Sa ua i. Gg a> aaa at ae es ances 4 Re. sat ee ack r so REE Se at Scat wa a a Page 2 THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, October 26, 1945 OMEWHERE in the back of your S mind, there's that urge to go places. Right now it must be filed under "'Future" but it's part of us as Canadians to want to discover for ourselves what the rest of the world is like--to plan for that "some day," when we'll take a trip! That's why it must be part of our planning now, to make sure such pleasant things as trips are possible in the post-war world. And they'll be possible only if we fight against inflation--fight now to keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar! Why is NOW so important? Be- «cause NOW civilian goods are scarce, amoney is plentiful. NOW is the time 'we must guard against paying more 'than things are worth--against black -markets--against buying more than "we need, or goods we don't need! Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. .. and someday, WE'LL take a trip!" NOW is the time we must support rationing and price controls! Up to the present, we've kept our dollar sound. And we can conttue to do so if we keep up a strong, steady fight against inflation! If we fail in this fight, prices will rise. Wages will never quite catch up. Soon you'll pay, perhaps a dollar for a quarter's worth of goods! And that means your dollar is worth only a quarter! That's inflation. And after inflation, comes de- pression. Depression means neither you nor anyone else in Canada will have trips. You'll be lucky if you have a job! So, for our own sakes, for the sake of returned men, for our children, let's never relax our struggle to keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar! Make this Pledge Today! I pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and unneces- sary buying. I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ation and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices ata normal level. A Smile or Two "Is there anything wrong with us, Pop?" asked the seven-year-old. "What do you mean, Son?" "Well, are we just an average fam- aly?" "I think so. Why?" ' "The boy hesitated, then with a puz- @led expression, said: "Well, I've been Gstening to the program 'The Kra- mers--Just an Average Family,' since | "Will you please tell me," said a before Christmas, and they've been ,member to the teacher, "how far in trapped down a mine, caught five | counterfeiters, put out a fire in an orphanage, and stopped a train rob- bery. The only excitement we ever had around here was the time Rover had a fit and had to be shot." It was Sunday morning in a men's class in a famous Presbyterian church school. jactual miles Dan is from Beersheba? 'All my life I have heard the familiar iphrase' from Dan to Beersheba,' but have never known the distance." Before the answer could be given, another member arose in the back of jthe room and inquired: | "Do I understand that Dan and 'Beersheba are the names of places?" OY pa * "That's one on me. I always thought they were husband and wife, like Sodom and Gomorrah." Fat is avoirdupoison. Newspaper heading: Free Church of Scotland Severs Y.M.C.A. Connection. We are surprised to know that there is a "free' church in Scotland, Friday, October 26, 1945 a THE STRATFORD MIRROR Page 3 A regular department con by Ina S Just Among Ourselves ducted for Mirror readers t. John. DANCING Dear Miss St. John: I am a student sixteen years old. I have just started to go to dances. I notice the other girls don't thank the boy they have danced with. Isn't it right to say "Thank you" when he leaves me? KAY. Answer: The young man thanks the girl he has danced with, Kay. It is customary for her to say some- thing pleasant: "I enjoyed that dance" or "It was fun' INA ST. JOHN. A HALLOWE'EN PARTY Dear Miss St. John: We are giving a Hallowe'en party for our little girl. We have just moved here. Is it all right to invite children she goes to school with even though we do not know their parents? NANCY. Answer: Children's parties are any- thing but formal, Nancy. Inviting the children your little daughter goes to school with will be a delightful way for her to become well acquainted with them. INA ST. JOHN. SCREEN APPEAL Dear Miss St. John: How does one get to be a movie star? Iam considered as beautiful as any. girl on the stage. BLONDIE. Answer: Well, Blondie, it takes more than beauty to get into the "movies." In fact, only a small per- eentage of actresses have natural beauty. No one can tell who is suited for screen work without a screen test. Chances are not bright. One large studio often interviews 4,500 would-be stars to find one suitable for a con- tract. Apparently you are quite young. Why not forget about this ambition until your education is completed? INA ST. JOHN. COMPULSORY EDUCATION Dear Miss St. John: To settle an argument, can you tell us if there is any large Christian country in the world that has not Scott, Crane COMPANY INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones--633 and 2413J 110 ONTARIO STREET Those Old Shoes May last a long time after we have repaired them. We repair Rubbers and put on good Rubber Heels. GEO.WELCH SHOE REPAIR 146 St. Patrick Tel. 1998w compulsory education today? JOHN , BULL. Answer: Spain is still without com- pulsory education, John Bull. INA ST. JOHN. HER CONTRIBUTION Dear Miss St. John: Last week we gathered up all the clothes were are not using for Europe. Our five children keep me so busy I had no time to fix the things up. Many of them need a few stitches to make them good for quite a lot of wear. I have worried since I gave the things. Will the ones with small holes, etc., be discarded? Hoping so much our bundle will help some. BUSY BEE. Answer: Articles do not have to be in perfect condition for European aid, Busy Bee. No doubt the people who receive them will be glad to fix them up. A garment that needs re- pairing is better than none anyway. We believe that every usable garment will be a godsend to someone over there. INA ST. JOHN. WILL DO THE WORK Baseboard Outlets installed cheaply without muss ---- | Two golfers, slicing their drives into the rough, went in search of the balls. They searched for a long time with- out success, while a dear old lady watched them with kind and sympa- thetic eyes. At last, after the search had pro- ceeded for half an hour, she spoke to them. ' "T hope I'm _ not interrupting, Social note sent out by Men's Club jgentlemen," she said sweetly, "but of a western church: Bring your wife |would it be cheating if I told you. or fuss. Hydro Shop and your sugar." where they are?" CROSIER'S--cLOTHIERS 7%. WOMEN OF STRATFORD Be Your Smartest Self In Coats of Ontario "MUSKRAT" These Coats possess more than captivating glamour -- they're beautiful, fashionable wearables that will keep you warm and give you service for many seasons. Styled and tailored from furs raised and trapped in our own Ontario. And these exquisite quality skins cannot be surpassed for beauty or dependability. Our current collection revels in exclusive styling and superior workmanship. They're a grand investment in fashion and value. 375" Coats Fashionably Styled With 'Persian' and 'Silver Fox' Here's a superfine collection of distinctive and fascinating Coats ... wearables ace high in au- thentic styling and smart appearance. Tailored from best obtainable materials, in practical long- wearing weaves. Every garment is a perfect in- vestment in attractive appearance and pleasing winter-time protection. We invite your early in- 3 SMART BLENDS @ Stone Marten @ New Mink F@ Sable.... Each UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE---- SILVER . ™"" 95 00. 125.00 TRIMS Sirs Covel WEDNESDAY mms 49-00" 135.00 Value Quality -- Service J. J. CROSIER And Company 97 Ontario St. Limited Stratford