Sees TET Page 8 THE STRATFORD MIRROR ats MR. CHURCHILL IN CANADA Mr. Churchill in Canada for victory conferences with Mr. Roose- velt, Mr. Mackenzie King and other U.S. and Canadian war leaders. He was accompanied by Lord Leathers, Minister of Transport (War), and British Chiefs of Staff. Picture shows Mr. Churchill with some of the "Mounties" who were on duty at the station when he arrived. 'Mail Not Later Than March lst For Easter Overseas The earlier Easter mails are posted this year the better chance they have of being delivered in time, because war conditions. dictate that a fair time margin elapse between posting and delivery. Easter Day falls on April 9th this year and, while March ist--some five weeks. previous--has been set as the latest date on which Easter mail can be posted with a rea- sonable expectation of delivery for Easter Day, the public is urged not to wait until the last minute for posting. Postmaster General Mulock again draws attention to the fact that the Postal Service is still confronted with a tremendous volume of mail, with the problems of pressure on transporta- tion facilities, the dangers of Trans- Atlantic crossings,,to say nothing of adverse winter: weather to be faced in flying mail to the United Kingdom and the Mediterranean. Mail is recognized as one of the greatest factors in keeping the troops in cheerful spirits--Easter or any other holiday, birthday or anniversary should not be allowed to pass without sending a special message or gift to that relative or friend on Active Ser- vice. Proper addressing of all mail and secure packing of parcels assist the Post Office in expediting mail to our overseas forces. Call Stratford The Friendly City There were quite a number of sol- diers visiting in the city over the weekend. A number of them at the "Y" spoke well of our city. They said wherever they go they hear a good word about Stratford. Men in uni- form often call it Canada's most friendly city to the soldiers. Most of the Sunday visitors were at one time stationed here and were used so well they like to come back again. K. of C. Always Interested In Boys' Welfare Work Members of Kilroy Council of the Knights of Columbus, without sons, adopted boys from the No. 6 Cub and Scout Group, Tuesday night, for the annual Father and Son banquet. The acting lecturer, Albert E. Prout, pre- sided and the welcome to the guests was extended by Grand Knight Her- bert Bruder. In his remarks Mr. Bru- der said the Knights are always in- terested in boys' work and said that in addition to sponsoring the Cub and Scout Group had, for some years, con- ducted a boys' camp at Kitchigami. R. L. Scrimegeour directed the gath- ering for a sing-song, for which A. J. Stone was at the piano. Harry Rhodes and Paul Crehan were the winners of several stunts and contests. Newman O'Leary entertained the party to a chalk-talk. G. S. Todd showed a few reels of motion pictures. A QUIZ: HOW GOOD A PARENT ARE YOU ? If you are a mother or a fatherand you don't want your offspring to be a problem child, it is wise to guard against being a problem parent. A Judith Chase Quiz... in The Ameri- can Weekly with this Sunday's (Feb. 20) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times ... reveals how much of a risk you're running. Get Sunday's Detroit Times- Here are some more howlers: Period costumes are dresses all cov- ered with dots. Shakespeare lived at Windsor with his merry wives. He wrote tragedies, comedies and errors. The people of India are divided in- to casts and outcasts. Norway's capital is called Christian- ity. Lipton is the capital of Ceylon. Tennyson wrote a most beautiful poem called "In Memorandum." Read The Mirror 'Ads'. shoes with seasoned frames. finish, 16" by 42" "BENTLEY" priced at CDS. Reliable Sports Equipment SNOW SHOES Enjoyable, healthy outdoor exercise with snowshoes, a sport that should prove especially attfactive to those who must work indoors most of the time. The C.D.S. offers three sizes of good quality snow Women's, size 1144" by 36" .......... Heavy duty. style for men 14." by 42%4.... 4.85 Non-sag fiat toe style of quality babiche, large gut, varnish BADMINTON RACQUETS "NATIONAL" Three strongly-made racquets provided with good quality gut that should stand rough use. Handle 3295 cach 9.05 "WINNER" fitted with grip. Economically Sascmcnt_-- CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES ner. ---- A ministear once delivered a sermon in a church where many of the con- gregation had the habit of going out before the close of the meeting. He was advised of this beforehand. He opened his meeting by saying encouragingly: "My friends, I am go- ing ot speak to two classes tonight; first, to the ignorant people, and then to the intelligent people." After earnestly addressing the sup- posedly ignorant people for a while, he said that they could now take their hats and go. The entire congregation heard him to the end. The teacher was giving the class a lesson on gardening, and after the les- son she asked the class what a ber- baceous border was. There was a pause and then a small voice said, "Please, miss, it is a lodger who does not eat beef." First Burglar -- "Bill, how do you stop the chimes of this clock?" Second Burglar--"Don't know, Jim, I'll go upstairs an' ask the lady of the house." The story of the hidden dove of a 'woman of the world.... -e with her costar cf"THE OLD MAID, (oy IG YOUNG poloaes moran DIRECTED BY VINGENT SHERMAN Screen Play by John Van Druten and Lenore Coffee - FROM THE STAGE PLAY BY JOHN VAN DRUTEN ; Produced by Dwight Deere Wiman 3 -- DAYS -- 3 STARTING MONDAY seein cilia i