- Page 6 THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, December 14, 1945. ---- FORTUNATE You are, indeed, to be living in an or- derly community like Stratford ! ACCOUNTANT FRANK P. GIBBS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Established 1923 Beacon-Herald Building Phone 1580 -- BAKERS T. V. B. BREAD CO. _ A. H. Zurbrigg 56 Huron St. Phone 2345 -- BOOKS, STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, GIFTS GREBTING CARDS Patterson Bookstore Wellington at St. Patrick Phone 711 coon BOOTS and SHOES LINCOLN SHOE STORES Ltd. Men's and Women's Shoes. 93 Ontario St. Phone 125. BOND CLOTHES SHOP We have gone all out to returning veterans STRICTLY MADE-TO-MBASURE 88 Ontario St. Phone 1437 CLEANERS JARMAIN'S (STRATFORD) LIMITED Expert Cleaners Dresses, Suits 83 Downie St. Phone 289 Where To Go For And How To Win Cash Prizes -- Contest Interest Growing Throughout the advertisements in this issue there are mis- spelled words. The wrongly placed letters would make up one word of the slogan: HERR'S TAXI AT JIM'S B-A SERVICE STATION : Pick out the advertisements having these misspelled words and send the list to The Mirror Office on, or before, Decem- ber 12th, 1945. Remember, the incorrect letters would make up one word of the slogan: HERR'S TAXI AT JIM'S B-A SERVICE STATION The replies received having the correct answers will be put in a box and a draw made therefrom. The lucky one will receive 2 ONE DOLLAR BILL. In addition all those sending in correct answers for the month of December will have another chance. Three prizes (1) Two Dollars, (2) One Dollar, and (8) Fifty Cents, will be awarded for the month. Members of the Mirror Staff are not to enter the contest and have been asked not to give out any information which might be to the advantage of one contestant over another. One person only in each home can enter the contest each week. LAST WEEK'S WINNER MRS. W. J. HAYES, 114 Brunswick St. The prize of one dollar offered in last week's Where To Go For It Contest was won by Mrs. W. J. Hayes, 114 Bruns- wick St. The Mirror staff sorted out the correct answers from among the many replies. They put the correct answers in a box. Then the Mirror had one of its advertisers, Mr. Charles Baker, make the draw. If the winner will come to The Mirror office for identity, the authority will be given to collect the prize. Hi.ece place your country has won in world affairs ! GROCERS BANNISTER BROS. FAMILY GROCERS Who Give Personal Serviec 153 Nile St. Phone 989 CHARLES BAKER THE NEW CORNER GROCER Corner Nile and Grange Streets MACHINIST Lathe Work Acetylene Welding General Repaics FRED. BAUN 199 Ontario St. MONUMENTS WILLIAMS & SON Marble and Granite Works 149 St. Patrick Phone 1955 MUSIC Phonograph Reocrds and Accessories THE MUSIC SHOP 16 Ontario St. Phone 2458 RUBBER STAMPS A splendid way of putting your name and address on letters and envelopes MIRROR PRESS 123 Ontario St. Phone 115 ------ DRESSES JEAN FERGUSON LADIES' WEAR -- Excluside in Strat- ford for DEJA Dresses. 26 Wellington St. Phone 471 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES BENNINGTON ELECTRIC CO. FURS A. WILKIE LTD. Oil Burners, Stokers, Furrier and Designer Stoves, Washing Machines. 92 Ontario St. Phone 595 |299 Ontario St. Phone 103 =-- DRUGGIST The quality of any I. D.A. Product is guaranteed by K. KALBFLEISCH 75 Ontario St. Phone 306 FUNERAL DIRECTORS GREENWOOD-GILBART Fun- GIFTS eral Service. 46 Erei Street, Telephone 1760. OVER FIFTY YEARS 299 Ontario St. PRICE ELECTRIC Exclusive Westinghouse Dealer TAXI At Jim's B-A Service Station Tel. 527 nase Cor. Erie and Ontario WALLPAPER LADD Wallpaper and Paintc Expert Advisers on Decorating Phone 372| 32 Downte St. Phone 113 i UNITED KINGDOM LEADS IN ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH LONDON --. The machinery and equipment to be installed at the Bri- tish Experimental Station for atomic energy at Didcot will be the most up- to-date in the world, reports the Lon- don Daily Telegraph. The paper states that although the U.S.A. have a pro- duction plant it is understood that they have no experimental station carrying out research on lines compar- able to Didcot. It is hoped that Bri- tain will maintain world leadership in scientific research on atomic energy. United Kingdom scientists played a preponderant part in the years of re- search which culminated in the pro- duction of the atomic bomb. Didcot will not be a production plant but a government research establishment. Begin the day with eagerness To meet its problems square, Complete each task the best you can, Each detail check with care. Let honest dealing be your guide, And fair play be your plan, For good will is an asset On the books of any man. All this do throughout the day And you are sure to find, Your business grow accordingly With