THE STRATFORD MIRROR C A ae le A N WAY O F oast Beef on Sundays... HE SUNDAY ROAST -- week- ends in the country -- the old family jalopy -- these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some of the things overseas has been fighting for. They won't be his, unless all of us make sure, when our fighting man comes back, his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying. We must buy only what we need -- never buy two where one will do! We 'must not evade rationing or price control, or deal in black markets. If we break the rules, our country --the country he fought for-- -will start on that uncontrollable inflation! every man youth. rocketing of prices known as Prices will rise. As prices go up, wages try to tag along...and never quite catch up. The value of money goes down. Soon your dollar will buy--perhaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its drop--look at Greece today! The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So let's all make sure our soldier's dollar--when he gets back--will buy a dollar's worth of goods! We can't give back to him his lost years or his lost But, if we keep up the fight against inflation, he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living . ;. the Canadian way of life. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to teveal the dangers of inflation: Make this Pledge Today! 1 pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and unneces, sary buying. I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices ata normal level. JUNE BRIDES... JULY HOUSEWIVES June brides will be July housekeep- "ers, with their housewifely cares hheavy or light according to their ex- perience. Marketing and meal plan- ming, cooking and cleaning fill days 'that formerly were spent on the golf eourse and tennis court. So in order 'to accomplish all your housekeeping Wer hh Pere duties and also have some time for outdoor activities you will have to work out an efficient system. In the first place don't dawdle over your work. It's a habit that grows on you and is extremely tiring. Not that you should hurry and rush through your tasks under nervous tension, but train your hands to move quickly and surely without unnecessary motions. As they put it in the country, "don't back-track." Plan your work and al- low a reasonable amount of time for each job to be done. Naturally you gain speed as you gain experience and work out your: routine. When you come to meal planning calculate three days ahead. Ordinar- ily that reduces your marketing to twice a week and saves a worth-while amount of time. Make it a rule never to let yourself be completely out of any staple article. Re-order supplies such as soaps and non-perishable foods at least three days before you will need them. Replace articles on your emergency shelf immediately. the time, too, to break your- self of such habits as disorderliness and perpetual tardiness. It's so much easier to put things away when you are through with them than to wait for a general clearing-up time. There's always plenty of that to do anyway, so have a place for everything and -- then have everything in its place. oe oe Friday, June 22, 1945. Full Speed Ahead With the political campaign of sen- sational charges and generous prom- ises being now a thing of the past, there is considerable increase of activ- ities on Parliament Hill where it is known that various plans are in the making for carrying out some of the schemes proclaimed during the cam- paign, especially those which are most urgent at this time in the so-called "transition" from wartime to peace- time economy as well as other plans. Indeed, it is known that some plans had been awaiting the end of the po- litical campaign and general election in order that stability of government may prevail in Ottawa before pro- ceeding with them. With the election now recorded as just another page of Canada's history, the authorities on Parliament Hill may be able to go ahead and carry out the chief aim of the government, including plans to see that all Canadians willing and able to work are given work, that so- cial insurance against all forms of illness, accident, old age and other troubles is brought into existence in time, that proper housing is provided, that Canada shall co-operate with other nations in providing the ma- chinery for preventing future wars, and such other plans as will be ne- cessary. Of course, no veteran ob- server can promise that these and other schemes will be obtained read- ily but everything in Ottawa indicates in no uncertain manner that "full speed ahead" seems to be the order of the day at this time. 20-8 8 Gathering of Representatives It is apparent in Ottawa that the newly elected representatives of the people may be called together for a Session as soon as preparations have been completed for such a gathering since the dissolution of the 19th Par- liament on April 17 had occurred at a time when several important matters were pending, including the budget it- self in addition to other items. Hints of changes in the taxation schedule, especially the relief of income tax payments in the lower brackets, were given lately and action is now expect- WILL DO THE3WORK Baseboard Outlets installed cheaply without muss or fuss. Hydro Shop Our Capitol Correspondent Written exclusively for The Stratford Mirror By Dean Wilson. OTTAWA Phone 460 ed to bring such changes into exist- ence. Then again, there are a multi- tude of other matters of legislation which should be given an airing in the House of Commons. Finally, it would not be surprising if the new session would be more exciting than any of recent years for the simple reason that the opposition forces in the new Par- liament will be greatly increased nu- merically and otherwise, with the of- ficial opposition being led by the Hon. John Bracken, who has much ammu- nition to use against the Government and backed by forces consisting of no less than sixty-odd fellowers. More- over, the C.C.F. have increased their supporters in the House of Commons and an unusually large group of Inde- pendents will be present. In other words the new session will be highly inflammable and no_ rubber-stamp gathering, with open predictions in some quarters on Parliament Hill that it will last likely well over 65 days if the members are to get their full $4,000 sessional indemnity. % * * Ottawa Proposed as World Centre According to a report heard in Ot- tawa, a proposition has been made that Canada's capital, Ottawa, should be made the centre of the new world security organization and three rea- sons have been given for this proposal, namely, that it is the ideal location from a geographical viewpoint, that it is of great international importance, and that it is an outstanding example of the mingling of the two races or cultures, Latin and Anglo-Saxon. * * a Payments For Fighting Forces Judging by the activities of those responsible for carrying out these duties, all is ready in the Department of Finance and other Departments of Where To Go For It BAKERS T. V. B. BREAD CO. A. H. Zurbrigg 56 Huron St. Phone 2345 BOOTS and SHOES LINCOLN SHOE STORES Ltd. Men's and Women's Shoes. 93 Ontario St. Phone 125. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES BENNINGTON ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Oil Burners, Stokers, Stoves, Washing Machines. 92 Ontario St. Phone 595 FUNERAL DIRECTORS GREENWOOD-GILBART Fun- eral Service. 46 Erie Street, Telephone 1760. OVER FIFTY YEARS aes TRAGE MARK REGU: > 1 BEVERAGES the Government in the capital to pay off quickly the men and women who will be leaving the armed sercices by ever increasing numbers during the coming weeks and months in this country's demobilization programme, with millions of dollars going out of the national treasury in the course of these payments of the taxpayers' money as war service gratuities, salar- ies, family allowances, and so forth, though it will be a most impressive bill for some all-time record. When the 1945-46 estimates were passed in the last session of Parliament, seven- twelfths of wdr and civilian estimates were not passed before the Parlia- ment was dissolved. Mother -- "Alfie tells me they told him in school today as how Columbus travelled 3,000 miles on a galleon. Father--"Go on! The boy didn't ought to believe all these motor sales- men's yarns. My Sincere Thanks... to the people of Perth and to the members of the Arm- ed Forces, for the generous support they accorded me on June 11. Sincerely, Theodore Parker 8 SEINE LESLIE GPSS ETRE SEREITOE PI A ORR EIT Drink Milk for Health READ ARTICLE IN THIS ISSUE-- "Fluid Milk" PART I. * MILK FOUNDATION OF STRATFORD