Page 8 THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, December 28, 1945. DO WE LACK MANNERS? In the little village of St. Laurent, on the shores of Lake Manitoba, is a school for boys. Thirty years ago it was presided over by an aged French- Catholic priest, who was a "stickler" for good manners. In fact, the teach- ing of manners and deportment was just as important, if not more so, in his eyes, as any other subject on the school curriculum. And it was a pleas- ure to meet his pupils and observe the results of his training, the court- esy and respect they displayed to their elders. His methods today would, no doubt, be looked upon by many people as old- fashioned, out-of-date, but the train- ing these boys received in the "eraces" at his hands was an asset to them all through life. Since there is great need for the practice of good manners in all branches of society today, why should these two very important arts or graces not be taught in the schools as well as other subjects of which there might be less need throughout one person's intercourse with his fellow creatures? Manners require to be taught. There is no more likelihood of one being naturally well-mannered than of be- ing born a mathematician. Usually. such graces are taught by example at home and by contact with the mulit- tude of people in the causeway of life. But, if, unfortunately ,home life fails in this direction, and the contact with others results only in being hustled about from pillar to post, then the _ child requires instruction as well as example, and where better can he or she get these than at school? Sorry to say, some people are de- cidedly lacking in the usual courtesies 'of speech or habit, but not because of wliful perversity. Perhaps it is taken for granted that these things come by experience, and that innate good breeding will discover itself as child- hood reaches into youth and youth in- to young manhood and womanhood. WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL... Heartiest New Y ear Greetings JEAN FERGUSON 26 Wellington St. Phone 471 " CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORE CDS. and Students model. oD: 5, Price, Each Shop Prrrreriri tira! f Correct Hats : For Dress Wear For Men and Students Neatly designed Wool Felt Hats for Men that have pre-blocked crown and leather sweatband in the smaf€ im We have only a few of these which we are clearing so Shop Early. Dark Green, Dark Brown and two shades of Blue in sizes 6% to 7% in the lot. 1,00 * _@.D.S. Main Floor ' With Confidence-- ' "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" S LiM;7ED AGRE CE RT If the Ontario schools feel that the children are in=need of a course of study in this direction, they are well advised to put it on the school calen- jar. It ought not to shock the sensi- bilities, for a little instruction now and then in any school about the right way to do and say certain things. It would not be amiss and would certain- ly help to make life a little easier for others. Good manners are a pleasure to be- hold, and those who practice that grace on every occasion possible--and it may be admitted that occasions do arise in life where the best disposition breaks -- are happier than when an ill disposition controls them. Teach all the good manners possible at school, for no person ever has too much of them. Jolly Christmas Party Sister Dorothy Buckingham, Noble Grand, presided at a brief Christmas meeting of Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 2, held last week. The main feature of business was donations to the Bas- ket Fund of Stratford and the Santa Claus Fund of Toronto, that others less fortunate than ourselves might have a little more happiness at this glad season of the year. There fol- lowed a delightful hour of music with Sister C. Tough at the piano. All joined heartily in the singing of Chistmas carols and songs. The ex- change of small gifts was the cause of much merriment and the light lunch brought a happy evening to a close. MIRROR READER BEREFT OF BROTHER Mr. F. D. Carey, 201 Front Sti, re- cent winner in a Mirror Contest, has just received the sad news of the sudden passing of his brother Stephen out in Vancouver. The late Mr. Carey has resided in the West since 1901. Mr. Carey was out visiting his brother last June, which was the first time they had been together in thirty- seven years. Oh, he preached it from the housetop, 'And he whispered it by stealth; He wrote all kinds of stuff about The awful curse of wealth. Yes, he shouted it and shouted it, And made the rich man wince! But an uncle left him money-- And he hasn't shouted since. 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