shirts 69c Fancy striped cotton broadcloth Shirts for the boy taking sizes from 12 to 144. Serviceable shirts for school wear, best wear or play. Saturday, each --C. D. S. Main Floor Chamo- Suede Gloves 59c Fine quality washable chamo- suede (fabric) Gloves in smart pull- on styles and a fashionable choice of colors. Sizes 6 to 74 in the lot. --C. D. S. Main Floor @ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES mcm LEAVING STRATFORD == SATURDAY NIGHT : er { ) Sram, PLACE OF SALE. ~:.. Your Last Call SLAUGHTERING SALE OF oe, aints and | Wallpapers The well-known Kyanize Paint in Lustaquick, Celoid, S and L are here in hun- dreds of colorings, in sizes of Pints, Quarts and Gallons. We have been instruct- ed to clear the balance of the Schmidt & Ladd high-grade stock at any price it will bring. ANY REASONABLE OFFER ACCEPTED. ~ Green and grey Enamel, highest grade, $1.25 per quart will be sold quarts for 70¢ Kyanize Lustaquick, many beautiful colors, 2 "tor 1.50 was $2.10 per quart, will be sold at AULCRAFT Four Hour Paint In moss green, grey, tans, etc., will be sold at 1 rn 80e@ 2 rn. 80C BORDER in good quantities REMNANTS OF WALLPAPERS -- Make us an offer. 85c pint Kyanize Celoid, regular 2 rins O9C ALABASTINE -- Less than HALF PRICE Buy All Painting Requirements for Next Year at Our Loss! METROPOLITAN BLOCK Entrance Opp. Post Office R. T. ORR