-- es a oe a atoae Bee tne teat Een eo pea. THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, October 19, 1945. Still A Good Book "The British and Foreign Bible So- ciety was formed in 1804 for the pur- pose of translating the Bible into different languages and printing it so that peoples living in all countries could read the Word of God in their own language. At the present time, 141 years later, this Bible has been printed in over 1,000 languages and there are still countries and peoples without the Bible. There are many more languages into which the Bri- tish and Foreign Bible Society wishes to give this Gospel and in order to do this they appeal to the generosity of the peoples of Christian countries to give funds in order that this may be carried on. The Upper Canada Bible Society, an auxiliary of the parent so- ciety ,has a great work in Canada with an office for this district at 14 College street, Toronto. The Stratford branch is- affiliated with Toronto and our gifts go through that channel to carry on this great work. The annual drive is on now in Stratford. Give generously! Capital Correspondent (Continued from page 4) deeds in other Parliaments or in other countries. Weekly Wind-Up "When I see how long its takes to get something done that everybody wants done, I wonder if the mothers, who are used to making quick deci- sions every day, could not do bet- ter," said in part Mrs. Gladys Strum, only woman member of Canada's Par- liament, in the course of a speech in the capital where she stated that she wished there were more women in Parliament not because they are bet- ter than the men but, she felt, that they certainly couldn't be any worse. . . Notwithstanding the story that Bri- tish wives of Canadian servicemen discharged from the forces were "penniless" abroad, yet it is indicated in Ottawa that-an Order-in-Council had provided that payments of de- pendents' allowances should be con- tinued during the interval until transportation to Canada has been arranged so that, when a serviceman has been discharged and application for transportation requested, allow- ances are continued, contradicting the "penniless" angle of the story about British wives of Canadian servicemen. ... "War with Russia is not inevitable and I don't think we should even think of it. An understanding with Russia is not only possible but certain to come. We've got to understand each other," said the leader of the C.C.F., M. J. Coldwell, M.P.. ... Such optimism exists apparently in Ottawa regarding railway affairs in the com- ing year of 1946 that it is hoped than an announcement will be made at about the start of the year of a lifting of restrictions on reduced railway fares. STRATFORD CHIT CHAT (Continued from Page 1) erous giver and the happy recipient. If anyone has not yet had time, re- member, we still need more, and all you possibly can spare will be wel- comed. Visitors From U.S.A. We had a very interesting visit from Mrs. Rolly Rollinson, who will be remembered more intimately as Mae Moulton. She was formerly on the staff of the Benson Johnston Store before her marriage. She, with her young daughter, Dorothy, is visiting her father, who, by the way, is hale and hearty at eighty-nine years of age. Many will remember him as be- ing connected with the Canadian Ex- press Company when it was under the managership of James Brown. It is interesting, when noting Mr. Moul- ton's age, to find that Mrs. Rollin- son's mother is also eighty-nine years old, still living on Home street and enjoying comparatively good health. Mr. Moulton goes out for a walk nearly every day and keeps himself well read on current events. It is a great pleasure to have these unexpected calls from former popular young people of Stratford. GIRLS ARE TOPS, BOYS! The results of an interesting statis- tical study have recently been pub- lished about women students at the University of Michigan that shows the fair sex are in better shape than their supposedly sturdier male sex. The report indicated the co-eds are worrying less, find studies easier and have bettered their posture by more than 700 per cent. The study, covering university from 1919 to 1942, was completed by doctors of the University Health Ser- vice. This is part of the picture it pre- sented: Today's young men and women at Michigan come from smaller families. In 1919 they averaged 2.2 brothers and sisters. Now the figure is 1.7. Generally speaking, students are taller, heavier and healthier, but are more apt to wear glasses, fracture a bone or suffer from acute appendicitis, pneumonia or diabetes. And in 23 years, men students have increased their chest expansion 1-10th of an inch, now being able to stretch to 32.4 inches. NOW - GENERAL WAINWRIGHT'S OWN STORY A gallant hero's story of Bataan, Corregidor and Jap prison camps! It's "THIS IS MY STORY", by Gen- eral Jonathan M. Wainwright, now in the SUNDAY and DAILY DETROIT TIMES. Read the war's greatest human document, "THIS IS MY STORY," by General Jonathan M. Wainwright. UPPER CANADA This Society, organized in this year. REV. M. H. H. PARR, President. Phone 318 STRATFORD BRANCH "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." For this growing and much needed work, Stratford should contribute at least $1,000. This. CAN be done if everybody helps. canvassers will be gratefully accepted. Please contact BIBLE SOCIETY 1850, will be 95 years old Voluntary or MR. JOCELYN, Secretary. Phone 2394w -- Set of 3 = Nested together Basement # CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES wacree BRAND MATCHED MIXING BOWL SET A set of mixing bowls that you will find useful in many ways. Designed to fit your hand, easy to hold, fine for an electric mixer. At- tractive for serving salads, fruits, des- serts. Set of three ..... Phone 2500 In the industrial section of Muncie, Ind., there is a small restaurant oper- ated by an enterprising man. An executive of a factory situated some distance from the eating place observed that the establishment, at ir- regular intervals, displayed a huge American flag. Curious to determine the reason for this periodic patriotism, he went two blocks out of his way one noon to investigate. The mystery was solved when he observed a crudely-lettered sign di- rectly beneath the banner. It read: "Chicken When Flag is Out." "Dear Teacher: Kindly excuse Johnnie's absence yesterday. He fell in the mud. By doing the same you will greatly oblige his mother." A local critic says the next time the leader of a jazz orchestra. asks for what they want the gang to play, he is going to ask them to play checkers or dominoes. Mae West's summation of a Holly- wood success: A guy who owns an 80-room house, a tennis court, a swim- ming pool and has no one to talk to. ® DEANNA...w mertiest mystery in kisstory! RALPH BELLAMY - DAVID BRUCE F GEORGE COULOURIS « ALLEN JENKINS + DAN DURYEA EDWARD EVERETT HORTON + PATRICIA MORISON ELIZABETH PATTERSON + MARIA PALMER » JACQUELINE de Wt | 3 -- DAYS-- 3 STARTING MONDAY detecting .. . in the