Page 8 THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, June 1, 1945 Phone 2578 Canada's Nutrition Program Sponsors Say-- "EAT RIGHT - FEEL RIGHT" The Diana Meals provide the proper nourishment. Not only that but our meals you will thor- oughly enjoy. When You Eat Uptown Eat at the Diana Restaurant DIANA RESTAURANT John Tatulis, Prop. 95 Ontario St. FEDERAL ELECTION - This Time Security With Victory VOTE Rica} SHALL NOT PAS ibe COLDWELL -- PA" JOLLIFFE PROVINCIAL ELECTION -. . - JUNE 4th BERT DAVIES JUNE 11th NORMAN McCULLY On The Beam (Courtesy Toronto Y.M.C.A.) Great Love Hath the Boy Who Layeth Down His Vacation. The Camp Director came around the corner and a loud and prolonged shout went up from the throats of the two hundred boys waiting at the door of the mission. This was the day when they were to go to the Fresh Air Camp on the lake -- but only one hundred and fifty boys could go. One boy, Peter, had a small tin pail and a long fishing pole. Three months before his name had been put down for the camp by one of the social workers. His father had been ill; his mother had to go out scrubbing every day to earn money to feed the five little ones. Peter had done the work around the house. He had been so happy when he was told he was going to camp that he turned a handspring. What a time he would have! He had pestered his neighbors to lend him a fishing rod and he had found a tin pail for the raspberries he was going to bring back to his mother. Camp funds were limited and fifty of the boys could not be taken, but Peter was among those chosen to go. Amid cheers and yells the boys who were going to camp were marched to the station. Their train was wait- ing, and they took possession of the two coaches reserved for them. The train was about to leave when a St eetiicdentie small, weary, poorly dressed woman came up to the Director. A ten-year- old boy was at her side. 'They tell me you are taking the boys to camp," she said. "My son has been sick for several months. He needs a holiday in the country. I cannot afford it. Can you take him?" "T'm sorry," he replied, "we have no more money for tickets and _ the coaches are full. Perhaps, next year . -' He looked down at the boy. He saw a thin body and a pale, drawn face. "Wait," he said. He left the pair and went into one of the coaches. He blew his whistle and the boys stopped talking. "Fel- lows," he began, "there's a skinny little kid outside who's been ill and ought to go to camp; but we cannot take any more. Is there any boy here who will get off the train and let him take your place?" The only answer was a tense silence. The Director walked through into the other coach. He blow his whistle again and said the same thing. By this time the little fellow had climbed onto the car platform and stood looking in at the boys. After a moment's silence a voice that could hardly be heard said, "Mis- ter, he can take my place." A boy walked down the aisle and got off the train... In one hand he carried a fish- ing rod, and in the other a small tin pail for raspberries. REV. HARRY ATKINSON. STRATFORD > LIONS JAMBOREE FRIDAY, JUNE Ist in the CLASSIC CITY ARENA BUY TICKETS NOW ON THE GRAND PRIZES to be awarded on Jamboree Night. 1. $1000 Victory Bond Tickets 5Q¢ Each, or 3 for $1.00 2. 5 on 1 Ticket Imperial Loyalist Livingroom Suite, Retail Value $175 Thor Washing Machine, 9-lb. tub, Retail Value $125 Vacation Trip, Value $75 Imperial Loyalist Maple Bridge Set, Retail Value $40 Kroehler Livingroom Chair, Retail Value $35 Tickets 25¢@ Each, or 5 for $1.00 Proceeds to Lions Swimming Pool and Swimming Instruction for children, Eyeglasses for needy children. ' Friday, June 1, 1945 ' 1. Active Service Voters at their homes. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO GENERAL ELECTION, JUNE 4th, 1945 OTICE To Active Service Voters who are absent from their units @ The attention of members of the Navy, Army and Air Force and all other persons who qualify as Active Service Voters under the Ontario Active Service Voting Regulations, 1945, is directed to the ° following provisions. Active Service Voters who are in their place of ordinary residence on polling day may vote in the manner prescribed by the Election Act for civilian voters, whether or not their names are on the Voters' List, on taking a declaration (Form 8A) before the deputy returning officer. Such voters may vote at the regular polling place for the voting sub-division in which they reside. 2. Active Service Voters on Leave or Furlough. Active Service Voters who are absent from their units but not in their place of ordinary residence, on leave or furlough, including such voters on farm leave or industrial leave, may poll their votes with any commissioned officer appointed to take the votes of Active Service Voters, on producing to such commissioned officer docu- mentary proof that they are on leave or furlough and provided that they have not already voted in the election. Such voters should apply to the nearest Naval, Military or Air Force headquarters for information as to the location of the Commissioned Officer nearest to their present address. Alex. C. Lewis CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER; PROVINCE OF ONTARIO a oe ee