ie aa oe ee THE STRATFORD MIRROR 5th ARMY: THE ANZIO BRIDGEHEAD OFFENSIVE British and American forces launched their successful offensive from the Anzio bridgehead on May 23, 1944. The assault began with a violent barrage from over 1000 guns, under cover of which the in- fantry moved forward to break the German ring around the bridge- head. Picture shows a casualty from the infantry attack ready to be placed on a jeep at the junction of a lateral road. Cycling For Health, Pleasure (Continued frem Page 1) Incorporated passed through Edmon- ton by train on their way to Jasper National Park. They brought along their own bicycles in order to cycle from Jasper to Calgary over the new Banff-Jasper highway. This famous scenic road, which links two of Can- ada's greatest national parks, runs through 186 miles of some of the most magnificent Alpine scenery in North America. At one point the _ road skirts the Athabaska Glacier, part of the great Columbia icefield, and here the cyclists may halt for a rest and enjoy the refreshing experience of walking out on the ice in midsummer. Even the thought of it when men and women are toiling in office, factory, and workshop at temperatures around 90 degrees has a cooling effect. Autumn is perhaps the most de- lightful time of the year for cycling in the national parks. The woods along the park highways are a riot of color--orange, gold, green, crimson, and many other widely variegated combinations which nature blends into a harmonious pattern. Big game come down to the hoadside, bird life seems more abundant than ever as the southern migration gets under way. The midsummer heat has pass- ed, and the days, though shortening, are bright and crisp. Fish are biting well and the mosquito plague has largely disappeared. This is the time when the camera hunter reaps. the richest harvest of special "trophies" for his snapshot album. -. This is also the season of the "Hunter's Moon," but in the parks that means hunting with a camera. Post-war developments in Canada's national parks envisage a considerable extension of facilities for accommodat- ing hikers and cyclists and trail riders. At the present time, however, accom- modation and catering are restricted in many of the parks owing to the de- mands of war on Canada's diminish- ing labor supply. ~* FROM THE GREAT SS a 6 SP LFF EF PP POP LL POF PPP PD PGI OEE NE A PICTURE WITH "HEART" HEART OF AMERICA! S80" MIDNIGHT SHOW ic: re ~- . = -- ror OD FO LE LE ME a a a 3 -- DAYS -- 3 STARTING a al al \d really rather be a mule... ut I guess ve got to go to School CDS. "Gee whiz... what's the good of Mom buying me a new playsuit from C. D. S. if I've got to go to school?" C.DS.. have served many a sorrowful schoolboy who would rather fish than do fractions. But the C.D. S. swagger school clothes often can, and often do, cast a rosier hue round readin', *ritin' and 'rithmetic. Ohe Store for Young, anada Phone 2500 «& CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES tivaten _ bs