THE STRATFORD MIRROR PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, STRATFORD, ONT. Vol. 21 STRATFORD. JUNE 9 i944 No. 52 Additional Casualities Received This Week More casualties have been reported from overseas this week. The soldiers involved were members of the Perth Regiment in Italy. Pte. John Edward Bailey, husband of Mrs. Laura Bailey, 271 Erie st., was killed in action. He had been in Italy since November, 19438, and was a son of Mrs. H. Bohm, Elora, and the late Isaac Bailey. His death occurred on May 28. Born in Hanover on Aug. 7, 1915, he received his education in that community. Before enlisting in September, 1939, he farmed in the Stratford and Han- over districts and was also employed by the McLagan Furniture Co. Ltd. He trained with the Perths in Stratford, Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Camp Borden, and went overseaas in October, 1941. One daughter, Gloria Ann, lives here with her mother. There are four brothers and three sisters: Wesley, Mornington st.; Joseph, Woodstock; Pte. George, overseas; Harold, Hamil- ton; Mrs. H. Dent, Shallow Lake; Mrs. Thomas Figg, Elora; and Mrs. M. Gray, Guelph. Reported wounded during the week were Pte. Fred J. Ellis, husband of Mrs. Shirley Ellis, 195 Waterloo st.; Set. Charles A. Benner, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Benner, 153 Romeo st., and CQMS. Cecil Boyd of Stratford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyd of London, formerly of this city. Mrs. Margaret Melross, 39 Bold st., Hamilton, formerly Miss Margaret Hanley of Stratford, has been officially advised by the director of records, Ot- tawa, that her only brother, Pte. John Edwin Hanley of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment has been reported missing in action in Italy. HORMONES TO INCREASE HUMAN HEIGHT The scientific world is hailing an- other brilliant achievement -- the iso- lation of the "growth hormone." The climax of a laboratory adventure,, as thrilling as any detective story, this new wonder-working extract taken from the pituitary gland of cattle adds inches or feet to one's height. For more on this interesting subject, read The American Weekly with this Sunday's (June 11) issue of The De- troit Sunday Times. Re-Elect Herb Bruder Grand Knight 1944-45 Members of Kilroy Council of the Knights of Columbus on Tuesday night re-elected Herbert J. Bruder as Grand Knight for the 1944-45 term. Other officers follow: Chaplain, Very Rev. Dear® D. J. Egan; deputy grand knight, Dr. G. S. Hanmore; chancellor, Albert Davis; warden, Harold Duggan; advocate, J. Maurice King; lecturer, Albert E. Prout; re- corder, William .McCardle; treasurer, T. J. McDonnell; financial secretary, M. J. McCaffrey; inner guard, Daniel Caraher; outer guard, Joseph McDer- mott; trustees, L. J. Whitty, Henry Weiss, W. J. Hayes. Reports of the annual state conven- tion were presented by delegates Grand Knight H. J. Bruder and State Advocate J. M, King. Army front. INDIAN TROOPS MOVE UP ROUND CASSINO Men of an Indian regiment moving up the mountain road leading to the Cassino sector of the 5th Meeting in Mitchell on Wednesday night, the Perth Progressive Conserva- tive Association unanimously _ re- elected A. J. Bradshaw as president for a second term. Mr. Bradshaw's home is in Downie. The complete slate of last year's offi- cers was returned unanimously, the A.J. Bradshaw Unanimously Elected President 2nd Term other officers being: first vice-presi- dent, John R. Anderson, Stratford; second vice-president, Mrs. William Hoflich, Mitchell; third vice-president, Mrs. R. A. Reid, Stratford; fourth vice- president, S. J. Coghlin, Wallace; sec- retary, R. Hammond, Stratford; treas- urer, C. J. Benson, Listowel. | SUE ROLLED HER EYES ) Z Cie sn ~< (G >) QO" ... in amazement over BOYD'S unusual service. Drop in and yow'll soon be one of our regu- lar patrons. GOOD 99 SHOES PROPERLY ONTARIO SF. FITTED PHONE 1183 Be One Of Our Regulars... and you, too, will roll your eyes with delight. . What a difference a comfort- able pair of shoes makes. Well, it's often the difference between happiness and despair. ® AND YOU PAY NO MORE! Honorary presidents are Hon, Nel- son Monteith, Downie; Robert S&S. Graham; St. Marys; H. W. Strudley, Stratford; Hugh Richmond, Listowel; David Hanson, Mitchell; T. E. Ed- wards, Palmerston; Dr. P. L. Tye, Mil- verton. Honorary vice-presidents are Mrs. H. D. Davis,, Mitchell; Mrs. L. Grose, St. Marys; Mrs. D. M. Wright, Stratford; Miss A. Clayton, Listowel; Mrs. J. D. Monteith, Stratford; Mrs. P. L. Tye, Milverton. ° The revised constitution, as drawn up and approved by the executive, re- ceived endorsement of the association. Copies of the constitution were distrib- uted at the session for the information of party members. The matter of appointing a county organized was brought up by Dr. J. G. Jose, Blanshard, who urged that in view of the possibility of an election soon, such an appointment would fill a a long-felt need. H. H. Dempsey, Strat- ford, supporting the suggestion, point- ed out the value of having someone responsible for keeping the work of the party always before the electorate. This matter was referred to the execu- aive, with power to act immediately. The financial report, presented by the treasurer, showed receipts for the year of $252.87; expenditures of $95.63, leaving a balance on hand of $155.24. The president thanked the executive for its support during the year, and re- viewed briefly the record of the Drew government in passing 88 bills within a 32-day session, thus implementing the promises made during the last pro- vincial election campaign by Hon. George Drew. He urged that the same record would be established at Ottawa if the party members get behind John Bracken wholeheartedly. Excellent addresses were heard from Mrs. W. 8S. Haney of Sarnia, president of the Western Ontario Wo- men's Progressive Conservative Asso- ciation, and Earl Desmond, M.P. for Kent. j