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Trust Company or Call Victory Loan Headquarters Telephone 2800 _ Let's Make A Job Of It! _ INVEST IN VICTORY PERTH COUNTY NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Scott, Crane Boxnavd A alleaiths esc aaeld INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE ACCOUNTANT - AUDITOR INVESTMENTS Res. 2427-J Stratford, Ont. PHONES--Office 2427-w New Address--52 Albert Street Phones--633 and 2413J 110 ONTARIO STREET | Optical Glass Made In Canada Before the war, most of the world's optical glass was produced in Eng- land, Belgium, Czecho-Slovakia and Germany. Today, the highly ground and pol- ished glass for telescopes, range-find- ers and other high precision fire con- trol instruments, is made in Canada. The process for making optical glass is an intricate one. It requires the melting of glass in clay pots. This process takes some time and then the glass must be left to cool. When a pot of glass is finally cooled, it cracks irregularly into various shaped and sized pieces. These pieces form the first steps along th eline towards telescope, periscope and other optical pieces. The job of the optical instrument is an important one. Whether the bat- tle is in the air, on th esea, or over the land, they are the gauge of dist- ance and direction. All-Canada Donor Record Camp Ipperwash on Lake Huron in Ontario, has established an all-Canada record in blood donations. This record holds good not only for military establishments but for the civilian population as well. At the Mobile Clinic in Ipperwash Hospital, 707 army men and women gave their blood to provide life-giving plasma for their comrades who are now at the front. To date this is the highest number of donations for any one clinic in the . Dominion and it leaves a previous record of 498 donations at Camp Bor- den, far behind. Those Old Shoes May last a long time after we have repaired them. We repair Rubbers and put on good Rubber Heels. GEO.WELCH SHOE REPAIR 146 St. Patrick Tel. 1998w China Hall | Piain White Ironstone | Cups and Saucers 25c 18c J.L. Bradshaw Phone 179 84 Ontario St. _we would not invite to our home. He i Don't Suffer! CUPS ONLY |. THE STRATFORD MIRROR i ijVJUSTA MONG OvUR SELVES A Regular Department Conducted for Mirror Readers by Ina St. John. A SELFISH GUEST 'Dear Miss St. John: For the last two weeks we have had 'a girl friend for our first visitor. She left yesterday. We were married last Christmas. We looked forward to my girl friend's visit. We planned parties and other entertainment. We _ even had two nice boys ready to take her around. Well we were disappointed. She was always nice at home. Her people are very strict, so she was any- thing but wild. Well, I had not seen her since I was married. She has been working in a city near her old home. I surely got a surprise. She treated my husband and me as if we were fifty instead of her own age. She went downtown and picked up a chap is a wild fellow. We had to cancel all our plans. My friend spent every night with this chap and refused to take any part in anything we wanted to do. I must say she was nice about it all. 'We did not have any quarrel. She 'brought us a lovely gift and seemed 'grateful for the good time she claimed 'to have had here. This is what worries me. Another friend lives in Detroit. M. told me she means to spend Christmas holidays with her. This girl is not in good health. Her husband is very strict." I am sure M. would make trouble at her home. Do you think I should let her know how M. acted at our house? Hoping to see your answer in Fri- day's Mirror, and thanking you, I'll sign-- MIMI. Answer: It seems to me that your friend has forfeited any claim to loyalty from you, Mimi. If a hint from you will save your Detroit friend from an experience similar to your own, I do not think you should hesi- tate to give it. , INA ST. JOHN. WEEK-END TRIPS Dear Miss St. John: I am a school girl seventeen years old. All week I study and keep up with my school work. Week-ends I Hundreds of Patients Are Getting Relief Through PSYCHIC TREATMENTS A few of the ailments success- fully treated:--Pains, Aches and Soreness, Heart and Lung Con- ditions, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Poor Circulation, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Lumbago, Paralyzed Limbs, Sinus, Astlima, Sore Throat, Goiter and other Growths, Head Noises, Deafness, Running Ears, Mental Condi- tions, Dizziness, Blindness, Twitching Nerves, Inactive Nerves, Stomach Ulcers, Blad- der and Kidneys, High and Low Blood Pressure, Inflammation, Colds, Congested Fluid and swelling Gall Bladder, Appen- dicitis, Weakness of all kinds, a Rash, Epileptic Fits, Etc.,. ¢c. Consult the Gifted Healer in the Office of The Maitland Photo Studio, 31 Waterloo St., Stratford. Phone 374-M. think a girl needs a change. My girl friend and I used to go to another city Saturdays and come back Sunday. We like to go to dances where we meet new people. We stay- ed with a girl whose family used to live here. Mother and Dad did not mind as long as we came back Sunday to go to church at night. Last summer the people we stayed with moved again. Since then we have stayed at a hotel. Whensmy parents found out they hit the ceiling. We can't leave town now. Don't you think respectable girls our age should have some freedom? DISGUSTED. Answer: If respectable girls living at home abide by their parents' rules, they will continue to be respected. You may be quite innocent in your week-end trips, but you will be safer and happier in the long run if you ar- range your good times in your home city. INA ST. JOHN. COMPENSATION Dear Miss St. John: IT had a wonderful time when I was a girl at home. Now I have a family. My husband is one of those who earn enough to live on and then gambles most of it away. Life is very hard now. Do you think everyone finds life unhappy as they get older? MARY. Answer: Well, Mary, the poet says "Into each life some rain must fall." For some a great deal of trouble must be endured. At least you have a happy and an innocent past to re- member. Perhaps some who are in happier circumstances as the years go by are tortured by regrets or past unhappi- ness. If this life were perfect, there would be no incentive for us to look forward to the Better Land. INA ST. JOHN. HYDRO LAMPS 25 - 40 and 60 watt Inside frosted || 5c Each Hydro Shop Phone 460 Young «na Smart Fur Coats « Crosier's November 5°°, Time Make Selections -- The ible o rung tuxedo ance a HERE'S THE REASON WHY quality is hard to surpass.... Each possesses a rich distinction poss- nly in finer furs. They're top- fashions too, featuring clever s, fine swinging swaggers and fitted types. All smart of sleeve, neck- line, shoulder line. Every coat mea- sures up to the last inch in appear- nd value. Let us show you these finer furs to-morrow if possible. Note these choice values. . Muskrats ..... @2D.00 First Quality Prati ct 475.00 Dyed Hudson Seals Muskrats...... 395 a 0 0 Dyed Beaver Seal rabbit ...... 185.00 Children's Sn*., Winter Wearables - - FOR GIRLS Snow Suits, fine comfortable, 3- piece fashions that will keep them well protected in any wea- ther. Styled from wool blanket clothsin shades of red, navy and brown. Keep them warm and dry and your troubles are prac- tically over. Sizes from 5 to 14X. Inexpensive health insurance-- Price groups, each: 10.95 . 11.95 FOR BOYS These three-piecers are top- notchers in appearance and va- lue, they have been styled for durability and value. In two de- finitely mannish styles, half-belt back or full-swinging raglan. Tailored from fleece cloth, with kasha linings in both coat and leggings. In shades of tan or green. Sizes 3 to 6X. Each: 9.95 «. 10.95 wwe J. J. CROSIE & C0. 97 Limited ONTARIO Canada's Nutrition Program Sponsors Say-- "EAT RIGHT - FEEL RIGHT" The Diana Meals provide the proper nourishment. Not only that but our meals you will thor- oughly enjoy. When You Eat Uptown Eat DIANA RESTAURANT John Tatulis, Prop. Phone 2578 at the Diana Restaurant 95 Ontario St.