your own peace of mind. = CHINA HALL *:~ 84 Ontario St. GIFTS of CHINA and GLASSWARE FOR ALL OCCASIONS J. L. BRADSHAW Phone 179 Friday, December dee eek) AEN BER at 14, 1945. Helps Put 9th Victory Loan Over the Top KIMBERLEY AND DISTRICT MEMORIAL SOCIETY PUR- CHASES BONDS TOTALLING $25,000.00 Kimberley has gone well over the top in Canada's Ninth Victory Loan. The big event occurred on Saturday when the city's quota of $385,000 was passed after only 14 days canvassing. MEMORIAL SOCIETY BIG PURCHASER One of the big subscribers last week-end was the Kimberley and Dis- trict Memorial Society who purchased $25,000 worth of bonds, thus ensur- ing the prize money for the big draw- ing that will take place at a later date. Officers of the Memorial Society re- port that the number of subscribers |the motorist agreed to give him a lift Maybe Needed The street musician was tired, and to the next town. As they were racing at terrific speed down a hill, the motorist sud- denly above the noise of the car: "What instrument do you play?" The musician shouted back: "The violin!" The driver crouched over the steer- ing-wheel, peering ahead. He yelled: "That's a pity!" "Why is it a pity?" demanded the musician. a "It's a pity you don't play the harp!" yelled the motorist. "The brakes won't work!" are steadily increasing and the future is extremely bright. Now that the prize money has been assured all that remains is for a sum of money to be accumulated for the erection of a Memorial Hall for our returned war veterans and other civic improvements and the big drawing will take place when lucky ticket holders will be presented with. $25,- 000.00. "Bo" -- HERR'S -- "El" peg ERR eS pee a ee eee 2. Saee et ' CROSSWORD - - i - By Eugene Sheffer | au 7 ey" cn | & pete Gu 6 76° Uy 27 428 sz BS Y 34 38 Uy YG i : 45 LA 47 WALA 52 155 454 Y 55 Sf 68 Y Y 56 {te 3 HORIZONTAL 44. calyx leaf v 1.shipofficer 46. shank 5. marsh-bird 48. wander / YY, $4 WY) 2. land- 10. fit of ill measure humor 3. sesame 11. sweetsop : 49. adjunct __ 4. choicest part 16. gesture pier) 54. falsehood 5, college ae opie atinns +e pl A 55. type of fuel cheers 21. the mapleg "ae "di ing 06: river in 6.river-islands 22- garden a: ee a x Bohemia 7c 'noid 'flower ar. 57. lease a. 23. translate se 58. humane i orally 14. small bed : 8. burdened 24, narrow 15. ve idasod 59. imitates ' ei i VERTICAL 9. wrote board -regr 1. insane scrawlingly 7. department extremely e aoe in France 18. diminutive gis Gay '| 28. harem roons for Teresa ne ED 30. tree trunk 19. prepares for AIBIA BMS IE IMILINIAIR] 31. blast Be ie SITIE|T PMAIVIAIRII ICIE| 33. Charles ees (SIPIOIRITEMMIE TERT IE] or tame osrebut (JV INIGIE MMOINIE BMAT IL) 38 Treland ao dies song AIClE BASIE IAIT HBgAIL OIE) 41.loose » cea ag RIEID TIOIN Bit |i INIO 43. Asiatic 32. former PIE IN Bs0 IR IT 44 reese ie noble ISIAITIEID MEE IRIA Bee IAIM] 45. Great Lake Ss i ar Oe TIRIOIT MRAIMIE INBRAISIA, 46. stretch over pte aaa R B Y A % e 7 D { R K S| 47. retained of 35. wild plum A'S BIAINITIE , IDIL JES 50 Ss enairee Be PILIAII INIEIR fea SIE JE 1D food 30.4.6 th "TS TE ITITIEIRIS BeRHIALY 51. venomous Guido's scale ofl ad ipo 40, move upward 42, horseman. 3 Average time of solution: 21 minutes. 52. to the right Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. 53, bitter vetcl : - Job Printing with Quick Delivery Tel. 115 LETTER HEADS ENVELOPES Leng} STATEMENTS TIME SHEETS BUSINESS CARDS The Stratford Mirror Press 123 Ontario St. 7 Tramp : relative in the world, _mum." Housewife: nobody to worry over you in case you get hurt. Here, Collie, sick 'im." "T ain't got a friend nor a "Well, I'm glad there's Scott, Crane COMPANY INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones--633 and 2413J 110 ONTARIO STREET Don't Suffer! Hundreds of Patients Are Getting Relief Through PSYCHIC TREATMENTS A few of the ailments success- fully treated:--Pains, Aches and Sareness, Heart and Lung Con- ditions, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Poor Circulation, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Lumbago, Paral zed Limbs, Sinus, Asthma, ore Throat, Goitre and other Growths, Head Noises, Deafness, Running Ears, Mental Condi- tions, Dizziness, Blindness, witching Nerves, Inactive , erves, Stomach Ulcers, Blad- der and Kidneys, High and Low Blood Pressure, Inflammation, Colds, Congested Fluid and swelling Gall Bladder, Appen- dicitis, Weakness of all kinds, Skin Rash, Epileptic Fits, Etc.,. Ete. Consult the Gifted Healer in the Office of The Maitland Photo Studio, 31 Waterloo St. Stratford. Phone 374-M. Those Old Shoes May last a long time after we have repaired them. | We repair Rubbers and put on good Rubber Heels. GEO. WELCH SHOE REPAIR 146 St. Patrick Tel. 1998w ns WILL DO THE WORK Baseboard Outlets installed cheaply without muss Hydro Shop ;