OUTSTANDING LE OF SHO AT LINCOLN SHOE STORE FORMERLY RAY GETLIFFE'S) 93 ONTARIO STREET THREE DAYS ONLY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY of this Week Hundreds of Pairs of Women's High-Grade ¥ | Shoes, regular prices up to $6.50 and AND 04. $7.50, for . Ee | 2 Blacks, Blues and Browns -- only two pair to a customer. Come early to assure yourself the advantage of these exceptionally low prices on regular stock of up-to-date shoes. 2 i And for Men... A Good Assortment Specially Priced At The Lincoln Shoe Store, Limited 93 ONTARIO STREET Sale Starts Thursday, January /3th at 9 a.m. SEE STORE WINDOWS dengan ag eee Fantasies ST ee es THE STRATFORD MIRRUR Military Propellent. Is Complete Paradox "WHERE there is smoke, there is fire," but today we can reverse the old adage and say that where there is fire there is not always smoke, ac- cording to an editorial in C-I-L Oval. For instance, the propellent charge with which certain types of rifle and machine-gun cartridges are filled-- smokeless powder is a complete para- dox. Actually, smokeless powder is neither smokeless nor a powder, It does produce smoke but a mere wisp of white smoke in comparison with the decided black puff given off by the old-time black powder or gun- powder, which was the only military propellent unti] late in the 19th cen- tury. In form, smokeless powder re- sembles tiny bits of lead pencil, each small grain having a hole' running through the centre which speeds the burning qualities .Apart from their smokeless advantages, these modern propellents are more powerful, clean- er in burning and because.of the smal] charge or load required, have tended to reduce in both size and weight the calibre of all types of military cartridges. Quota At Blood Clinic (Continued from Page 1) Stratfords' sheet was clear. This rec- ord shows that the number of rejects is becoming a grave matter here. Four or fourteen may not appear a large number of rejects but the total of 18 donations may be sufficient to save the lives of three wounded Ca- nadians. Three minutes' forethought may bring back three fighting men. On the "out" list for the dinner or lunch before the donation are all fried foods, eggs, pie, cake, in fact all des- serts other than fruit or jello. "Out" also are of course, milk, cream, and "butter. Doctors presiding at Tuesday's clinic were: Dr. A. Sinclair, Sebring- ville, Dr. Lorne Robertson, Dr. L. A. Macklin, and Dr. G. C. Jarrott, all of Stratford. Nurses in attendance were Miss M. Neilson, Mrs. L. Polley, Miss' M. Orr, Miss K. McKeough, Miss I. Brig- ham, Mrs. G. T. Barrett, Mrs. R. Me- 'Bride, Mrs. H. McPherson, Mrs. G. Trowsdale, Mrs. James Robertson "was in charge of the clinic. It seems incredible--45,000,000 laws and no improvement on the Ten Com- mandments! Don't Suffer! Hundreds of Patients Are Getting Relief Through PSYCHIC TREATMENTS A few of the ailments success- fully treated:--Pains, Aches and Soreness, Heart and Lung Con- ditions, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Poor Circulation, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Lumbago, Paralyzed Limbs, Sinus, Asthma, Sore Throat, Goiter and other Growths, Head Noises, Deafness, Running Ears, Mental Condi- tions, Dizziness, Blindness, Twitching Nerves, Inactive Nerves, Stomach Ulcers, Blad- der and Kidneys, High and Low Blood 'Pressure, Inflammation, Colds, Congested Fluid and swelling Gall Bladder, Appen- dicitis, Weakness of all kinds, They Rash, Epileptic Fits, Etc.,. LC. Consult the Gifted Healer in the Office of The Maitland Photo Studio, 31 Waterloo St., Stratford. Phone 374-M. RAS EE OE i ¢ 24}. SILVER FOX TRIMMED 103 ONTARIO ST, JANUARY CLEARANCE SAL - OF a great saving. Fine woollen fabrics -- beautiful silver fox trims. Shades include black and colours and sizes are 12 to Sale Price Range 5° Other coats included in this January Sale include an excellent range of Camel Hair and Wool; Harris and English Tweeds. | Prices have been reduced for this sale 25.00 to 35.00. GREENBERG'S COATS An unusual opportunity to secure a Greenberg quality coat at o 30 103 ONTARIO STREET Canadian Precision In Air Plane Parts NEW YORK, Jan. 12.--Speaking re- cently to the Society of Automotive Engineers, Major General D. H. Dun- ton, Deputy Director, Air Service Command, Wright Field, stated that, "Keeping military aircraft in the fight is being seriously handicapped by variations in supposedly identical parts and is presenting a serious prob- lem which is soon to be overcome." In Canada a high degree of preci- sion has been achieved through the use of optical instruments in aligning dies where all parts of the Canadian- built Lancasters, operated for the Do- minion in its trans-Atlantic service by Trans-Canada Air Lines, have been made interchangeable with parts made in England for the British-built Lan- casters. SE ts Nh He--"Woman is nothing but a rag, a bone, and.a hank of hair." She--'"Man is nothing but a brag, a groan, and a tank of air." Trans-Canada Planes On Atlantic Shuttle MONTREAL, January 12.--The out- standing event in the history of Trans-Canada Air Lines since its in- ception six years ago was the inau- guration of the Dominion Govern- ment's trans-Atlantic service. When the Dominion took steps to begin a North Atlantic oceanic operation the government placed the responsibility on Trans-Canada Air Lines and desig- nated it as the official instrument of the Canadian Government. Since July, 1943, T.C.A. flight personnel, en- gineers, etc., have been telescoping weeks into hours in the war of dis- tances by shuttling back and forth™ carrying irreplaceable military cargo, passengers on urgent war missions, as well as citically needed material and mail to our fighting men and women overseas. "T love your daughter, sir. I would suffer to my dying day if I should ever cause her a moment's pain." "You're right, young man, you would. I know that girl." 29 Ontario Street 4B omnand A Golbacsth, ACCOUNTANT - AUDITOR PHONES--Office 2427-w Res. 2427-J Stratford, Ont. Soper ae) OS ae Se ne = pee pet Ba = ioemibanecieet enna ietcee terse