a Ry STRATFORD en ee BIG BRITISH LANCASTERS "HEDGE-HOP" ACBOSS FRANCE On October 17, 1942, in the heaviest unescorted daylight raid of the war, 94 big British Lancaster bombers flew at very low level across France to attack the Schneider Arms Works at Le.Creusot. In seven minutes the great centre of production for Germany's "Wehrmacht" was plastered with bombs. Only one Lancaster was lost and of the 18 German Arado seaplanes which attacked a Lancaster, 12 were shot down into the sea. Picture, taken from one of the Lancasters en routé for Le Creusot, shows the French town of Montrichard and gives an idea of the extremely low level at which the raiding planes flew. Their technique was to baffle ground defences by "hedge-hopping," only rising at the last to deliver their bombs accurately on the target. Canada's Nutrition "EAT RIGHT - provide the proper oughly enjoy. Phone 2578 Program Sponsors Say-- The Diana Meals only that but our meals you will thor- When You Eat Uptown Eat at the Diana Restaurant DIANA RESTAURANT John Tatulis, Prop. FEEL RIGHT" nourishment. Not 95 Ontario St. Gorman--What are you planting in that hole? Herman--Some of my garden seeds. Gorman--Seeds? It looks like one of my hens. Herman--lIt is, the seeds are inside. Mrs. McGowan--lI've had nothing but trouble with this washing machine since I've had it. Mrs. Hamm--yYes, and we'll always have trouble as long as they keep using raw materials at the factories. For Corns and Callouses JOHNSTON'S G DOES THE TRICK AND DOES SOLD AT ALL IT QUICK! ; DRUG STORES Get a box today at the low price of 25 cents SS ee "ORDER CLUBS" LEGAL People living in the same apartment block can club together and get their store orders delivered by seeing that the order goes to one address and to- gether exceeds One Dollar in value. PAPER THAT STICKS Paper that sticks to polished wood surfaces can be removed by rubbing with a little salad oil slightly heated. When the paper has come off, the sur- face should be rubbed with a good furniture polish. Visitor--I'd love to be a farmer. To live with the blue sky overhead, Farmer--That would be all right if the blue sky was the farmer's only overhead. ae CPEB PIE 25 - 40 and 60 watt Inside frosted 1 5c Each Hydro Shop Phone 460 Weekly Tips For Meat Rationing The packer and butcher take scru- pulous care of meat while it is in their hands, It is just as important that proper care be given to meat in the home in order that any waste through spoilage may be avoided. Here are some tips on meat care from the Consumer Section of the Do- minion Department of Agriculture. The wrapping paper should be re- moved from meat as soon as it comes from the butcher. If this is not done the paper acts as a blotter, drawing out some of the juices of the meat, the surface of the meat is kept moist and spoilage occurs more quickly. Meat should be kept as cold as pos- sible. Uncooked meat should be cov- ered lightly, preferably with waxed paper. Cooked meat should be allow-. ed to cool uncovered, then be closely covered to prevent drying out, and kept' cold. Ground meat, either raw or cooked, spoils more quickly than unground meat and should always be used promptly. been cooked with potatoes or thicken- ed with flour will spoil quickly and should be used up promptly. Meat should be wiped with a damp cloth. Washing is necessary only with the organ meats where clotted blood has to be removed and some- times with smoked hams. Simple Remedies Bring "oomph" to Old Hats Conservation days have come upon Canada with a vengeance. In Mrs. Housewife's cupboard and attic, hats can usually be found which, with a little ingenuity, can be made good as new. If the shape of a hat brim needs changing to bring it up to date, ex- perts advise cutting a piece of paper that will indicate where the hat is to be cut. This should be pinned to the brim, and then with a razor bllade, the paper outline should be followed. The amateur hat designer should re- member to place the hat on a flat sur- face that will not be spoiled by the razor blade. Scissors should not be used on such a job because they do not give a smooth edge. A hat crown that is too large can be remedied by joining two pieces of material together and placing this cir- ele of material along the base of the crown. A piece of adhesive tape may also be used successfully to reduce the head size. Sometimes hats are discarded be- cause of soiled ribbons. Ribbons can be freshened by washing them in pure soad suds; they should be washed flat with a brush and the water should be patted out instead of squeezed. When the ribbon is replaced the ends should be trimmed. Why Suffer? TRY PSYCHIC TREATMENTS FOR a Pains, Aches, Heart and Lung Conditions, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Sinus, Asthma, Stomach Condi- tions, Bladder and Kidneys, Growths, Appendicitis, Nerves, Head Noises, Blood Pressure, Epileptic Fits, Skin Rash, etc., etc. Consult the Healer in the office of The Maitland Studio, 31 Waterloo St. Phone 374M. Left over stews or soups which have. THE STRATFORD MIRROR MIRROR SPORTS Manager Luke Sewell of the Browns is worrying about John Niggeling, vet- eran pitcher who won 15 games in 1948. A stomach ailment has Nig- geling far under weight. Possum Whitted, old time Pirate star, is in business in