GRAINS uw' private wires to all exchanges. ive yo Golding & Lumsden BONDS--STOCKS-- NOW -- "*® J. A. LUMSDEN 90 Ontario Street Phone 707 Farmer--Not exactly; her voice 'is terrible and we haven't the heart to tell her, so we are hiring a regular Neighbor--I understand that your teacher to do it. daughter is going to take singing les- China Hall & There Is Only One Tea Revives Flowerdale Tea You.. 84 Ontario St. WE SELL IT J.L. Bradshaw Phone 179 STRATFORD REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones--633 1418 2413J 110 ONTARIO STREET COMPANY Scott, Crane INSURANCE Con- Arthritis, , Aches and Stiff Joints, A few of the ailments success- Rheumatism, Don't Suffer! Hundreds of Patients Are Getting Relief Through PSYCHIC TREATMENTS Nortinher eaet: aa Lung Poor Circulation, ditions, Lumbago, Paralyzed Sprains, and Sore Bladder, Appen- other Growths, Head Noises, Deafness, Blad- Condi- der and Kidneys, High and Low Blindness, Inactive Maitland 31 Waterloo St., f all kinds, Stratford. Phone 374-M. Skin Rash, Epileptic Fits, Etc.,. Etc. Asthma, and Mental Inflammation, The of Goiter Congested Fluid Photo Studio, Stomach Ulcers, Sinus, Weakness 0 Dizziness, Twitching Nerves, Office ' Consult the Gifted Healer in Blood Pressure, Running Ears, swelling Gall Limbs, Throat; tions, Nerves, Colds, dicitis the Rubber Stamp fe gepeelggs Automatic Daters Stenci Ink and Ink Pads Stratford, Ont. PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH The Fletcher Johnston Press Phone 115 123 Ontario St. THE STRATFORD MIRROR APRIL SHOWERS, MAY FLOWERS LAHULS OTHVINO 6L1 (na die 0 eos 6g euoydej--ay, 9S O1TeIUO 26 Se nt att eo san at etna But the April Her nimble fingers made it from the plaid lining of an old tweed coat of her husband's. Clips refrigerator, but not back to the bot- tle. Mother is hoping it won't rain when That's why it's wise to be ready with a natty raincoat like this very young miss who sports a raincoat made from Conservation Many sizes too big for her, she was able to salvage enough of the lining They say that April showers bring May flowers. she wears the new spring coat pictured above. for her own coat, and enough of the tweed for a suit for her son. an old trench-coat of Daddy's. showers come first! thrown when Two the. protective is money especially for finicky appetites. Give servings proportionate to appetites and foods, stress fruits, fresh canned or dried. One serving of potatoes daily. servings of vegetables, preferably the leafy green or yellow and frequently raw. not eaten Half a pint of milk for adults. Chil- dren more than 'a pint. Cheese available. One serving of tomatoes or a citrus fruit or their juices, and one serving Food away. are: Garbage for Your Money? Remember, those foods required daily of. other meat it One serving of whole grain cereal One serving of meat, fish or At least three or four eggs weekly. Fish liver oils for children. Keep frozen fish frozen until nd nutriment lost in the escaping FROZEN FISH CARE soft- ened to room temperature it'll spread Important, helpings of Smail sav- . piquant and butter. Make a butter and honey mix- 'good. Make butter