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He tells of his pal's death and of terrible things that are taking place where he is. Miss St. John, I don't know how to answer such let- ters. At first it was all kidding and love stuff. I could answer that. Now I just hate to try to write to him, but I do want to keep his love. Choose Coats in October For Style and Value * Furred Elegance Here are Coats high on the hit parade because they have the right things to offer. ance for those who prefer the new feminine, dressy . Serviceability, expertly tailored for those who demand seasons of wear. sortments are ace high. It's time to make proper selections, to choose the coat that will serve your advantageously and economically. Visit our Coat Department and see for yourself. In- dividual styles at money-saving prices. silhouette. .. requirements, Price Groups: a ea a 35" x Tailored Simplicity Right now as- BOYS' WINTER Coats Sets Even in peacetime we were never as well prepared. Here are quality coats that are smart- ly designed, sturdy and warm. Sets are in three pieces: over- coat, leggings and helmet, all matching. Choice of two good- looking styles -- swing back or belted back. Sizes 3 to 6x in shades of brown, blue, green. 9.95 _ 10.95 GIRLS' WINTER Coats QUILTED LINED These Coats have stamina. Wear them on a hike or to "high." Dependable and smart because they're well tailored from quality fleece materials. Quilted linings add to their laurels because it means extra warmth. Come in colors that young folk love. Sizes to 14x. 12.95 .. 16.50 MISSES' >»racusst Top Coats We aim high when we choose our Misses' Coats ... we know nothing but the newest, smart- est and best will answer. Right now everyone's eyes are focused on linings. Hence these de- tachable chamois and fur linings are tops for career or college days. Excellent color range. See them. 49.50 .. 72.50 J. CROSIER And Cempany 97 Ontario St. Limited Stratford I wonder what other people do in a case like mine. MARY. Answer: Well, Mary, the man must write about his own life. If he can go through it, surely you can hear of it, Perhaps he feels better when he puts it down on paper. Then, too, he feels the need of your sympathy and back- ing. He may be preparing you in his own way for possible bad news that may come to any loved one at home. Say a word of sincere sympathy for the loss of his friend, and a kindly word of praise for the terrible things he is enduring. Then tell him all the news and cheery things that will take him back home in spirit for a few brief minutes. I need not tell you to dwell on the three short words he wants most to hear: I love you. INA ST. JOHN. OCTOBER'S FLOWER Dear Miss St. John: Some time ago you printed a list of the flowers representing each month. Will you please tell me what flower belongs to October? I am having a party for a friend whose birthday is in the latter part of the month and I should like to use the October flower for decoration. Thanking you. MRS. R. S&S. Answer: Cosmos is October's special flower, Mrs. R. S. We hope your party will be very enjoyable. -- INA ST. JOHN. GREEN EYES Dear Miss St. John: I am very proud of my shelf of pickles. I showed them to a catty friend who got married the same time we did. She sniffed and _ said she wouldn't stick around a kitchen on fine. days for all the pickles in Can- ada. I didn't mind that; I put it down to envy. She can't cook a good meal yet. But she did say something that bothers me. My husband and I are keen on vitamins. My friend said "Pickles have no food value, you know." My relishes and pickles are sweet. Do you think they have no vitamins at all? I'll sign my brother's name for me. SHRIMP. Answer: wonderful homemaker, Shrimp. INA ST. JOHN. A NORMAL STUDENT Dear Miss St. John: I am a Normal student. My friends all kid me about going in for an "old maid's profession." Do you_ think men dislike school teachers? "A. B.C. Answer: If one can judge by the they have completed two years teach- ing, A. B. C., there is little truth in your friend's inference. Don't take their teasing seriously. They do not mean to trouble you. INA ST. JOHN. -- wisdom in changing his mind. ; Senator--Undoubtedly. I'm liable to change my mind every time a new delegation from my State calls on m: number of girls who marry before Friend--Do you think a man shows Pickles contain vitamins A, B and C. We think you will be a THE STRATFORD MIRROR Celebrate Their Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. George Maker, 620 Erie st., a popular couple, received the felicitations of their friends and mem- bers of their family on Thanksgiving Day on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. It was in St. Matthew's Church, London, on Oct. 9, 1894, that they were wed. Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Maker resided in London and that vicinity for a number of years. 'They were in the hotel business for a time in Crumlin and removed to Co- balt in the year of the great boom. Later Mr. Maker entered a partner- ship with his brother-in-law, William Scown, in the building industry in Sudbury. The couple came to Strat- ford from Toronto twelve years ago where Mr. Maker carried on a paint- in gand decorating business. Mr. Maker takes much pleasure in his hobby -- animals. At present he is taking much interest in Shetland "ponies and is the owner of Tiny Tim, supposedly the smallest pony in the world, which will be raffled in De- cember as a means of boosting the Stratford and Perth Regiment Over- HYDRO LAMPS 25 - 40 and 60 watt Inside frosted 1] 5c Each Hydro Shop Phone 460 seas Tobacco Fund. Mr. Maker has taken the pony to many fall fairs throughout the district and in this manner has raised a considerable sum towards this patriotic effort. Besides Tiny Tim, this animal lover has a team of ponies, May and June, and Duke, a grey one, which are great pets of Mr. Maker and his wife. While residing in London, Mr. Maker joined the Canadian Order of Fores- ters and has retained his membership in Court Middlesex Lodge, No. 118, since that time. A native of London, Mr. Maker is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maker. Mrs. Maker, the former Miss Ma- tilda Steinberg, was born in Listowel on Nov. 6, 1872. She is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein- berg. Her husband was born on May 19 in the same year. Mrs. Maker is a sister of Mrs. Emma Steinberg and David Steinberg, 250 Church st., and Edward Steinberg, 49 Victoria st., all of this city, and also has a sister, Mrs. William Scown, Toronto. Mr. Maker and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Long, London, are the only remaining members of a family of ten. Mr. and Mrs. Maker are enjoying good health and have much pleasure reminiscing about their fifty years of happy married life. They have faced life's vicissitudes with for- titude and optimism. CLOTHING WORKERS Uniforms for prisoners of war and internees as well as clothing for war refugees have come in large quantities from the nimble fingers of Canadian clothing workers. Scott, Crane COMPANY INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones--633 and 2413J 110 ONTARIO STREET First Tourist--We are now exactly 1,200 feet above the level of the sea. Second Tourist--What sea? First Tourist -- The guide doesn't say. book wf Don't Suffer! Hundreds of Patients Are Getting Relief Through PSYCHIC TREATMENTS A few of the ailments success- fully treated:--Pains, Aches and Soreness, Heart and Lung Con- ditions, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Poor Circulation, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Lumbago, Paralyzed Limbs, Sinus, Asthma, Sore Throat, Goiter and _ o ther Growths, Head Noises, Deafness, Running Ears, Mental Condi- tions, Dizziness, Blindness, Twitching Nerves, Inactive Nerves, Stomach Ulcers, Blad- der and Kidneys, High and Low Blood Pressure, Inflammation, Coids, Congested Fluid and swelling Gall Bladder, Appen- dicitis, Weakness of all kinds, Skin Rash, Epileptic Fits, Etc.,. Ete. Consult the Gifted Healer in the Office of The Maitland Photo Studio, 31 Waterloo St., it was then. The same qualify towels {1°°J now, were -- > Uy Yy Stratford. Phone 374-M. * I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. 1 JF will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support 7 taxes which help lower the cost of living. y eecrsssostlllldadllz lll sls Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation. They're TALKING ABOUT ... a Ten-Gent Dollar ! They speak of it glibly...butwhat does it mean? It means that every pay-day if your Canada that price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures have kept our dollar value HIGH. In facta dollay goes further to-day...buys move goods [f 4 1918 1944 compared to [3198 | = Yes, we get a good dollars worth today, And remember-you protect your dollar value when you refuse ee meter errr orn saree ee " a - aaa si - See eee See = = Sao anes oe Set ee -------- -- ee eee Se acre ac ea er 5 ener as : : a -- = a SS