Durham, N.C. When Lou Boudreau, now manager of the Indians, was a player at the University of Illinois, a teammate was Ray Poat.. This year Roy is a rookie pitcher with Cleveland. The Yanks never amounted to much at the start. They didn't win a pen- nant in their first 18 years, but in their last 22 they have won 13 pen- nants, finished six times in Second place, third twice, and only once drop- ped to the second division, in 1925 finishing seventh. Oscar Grimes, Yankee infielder, is a chip off the old block. His dad, Ray, first based for the Cubs away back. His uncle, Roy, was a third sacker for the Giants, Columbus and Toledo. The menfolk in his family also are expert potters and next to baseball Oscar likes it. Jake La Motta doesn't train in the daytime. He figures that because he fights at night he should train at night. Bill Meyer, who again will manage the Newark club, has been a Yankee chain manager a dozen years. Navy is busy at spring football practice as usual, excepting there are no practice games with nearby squads as in previous years. In a dozen fights in Madison Square Garden, Henry Armstrong has been a great drawing card, the crowds averaging 17,892 fans. Irvin Hall at short and Eddie Mayo at third are the new members of Con- nie Mack's infield. Siebert will con- tinue at first and Suder at second. Gabby Hartnett is 43 years old, but he expects to do considerable catching for Jersey City, the club he manages this season. Bucky Harris, Phillies manager, piled up thirteen seasons of piloting experience at Washington, He was there for two stretches of five and eight seasons. Thurman Tucker, White Sox out- fielder, is near-sighted and must wear glasses, Bob Kennedy, former White Sox third baseman, is going to forget base- ball: while he's in the navy. At the Iowa pre-flight school he filled out a preference card for basketball, track and swimming. This is the 17th season for Coach Art Fletcher of the Yankees in the American League. He served 17 years in the National. _Durham is the only North Carolina city in the Piedmont League this year. Two other clubs are in Virginia. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS FOR U S. BOMBERS. Allied air co-operation in the Middle Eas General Rommel's desert armies. Australian, Britis giant "Liberator" bombers in the air; enemy supply bas attacks and the Luftwaffe in this theatre of war re duced to 1 mer ALLIED AIR CO-OPERATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST: BRITISH ARMORERS PREPARE A LOAD t made a great contribution to the sweeping success against h and U. S. ground crews worked together to keep es were thus subjected to constant and crippling ely defensive capacity. Outdoor Protection From Mosquitoes In the late spring when mosquitoes have emerged and are on the wing, little can be done to prevent their spread. The best time for control is before they leave the water. In Can- ada, most of the mosquitoes are pro- duced in temporary shallows, such as snow-water pools, rain pools, water barrels, and flooded margins of ponds, lakes and _ streams. Their eggs are laid during the warmer months, but those of the most com- mon species as a rule do not hatch until after passing the winter under the snow blanket on dead leaves and soil in low-lying places. When the snow melts and the ground is flooded, the young larvae hatch from these eggs. Best results in suppressing the pests are obtained when control work is carried out on a community scale by municipal or other authorities under competent direction and with ade- quate funds. However, it is possible for persons in mosquito-infested places to protect themselves to some extent. Effective protective mix- tures may be obtained from drug stores, but, in the event of a person desiring to prepare his own remedy, the following recipes will be found useful: (1) oil of citronella, 3 ounces; spirits of camphor, 1 ounce; Oil oF tar, 4 ounce; castor oil, 4 ounces. (2) oil of citronella, 2 ounces; cas- tor oil, 2. ounces; oil of pennyroyal, 1% ounce. ¢ (3) oil of tar, 2 ounces; castor oil, 2 ounces; oil of pennyroyal, % ounce. (4) gum camphor, 3 ounces; salol, 3 ounces; petrolatum, 4 ounces. Information on mosquito control is contained in Bulletin No. 719 ""Mos- quito Control in Canada" which may be obtained free by writing to Do- minion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Scott,Crane COMPANY INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones--633 1418 2413J 110 ONTARIO STREET | 4 Fond Father--Well, Jim, what do you think of my son? Neighbor (surveying fat man)-- Well, I should say he was a stave off the old barrel. Wife--Wouldn't you be surprised if I gave you a cheque for your birth- day? Husband--lI certainly would. Wife--Wel, here it is, already made out, and ror4v for von to sign, Canada's "best buy"--Victory Bonds. TILE ELE ERE EE, B. A. GALBRAITH Accountant - Auditor Income Tax Audit 24) | Reports Bookkeeping Service 149 Rebecca, Stratford, Ont. CHINA HALL GLASS Cups and Saucers Heat Proof FIRE KING WARE 25c Cups Only 2 for 25c J.L. Bradshaw Phone 179 8&4 Ontario St. 2) 123 Ontario St. JOF <4 Rubber Stamp Service Automatic Daters Sau? Ink and Ink Pads PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH The Fletcher Johnston Press Phone 115 Stencils Stratford, Ont.