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HEINBUCK'S FUNERAL HOME Dignified Funeral Service. 156 Albert St. Phone 1798 | Stamps. Shop at HARWOOD'S Join the March to Berlin! and Buy More War Savings Complete Drug Store. Prescriptions a Specialty. 22 Wellington St. Telephone 142 Corp. G. F. Thompson, Prop. Super-Lastic Tires ter Products » Moto-Mas- , Tire, Battery and Associate Store Canadian Tire Telephone 982 BUY WAR Mrs. Alf. Jones, 88 Nile 16 Ontario St. SAVING STAMPS BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS TO STAMP OUT HITLER! Shop at OMAN & MALLION Complete grocery store for satisfaction. 64 Wellington St. Telephone 200 gs Stamps y you save by having your clothes cleaned at FRENCH Dry Cleaners Guaranteed Workmanship. 189 Waterloo St. S. Telephone 2 Buy More War Stain with the mone your your per- Limited BEHIND THE GUNS sonality at Tait's Optical Co. 42 Wellington St. For better vision have GET BEHIND THE BOYS glasses fitted to suit Phone 628 Join the March to Berlin! Keep Foot Happy by Buying Your Shoes at AGNEW-SURPASS Buy War Savings Stamps and SHOE STORES, LTD. Telephone 406 53 Downie St. | | Telephone 113 WALLPAPER AND PAINTS 382 Downie St. ° & LTD. Telephone 595 Hitler BENNINGTON Simplex Stokers Electrical Contractin 92 Ontario St. Stamps Buy Bonds to Bomb ELECTRIC Co., Stratford Orange Kist Bottlers * Phone 2670 "Service with a Smile i a Service Worth While" * 11 Cobourg St. Buy War Saving Stamps to Stamp Out Hitler WOOD'S Smart Accessories and Sportswear 18 Wellington St. Phone 529 Join the March to Berlin --Buy War Savings Stamps-- BARRETT Cleaners and Dyers Telephone 452 Make old clothes look new! 148 Downie St. and CERTIFICATES National Grocers Join the March to Berlin BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Telephone 80 Company Limited 245 Downie St. Telephone 717 Be SURE to INSURE with LLOYD'S Insurance Agency Good Service--Strong Companies 48 Ontario St. Join the March to Berlin by Buying War Savings Stamps Your dollars go farther at Where quality meets price. Phone 1554 65 Ontario St. Buy. More War Savings Stamps POUNDER BROS. Get Your Teeth Into the Job! HARDWARE Sunworthy Wallpaper C.L.L. Paints and Enamels Telephone 301 89 Downie St. HAIR STYLING AND BEAUTY CULTURE PETER PAN Lend to Back the Attack - For up-to-the-minute BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 2173 129 Wellington St. to Finish the Job-- Buy War Savings Stamps John Northway 27% Lend -- To Furnish the Tools Telephone 192 Limited 54 Ontario St. '| Standard Drug Ltd. Lend to Back the Attack. Phone 471 Buy War Savings Stamps LADIES' WEAR Dresses -- Millinery Lingerie -- Accessories JEAN FERGUSON 26 Wellington St. Phone 330 Visit PICKWICK INN Good Food. Buy War Savings Stamps 88 Wellington St. Lend to Keep 'em Flying Pleasant Surroundings -- Funeral Designs Wedding Bouquets Join the March to Berlin by Buying War Savings Stamps Guthrie Greenhouses For Cut Flowers--Potted Plants Telephone 976 18 Victoria St. BEHIND THE GUNS GET BEHIND THE BOYS Greenwood-Gilbart Funeral] Service Telephone 1760 46 Erie St. for Over 40 Years. Serving Stratford District Lend! Too! Eat More Bread T.V.B. Bread Co. Remember This is Your War, 56 Huron St. Telephone 2345 Our driver passes your door. Universal Help to Stamp Out the U-Boat! Auto Elec Guaranteed service on Carbur- Cc Electrical Service Phone 920 etors and Speedometers and 141 Cambria St. Lend to Keep 'Em Flying Estimates Phone 504W JONES' Monument Works freely given. Moderately priced to suit every occasion, 48 Huron St. and Voice A.D.C.M., A. Mus. MUSIC STUDIOS Teacher of Organ, Piano Lend to Back the Attack! I. J. LUTHER 69 Home St. Telephone 147M HOLLYWOOD Beauty Salon Serves You Right Newest Hair Styling LEND FOR VICTORY Tel, LO77W 6 Wellington St. KALBFLEISCH'S BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Miss Rachael Ellis, 159 Perth Telephone 306 Dependable Drug Store Prescriptions carefully attended to. 15 Ontario St. Get Behind the Boys Behind the Guns! Stone's Feed and Seed Store Seeds -- Fertilizer Telephone 215 140 Erie St. Back the Attack with War Savings Stamps Meier Novelty Co. Telephone 1790 and Sheet Musie. ve! 85 Downie St. We carry the latest in Records ? BE eet Sh ea ai THE STRATFORD MIRROR HOME FRONT COMMUNICATIONS Communications play a big role in war. of battle, but on the home front as well. Here . . not only in the field is the world's' only telephone link with Newfoundland. This picture was taken in the over- seas telephone room of the Montreal. Johns, Newfoundland circuit, Bell Telephone long distance centre in During a telephone conversation through this Montreal-St. voice echoes are eliminated and a "special inverter' makes the voice current unintelligible to anybody who might attempt to listen in with a radio set. A conversation be- tween any point on the continent and New foundland must pass through this control terminal equipment. When Silence Was Golden This is the story of a little Norwe- gian girl, told me by her father, Lieu- tenant Eric Petersen of the Norwegian Air Force: "Gerda was only eight when the Germans first came to Norway. They killed her mother, I went away soon after to edit an underground paper in enother city. The work was too dan- gerous to have Gerda with me, so I left her with my