balls for the table smaller for broakfast toast. Rdmove butter from the refrigerat- ings adda up to pounds. Buttering Up or a little while before using. . more easily and go farther. that! Try other mild-flavored fats in cooking, cakes, cookies, cream sauce, frying. Use gratdd cheese on vegetab- les instead of butter .. and encourage Jumper Yourself ture of that old out Make something dress worn at the and jalternate. Liver, heart or kidney once el- bows. Chances are that the rest of it Turn |proved bread, brown or white. atop prior- |juices, but it will be a dull greyish Try it and see. 'ity for quick transit back to the re- |color. armholes or . doesn't take it long to start |reaches the oven or frying pan. If it _ "turning" in a warm room. If a pitch- |is allowed to thaw, not only are flay- Refrigerate milk as soon as deliver- is good for another spring. Rip out |and four to six slices of Canada Ap- ee the sleeves and hem armholes. what is smarter this year? Add a crisp |a week. white blouse and look as fresh as the er of milk goes on the dining room |or a in the front to a deep V and what table at mealtime it has have you? A jump@r dress .... first spring crocus. Milk Minutae 'OINOd 19 'I94s0q "YW '*) 'SA 'oyetooidde =saaurojsno INO VEY} 9IAIIS B Saar suyued 'Supyvoraqny UOHRIS sex) TIAHS S.vIVa SUWOVIFUOD TeoLQooGT SIOYOJS xopdurig 'GLT "OO OINLOmTa NOLONINNGAG 10TH quiog 0} spuog Ang sdurvjig LIL ouoydgjoy, '3S O1TG2QUQ SF soruvdur09 Su0.149--901A10g poos AUIS Y dJUBINSU] SAOTI "IM GDUOASNI 0} wWYaAS og 61 GuoYydoay, FS OLfGZUQ FC binge pozreary 0 puy ABAYPION yor sdurvjg ssuravg rey Ang Gor 94} YSTuLy 07 SPOOL 04} YSTUIn OF, -- pusT 066 9UOTT 3S VLquIeD TFPI ODIAIGG [VOLQOOLIT puv siojowlopesedg pu $1030 "mnqivyQ UO sd}Ales poozUBIEND ILI Oy [BSAATU() 686 euoYdojoy, 4S OLreyUO 9T iF8OU-1 94} 3NO durvzg 07 djoH 'QOIALIS OIPeyy puv Aroyeg 'oily 'syonporg 194 "SVA-OOKW 'Sout, osu y-r10edng 'dorg 'uosdwoyy, «gq "9 P1048 97BPOSSY "d10) aly, ueipeurg SAOU AHL GNINDA LAO SI oucydejay, 4g woxSuToAa zz 'Aqivioodg xv suondtiose1g '01039 Snag a0[du109 SG00MUVH ye doyg 'sdureyg SSUIARg IBA e10K, Ang puv iUT4og 07 yore, oy} ujor SII 9uoydejoy, 3S oyumod ¢¢ SINIVd GQNV UAdVATIVM Qqvi 08 su0Yydozoy, 4S oTUMOg CHZ poyrury Auedurog $1990.15 [RUOTIEN SMLVOMAILYAO pue SdWVLS SONIAVS UVM ANT UT[L9g 03 yore oy} ujoLr SL1I@ SUNT = 4S uoysuTOM G62T HddOHS ALQAVAA NVd UHlad WHALTOAO ALAVaAE GNV ONTIALS YIVH OFNUTWU-9Y}-0f-GN IO "MOVHV 94} You of pusyT '10op «no& sessed a0AlIp ang Shee ouoydoiaL 98 WomH 9g '0D P®OIg "TALL Pvorg O10 FBG ipuey joor 'IVA INO ST STULL ToqQuIoUley 86LT Suoud '3S WeQrVy 9gT 'OOTAIOS [e1oun poyyasyq GAWOH TWYANNA SMONUNIGH jsdureygs SSUIAYg IVA Ang --AWOLOIA HOA ANWT 90% 9u0Yydooy, 4S eTumoqd ¢¢ 'GLI 'SHUOLS AOHS SSVdudNS-MANDV y@ sooug mox suyAng Aq Addvyy 400,49 dooyy puv sdumyg sduraug rey Ang iMM4ed OF OIA oy} ulor éePp ouoydayay, 4S 9JUMOd $PFT iMoU Yoo] soyjoyo plo oye SI9AQ] puw Sr9URaT) LOU V A --sdurmyg sfuyavg avy Ang-- UNIO" 0F YUBA o4z ujor 10g suoydejay, 3S ofaMog €6§ sjourvuyy pue szuTed "TT'O Jodedyea Ayjomung . 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