friend Knut. Two years later I was brought back by the Gestapo--to a sentence of death. When Knut told Gerda, she just bit her lip and asked if she could see me. They obtained a permit and she came to the prison. "At the moment when the guard un- locked my door to take me to the visitors' cell, the warden summoned him. Telling me to go directly there, the guard left me alone. As I walked toward the end of the passage, I saw two visitors just leaving. I followed them casually. The guards supposed I was merely another visitor for I was still in civilian clothes. "When we came to the anteroom I saw Gerda sitting tensely on one of the high benches, her toes pointing to- ward the floor, her hands gripping the edge. For a minute I lost all hope. She was too young, had too much needing of her father, to realize that she mustn't recognize me. "She leaned forward eagerly, start-, ed to smile. I looked straight at her and winked ever so slightly. Her eyes opened wide. I was sure she was going _ to speak. Then she put her hand to her mouth and bit it hard! -. smarted, but I walked on. -- My eyes "Gerda stayed in that prison for three hours after I left. The guards discovered I had gone in about an hour, but told her nothing. Every once in a while she would trot soberly up to them and ask please might she see her father now. When they final- ly told her visiting hours were over, she kept up the game and cried bitter- ly. "Gerda went home to Knut and said that the warden would not let her see me, nothing more. The Gestapo ques- tioned her three times, but couldn't trap her. "Knut, aware that something had happened, soon heard that I was gone. It was time for him to leave, too, so he smuggled Gerda to England with him. Not until they were both com- pletely safe did she tell Knut the story. 'It was easier just to make be- lieve I didn't kno,' Gerda explained." --Helen Adams Frame in "This Week" Foreman--Say, my good man, that fellow there is doing twice as much work as you are. Toiler--Sure! I keep telling the poor sap, but you can learn him nothing. Mrs. Himes--Hasn't your husband any hobbies? Mrs. Grimes--No. He has rheumatiz a good deal, and hives now and then, but he ain't never had no hobbies. Friend (visiting)--Why did you take an apartment with such a small kitchenette? Bridegroom--Well, keep it quiet. The kitchenette is so small I can't get in there to help the wife with the Mother Shipton's Prophecy London, England, 1448 (Reprinted by Request) A House of Glass shall come to pass, In England, but alas, War will follow with the work In the land of the Pagan and the Turk; And State and State in fierce strife Will seek each other's life. But when the North shall divide the South. An Eagle shall mouth. Carriages without horses shall go And accidents fill the earth with woe, Primrose Hill in London shall be And in its centre a Bishop's See; Around the world thoughts will fly In the twinkling of an eye. Waters shall yet wonders do, Now strange, shall yet be true; The world upside down shall be, And gold found at the root of a tree; Through hills man shall ride, And no horse nor ass be by his side; Under water men shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk; In the air men shall be seen In white, in black, in green; Iron in the water shall float As easy as a wooden boat; Gold shall be found, and found In a land that's not now known. Fire and water shal] more wonders do, England shall at last admit a Jew; The Jew that was held in scorn Shall of a Christian be born. Three times three will lovely France Be led to dance a bloody dance Before her people shall be free. Three tyrant rulers shall she see, Three times the people rule alone, Three times the people's hope is gone. Three rulers in succession see, Each springing from a different dynasty. Then shall the worser fight be done, England France shall be as one. --(Contributed by a Mirror Reader) build in the Lion's 25 - 40 and 60 watt Inside frosted ] 5c Each Phone 460 HYDRO LAMPS Hydro Shop ----3 Sonny -- What is daddy? a pedestrian, Daddy--It is a person with a wife, daughter, two sons and a car, Those Old Shoes May last a long time after we have repaired them. We repair Rubbers and put on good Rubber Heels. GEO.WELCH SHOE REPAIR 146 St. Patrick Tel. 1998w Read The Mirror 'Ads'. Don't Suffer! Hundreds of : Patients Are Getting Relief Through PSYCHIC TREATMENTS A few of the ailments success- fully treated:--Pains, Aches and Soreness, Heart and Lung Con- ditions, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Poor Circulation, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Lumbago, Paralyzed Limbs, Sinus, Asthma, Sore Throat, Goiter and other Growths, Head Noises, Deafness, Running Ears, Mental Condi- tions, Dizziness, Blindness, Twitching Nerves, Inactive Nerves, Stomach Ulcers, Blad- der and Kidneys, High and Low Blood Pressure, Inflammation, Colds, Congested Fluid and swelling Gall Bladder, Appen- dicitis, Weakness of all kinds, Skin Rash, Epileptic Fits, Etc.,. Etc. Consult the Gifted Healer in the Office of The Maitland Photo Studio, 31 Waterloo St., Stratford. Phone 374-M. For Corns and Callouses JOHNSTON'S A sa Or, DOES THE TRICK AND DOES IT QUICK! SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES Get a box today at the low price of 25 cents |